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Nightwatcher Boon/Bane (Game)

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On 9/12/2020 at 2:34 PM, Truthless of Shinovar said:

I wish for just beyond my horizon.

Granted, you're now 2 mm taller. With your added height you get a very real yet imperceptible increase in the distance of your subjectively viewed horizon.

Your bane is that you fart loudly and uncontrollably at the most inopportune times (you have to sit on special acoustic dampening cushions at church, on dates, etc). But over time you gain mastery over your gaseous emissions, and you can modulate the frequency and pitch. So in your later years you accompany the Church Organist on Handel's Messiah, and your rendition of Ode to Joy is known to make the sensitive members of your congregation weep from the sheer beauty of your performance.

I wish someone would pull the Nightwatcher's finger (Answering the deep realmatic mystery, Does her gas glow with Cultivationlight?)

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28 minutes ago, Ark1002 said:

Granted. You have been given the job of a herald, but lack any of their powers. Have fun

I wish for infinite power

Granted, but your bane is that you can only use it to dig military grade latrines. 

I wish for my car to never run out of fuel.

On 9/16/2020 at 3:05 AM, Anticipationspren said:

I wish to be able to let people talk to there lost loved ones one last time

Look up “the wind phone“, it’s this really cool thing in Japan that kinda lets people do that!

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1 minute ago, Truthless of Shinovar said:

Granted, but your bane is that you can only use it to dig military grade latrines. 

I bet I could find some uses for the ability to dig infinite military grade latrines... hmm...

Granted. The drawback is your car can never move again, because that way it doesn't burn the fuel it has. :P

I wish for Moash to die. 

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