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Nightwatcher Boon/Bane (Game)

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5 minutes ago, GoWibble said:

Sure! In a nice package of water. *BOOF*


I wish for more wishes but only one curse. (should have done this earlier)

Granted, you get unlimited wishes. Your curse is that you can only fulfill other people's wishes.

I wish for candy


Hmm, ninja'ed



Granted, you can only wish for more wishes.

I wish for a job.

@Truthless of Shinovar, granted. Your job is that of a medieval executioner.

Edited by Honorless
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Granted, you disappear with a slight pop. 

"Where did he go?" Your friends ask.

The Nightwatcher sighs, "He divided by zero"


“Boons are Investature. Investiture is energy. Energy cannot be created or destroyed. Matter can be converted into energy. Infinite wishes requires infinite investature, which requires infinite energy, which requires infinite mass. Since he lacked infinite mass, he no longer exists. I estimate he got seventy nine wishes out of it before he no longer existed.”

I wish for applesauce.

Huh....ninjad' :ph34r:

Edited by Butt Ad Venture
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1 hour ago, Butt Ad Venture said:

Granted, you disappear with a slight pop. 

"Where did he go?" Your friends ask.

The Nightwatcher sighs, "He divided by zero"


“Boons are Investature. Investiture is energy. Energy cannot be created or destroyed. Matter can be converted into energy. Infinite wishes requires infinite investature, which requires infinite energy, which requires infinite mass. Since he lacked infinite mass, he no longer exists. I estimate he got seventy nine wishes out of it before he no longer existed.”

see above


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You will discover that you are actually terrified of it, but will be unable to kill it or give it away.


I wish for a version of nightblood that I will be able to wield, and that won't need to feast on my soul or my investiture, taking it's energy directly from the spiritual realm and the investiture of the people I kill, with a warning if it starts to destabilize things, giving me time to sheath it before bad things, (like spiritual realm black holes) happen.

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  U shall be provided the blade Brightriot,  but simply holding it for too long will give sudden shocking , colourful glimpses into the spiritual realm as it feeds directly from it and ur mind not being expansive enough to really understand it ,will be driven near insanity everytime u wield it. U will gain some benefits such as limited futuresight mimicking that of atium but since there is no enhancement of cognitive faculties like atium allomancy induces , u will simply be disoriented and confused in moments. U can only unsheath the blade for at most 10 seconds at a time. Any longer and u will become dizzy and nauseated and soon enough u will become delirious and incapable of telling friend from foe and might even Nick urself by accident. If that doesn't occur , u will soon be so cognitively unsound as to be unable to remember to sheath it. Keep it unsheathed for a few minutes  and ur soul shall be safe but ur mind will be torn asunder. Ur cognitive self will die , leaving ur body a empty husk and a hole in ur spiritweb which can be used to turn u into a living lifeless.

I wish for a lifeless Koloss army whose command phrases cannot be overridden by anyone. 

Edited by PrinceGenocide
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Granted but the Koloss army was used by you for destroying villages, towns.. you got over confident and that led to them getting into a frenzy and you lost their control.. they killed you.. 

congratulatiobs.. now no one can override their commands, they run rampage all over scadrial.. it became a Koloss kingdom now.. who will soon kill each other now that no humans are left. 

I wish for a Dragonsteel blade and the skill And strength to wield it to become the ultimate dueling champion

Edited by The traveller
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30 minutes ago, PrinceGenocide said:


  U shall be provided the blade Brightriot,  but simply holding it for too long will give sudden shocking , colourful glimpses into the spiritual realm as it feeds directly from it and ur mind not being expansive enough to really understand it ,will be driven near insanity everytime u wield it. U will gain some benefits such as limited futuresight mimicking that of atium but since there is no enhancement of cognitive faculties like atium allomancy induces , u will simply be disoriented and confused in moments. U can only unsheath the blade for at most 10 seconds at a time. Any longer and u will become dizzy and nauseated and soon enough u will become delirious and incapable of telling friend from foe and might even Nick urself by accident. If that doesn't occur , u will soon be so cognitively unsound as to be unable to remember to sheath it. Keep it unsheathed for a few minutes  and ur soul shall be safe but ur mind will be torn asunder. Ur cognitive self will die , leaving ur body a empty husk and a hole in ur spiritweb which can be used to turn u into a living lifeless.

Perfect! now I just have to gather a few thousand breaths! that should counter it's effects quite nicely. alternatively, I could just become a zinc ferring, then tap zinc to be able to process the excess information!

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@The traveller I only need one spike, or two if I want to compound, and I could also use medallions. and working as a mercenary or soldier should easily get me enough money to buy breaths. Alternatively, I could maybe become a knight radiant, that should fortify me enough to survive.

Edited by Llstml
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Perfect! now I just have to gather a few thousand breaths! that should counter it's effects quite nicely. alternatively, I could just become a zinc ferring, then tap zinc to be able to process the excess information!

zinc compounding will perhaps allow u to overcome the information overload. However u can still use it for a minute tops . Only a full shard can withstand the shocking overpowering charged glimpses of the spiritual realm. Even with compounding ur mind doesn't truly expand . U require more than just increased speed of thought , u require entirely new cognitive faculties and a.......greater volume of thoughts as well. The information provided doubles every flash btw.

This only applies if u are a natural zinc compounder. If u were to use hemalurgy u will need a minimum of 2 spikes. The spikes will allow compounding but they will also harm u spiritually , warping ur cognitive self as well making u weaker against the onslaught of information. 

So then u will be able to wield it for 30-40 seconds tops for 1 spike , 20-30 for two ,depending on ur mental fortitude.

I also don't know how being a radiant   or  breaths will help u but     find it easier even then for no more than  1 minute tops.

And even then it will soon wear u down. U will feel the mental equivalent of a pewter drag after using it for a minute and will be out for days . 

Also similar to pewter savanthood , it will kill ur mind or atleast drive u insane , way before u develop the required resistance. Ur insanity will kill ur Spren too. Leaving u even more vulnerable.

Edited by PrinceGenocide
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5 minutes ago, PrinceGenocide said:

Idk how breaths will help u but zinc compounding will perhaps allow u to overcome the information overload. However u can still use it for a minute tops . Only a full shard can withstand the shocking overpowering charged glimpses of the spiritual realm. Even with compounding ur mind doesn't truly expand . The information provided doubles every second so soon enough btw.

This only applies if u are a natural zinc compounder. If u were to use hemalurgy u will need a minimum of 2 spikes. The spikes will allow compounding but they will also harm u spiritually , warping ur cognitive self as well making u weaker against the onslaught of information. 

So then u will be able to wield it for 30-40 seconds tops , depending on ur mental fortitude.

I also don't know how a radiant will find it easier but even then 1 minute tops.

A radiant has a chunk of a shards power inside of them, sealing the cracks in their  soul. Breaths invest me, and I am guessing they would help me stay sane, they help with all areas of your health, I believe. I guess I'll just become a splinter. 

TWoA spoilers:


By finding the well of ascension, then rewrite my cognitive self to be more resilient to the visions, increasing my overall time to maybe 10 minutes or so.

Or I guess I could just wear an aluminum lined hat/helmet, that should block the visions, or at least interfere with them.

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