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A Memorial for Sharders Past


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Recently, I've noticed a few of my friends and other prestigious Sharders departing, which of course makes me sad that they're gone, but also happy that they're moving on to hopefully bright futures. I haven't been particularly active recently, so I'm not exactly sure about all those who have left now.

Basically the point here and the point of this thread, is I've noticed many Sharders leaving, and I've also noticed that many wonderful Sharders have already left, and I haven't even heard of them! So I decided to make this, a way to keep the memory of our departed friends alive. 

If someone ever comes to mind, bring them up and say something we remember about them fondly :D. It would be a shame for such wonderful people to be completely forgotten.

@Ookla the Last Post
@Ookla the Black Sock
You two seem quite active and knowledgeable in this community, would you help me start?


@Ookla The Storyteller, our friend Calano Corvus, also known as Doomslug the Destroyer :D. Wise beyond his years, sharing lovely relationship advice in his thread, making beautiful music, and writing beautiful stories. He will be remembered for his kindness, his wisdom, his creativity, and many others.

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@Szeth's Facepalm A good friend, a fun person. Wonderful artist.

@Szeth's Pancakes Idk what happened to the link to their profile, but they're awesome.

@Random Bystander An amazing, wonderful person who's been going through a rough time. I hope they come back. They were an awesome per.

@STAG old friend who's been gone for awhile. Made me laugh with his awesomeness.

@Frank of the emerald axes - A good friend who was funny and was a good RPer. Idk about that rep tho.

@Ookla the Stranger the forever ookla. Blake Hawklow was awesome.

I'll be remembering more as time goes by.

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3 minutes ago, Ookla the Black Sock said:

@Szeth's Facepalm A good friend, a fun person. Wonderful artist.

@Szeth's Pancakes Idk what happened to the link to their profile, but they're awesome.

@Random Bystander An amazing, wonderful person who's been going through a rough time. I hope they come back. They were an awesome per.

@STAG old friend who's been gone for awhile. Made me laugh with his awesomeness.

@Frank of the emerald axes - A good friend who was funny and was a good RPer. Idk about that rep tho.

@Ookla the Stranger the forever ookla. Blake Hawklow was awesome.

I'll be remembering more as time goes by.

Szeth_Pancakes is currently OoklA the Ephemeral and isn't quite gone from the Shard as far as I know, but is very inactive.

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2 minutes ago, Ookla the Black Sock said:

@Szeth's Pancakes Idk what happened to the link to their profile, but they're awesome.

@Ookla the Ephemeral!! Last visited on Tuesday, so I don't know if I'd consider them gone :D.


@Cruciatus_heart! Our good friend, also once known as Elf. She always had interesting stories to tell and deep advice to offer! Things seem to be going well and bright for her, which I'm glad about. :D 

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Just now, Ookla the Categorized said:

@Ookla the Ephemeral!! Last visited on Tuesday, so I don't know if I'd consider them gone :D.


@Cruciatus_heart! Our good friend, also once known as Elf. She always had interesting stories to tell and deep advice to offer! Things seem to be going well and bright for her, which I'm glad about. :D 

Yeah, I didn't realize they were an ookla so couldn't check.

Elf is a lurker now! She's one of the best people I've known on here. She was here last on Wednesday, tho.

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15 minutes ago, Ookla the Categorized said:

@Ookla the Ephemeral!! Last visited on Tuesday, so I don't know if I'd consider them gone :D.


@Cruciatus_heart! Our good friend, also once known as Elf. She always had interesting stories to tell and deep advice to offer! Things seem to be going well and bright for her, which I'm glad about. :D 

Ah, I miss Elf too! She gave the best book recommendations, some of my current favorites were recommended by her. She was awesome, I miss having her around!!

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@danex. Not sure what happened to him, nor do I think I'm qualified enough to memorialize him. He might just be a little inactive.

...He was a cool guy. I liked his SUs.

Hopefully we'll see him around again sometime.

19 hours ago, Ookla the Magician said:

@Channelknight Fadran, a fantastic writer, artist, and author of the shards best rp's (imo)

I second this, but would also like to mention @Channelknight Fadran's exquisite SUs. Both he and danex were masters at those little updates. I kind of hope to aspire to their point sometime, as there's a lack of SUs like that these days.

But everything you said about Fadran was correct.


I probably have about a year left before i leave on my mission...maybe less if some things go certain ways...




Edited by Ookla the Interstellar
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3 hours ago, Ookla the Interstellar said:

@danex. Not sure what happened to him, nor do I think I'm qualified enough to memorialize him. He might just be a little inactive.

...He was a cool guy. I liked his SUs.

Hopefully we'll see him around again sometime.

I second this, but would also like to mention @Channelknight Fadran's exquisite SUs. Both he and danex were masters at those little updates. I kind of hope to aspire to their point sometime, as there's a lack of SUs like that these days.

But everything you said about Fadran was correct.

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I probably have about a year left before i leave on my mission...maybe less if some things go certain ways...




Oh yeah! I definitley miss that too. I could read fadran ranting about science or movies for hours lol

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On 12/16/2023 at 12:14 AM, Ookla the Categorized said:

I saw the @ in this topic and was all "I'M NOT DEAD YET!!!" Phew 😅

(I'm touched that you think of me as knowledgeable! It warms my heart.)

I miss @Shining Silhouette. He's on his mission, so luckily it''s just a temporary absence! Really cool guy, smart, articulate, talented, and always so nice. I kinda look up to him ngl.

@Cruciatus_heart - still lurking but not really on here any more. She's one of the only people active in my timezone, so we interacted a ton! I have so many great memories of just chatting about random subjects.

@Szeth's Facepalm is genuinely so, so, funny - like I can't count the times their posts made me laugh out loud. A really sweet person too!

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