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People you wouldn't want to meet in a dark alley


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11 hours ago, 2001Kra said:

I'd like to point out that this is true.

I'd like to point out that Ark is correct.

10 hours ago, erbiL ohcnaG said:

I'd like to point out that pointing is rude and that we should all stop pointing. It's making our points uncomfortable.

I'd like to point out that Gancho is correct.

9 hours ago, MacThorstenson said:

I would like to say that that statement is hypocritical. 

I'd like to point out that Mac is correct.

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11 minutes ago, Voidus said:

I'd like to point out that Ene is now the most correct, assuming we take correctness as measured by how many correct statements are within a single post.

I'd like to point out that I like Voidus's way of doing things; therefore, he is correct.

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On 1/9/2019 at 11:27 AM, erbiL ohcnaG said:

I'd like to point out that pointing is rude and that we should all stop pointing. It's making our points uncomfortable.

In this case do you detest upvotes? Up is a direction and these arrows do pointpoint in a direction called up. I do believe this is why they are called upvoted

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48 minutes ago, Ark1002 said:
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I assumed the joke in that was obvious...
















The mods don't like it even if you are joking.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A year had passed since Voidus had been released. Since Sudiov started suppressing the powers of DA members. Since Mac had snapped, gaining access to the magic of the Void. 

Since Mac had failed.

He had one job, and- No. Now was not the time for pity. He can pity himself afterwards. Right now he had a mission. Albeit a tiny one, but it was still a job.

The Department of Counter Intelligence had been reformed after Sudiov got out. Their main focus right now was on Sudiov. And they may have a way to fight against him.

Walking around a pile of gravel, Mac looked into the lab to see Maq hard at work, smashing rocks with spikes. 

Mac tipped his hat at him then continued walking. Storms, why did I do that? He's blind for Ruin's sake. He shifted a folder to his left arm as he opened the Door to one of Voidus' labs. No luck. He had been searching for him all morning. Unfortunately Voidus could be difficult to find. So difficult that a disappearance of 16 years wasn't out of the norm.It didn't excuse his slopyness, but- Again with the failure. Can't think about that right now. Where is he? I suppose that I might as well check with his secretary. 

Mac made his way out of his lab and knocked on Voidus' secretary's office. Mac never knew why he had one, but it was useful when you couldn't find Voidus. Ringing the bell, he tentatively asked, "Could you please let Voidus know that I would like to meet with him?"

He walked over to a chair and sat down, then reached into his pocket and pulled out a cadmium spike that granted Allomatic cadmium.

He slid it into the bind point, downed a vial of Cadmium, and then began burning it.

While contacting the secretary would get you a meeting with Voidus, it could often take a while.

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Three weeks later the office door opened, and Voidus stepped into the office, his eyes even more sunken than usual and suit in disarray. He shot a questioning glance towards his secretary, Bill, before noticing the other person in the office.

"Mac. You're back on your feet already?"

The process of having large sections of his spiritweb torn from his body couldn't have been easy to recover from, and to have gone as far as Snapping into Voidmaking powers was likely even less pleasant.

Voidus' eyes flickered over to a wall for a moment, peering through it towards something in the far distance he let out a soft groan. He watched a faint path of darkness begin to expand down the corridor of one of the Alleys, another attack from Sudiov. With a moments concentration he sent a second patch of darkness to the same area, watching as the two struggled briefly before they both withdrew.

"I've been a little... distracted recently." Voidus admitted. "But I can spare a moment."

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