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Stormlight 5 interlude reading (cosmere spoilers)

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That was insane! I love it. I've listened to it like 2 times already, with the ending even more. The Iriali departure knocked my socks off - I was not expecting it to be like that (at first I was wondering if this would happen, but because of the 17th Shard members I thought it wouldn't). It overshadowed everything else that happened in this interlude. I want to see fanarts of this already - it was epic!

Now I wonder if Cusicesh assumed the role of Iriali's protector once they've arrived on Roshar or did he come with them and he always has been their protector and guide, and isn't from Roshar? Was he created on Roshar by Iriali's beliefs and perception, like some kind of personification of their Long Trail?

I think this more or less confirms the 5th Land location, Cosmere spoilers:



I really want to see the reaction of Fused and Regals for the entire nation, which sided with them, just leaving through spontaneous perpendicularities that appeared in every city. They must have been dumbfounded.

And HOW Baon knew this/something was coming? Fortune like Hoid is using?

Who was the Feruchemist healer? I wonder...

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6 minutes ago, alder24 said:

I think this more or less confirms the 5th Land location, Cosmere spoilers:

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I'm inclined to think that it's


Lumar, considering the references in that novel.


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I was babysitting at my neighbours house, the kids were asleep so I was trying to use the wifi from my house to watch the stream. When Brandon started the reading I was freaking out but I had to stay quiet so I didn't wake them up . Then the guy came back and I rushed through talking to him nd ran home, then scared my mom by how suddenly and aggressively I entered the house and opened my computer. But it was very exciting.

The interlude was so good! I found it a bit weird how when the mom met the 17th shard, she was like "hey, you killed Ym!" and they were like, "no, that was some other guy" and then she was just totally fine with that and went "Oh yeah, also here's a letter." 

The Cusicesh stuff was crazy! There are so many theories about Cusicesh and I can't wait to see what people make of this. 


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Just now, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:


I'm inclined to think that it's

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Lumar, considering the references in that novel.


Well, I'm basing this on the fact that, Cosmere spoilers:


in TLM there was a mention of some "fairy people with golden hair," and because the most problematic thing about Scadrial being the 5th Land is timeline, this interlude fixes it. TLM ch 32:


“So,” she said, running a hand through her disheveled hair, “you know who killed Tobal? Was it those people with the golden hair living on the east side? They’re some kind of fairy creature; I know it.”

Lumar of course is a confirmed candidate for another land, 5th or 6th, but because the story of Tress happens so far in the future of Cosmere, near its end, it would make perfect sense to be the 6th Land. Iriali would depart to 7th Land and be there during "the conclusion" of Cosmere (by WoB they play a role in the future).


Also I love the way Brandon said Demoux line "odd behavior for a perpendicularity of this nature".

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I’m wondering how whatever transported the Iriali had enough investiture to open so many perpendicularities. We are told its honor’s but we also know that there was one opened in every major Iriali city. That’s a lot of investiture to spontaneously appear.

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Makes me wonder, the POV calls Hoid the Trickster Aspect. Is he something fabricated directly by Adolnasium? Since shards have intent (Ruin, Honor, Autonomy, etc.), does Hoid have an intrinsic intent, and his true name could be something like Artifice or Guile? Not a shard, but something inhuman. Makes me wonder how much Hoid will contribute to SA5 and push the boundaries of non-intervention. 

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15 minutes ago, UnseenCourt said:

Random tangent but I was a huge fan of Zu and Ua'pam in ROW and was hoping she would get a bigger role in future books. So is there a chance she stays or is the journey mandatory even for those bonded to a spren(as seen with the mother) ?

Good question. I think it's very likely she will stay, as the interlude mentioned that Perpendicularities opened in every major Iriali city. Wherever Zu is, it isn't likely to be at home. She might hear the message but miss the departure, which would be really sad if you asked me. But she might try to join them by using Oathgates, a column of so many people migrating should be really slow, easy to catch up.

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2 hours ago, Johnny Silverlight said:

Does anyone else think that maybe Cusicech opened the Perpendicularities and started the journey to the Fifth Land because of what's going to happen to Roshar when Dalinar duels Odium's champion?


Because I do.

Could that imply that all the departures of the Iriali were because of rising tentions on the planet?

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4 hours ago, Walter The Moral said:

Could that imply that all the departures of the Iriali were because of rising tentions on the planet?

Tress Spoilers, I think? Woops, forgot that it's not spoilers anymore.

Brandon has said in a WOB that the Iri left Lumar around the time when Xsis, a Dragon, arrived there.

So it seems like there is a potential pattern there.

Edited by JustQuestin2004
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I loved the interlude but have a lot of questions. The main one is how did Cusicesh open all those perpendicularities? I can't remember the exact wording but the spren says I will guide you on the 5th migration. Can we assume Cusicesh was there for all of the other migrations? How would a spren get connected to the migration in the first place? My crackpot theory is the Cusicesh isn't a spren but is something else that is sprenlike in qualities but more powerful and can somehow travel amongst planets. 

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17 hours ago, Walter The Moral said:

Could that imply that all the departures of the Iriali were because of rising tentions on the planet?

Yeah, I think they are getting out of town before whatever is about to go down happens. I’ll be curious to see who actually decides it’s time to go. It’s mentioned that similar portals are appearing in all major cities. Cusicesh seems like it is just carrying out something handed down to it. Perhaps by Honor since Honor’s perpendicularity is being used?

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1 hour ago, Child of Hodor said:

Yeah, I think they are getting out of town before whatever is about to go down happens. I’ll be curious to see who actually decides it’s time to go. It’s mentioned that similar portals are appearing in all major cities. Cusicesh seems like it is just carrying out something handed down to it. Perhaps by Honor since Honor’s perpendicularity is being used?

I don't think it is Honor's perpendicularity - at first the mother described it as that, which means she is aware of its random appearance, but later realized what's going on. Cusicesh might have a special ability to draw investiture directly from SR and open perpendicularities based on Connections - in places where most Iriali are present. But from which Shard he is drawing it's hard to say - it may be the one closest to the land they are, or it can be anyone.

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