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People you wouldn't want to meet in a dark alley


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Image result for light side we have cookies rwby
Oh no
Can I even trust Oz anymore? What if he got Ruby when she ate those? How did you guys even get to Remnant in the first place? It's not Brandon, so surely it's not in the Alleyverse! I liked Ozpin! This is a betrayal! Is Oscar spiked? IF ONE OF YOU GOT OSCAR THEN YOU WILL REGRET IT.
*runs off, screaming about cookies and conspiracies and corrupted Relics and how one would spike out a Maiden's powers and generally just going mad*
Edited by AonEne
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  • 2 weeks later...
1 hour ago, Drake Marshall said:

You know, it occured to me that more and more sites are asking users to accept cookies, but this one probably does it the best :ph34r:

Secretly the admins just wanted a subtle way to get people to agree to cookies, and called on someone to do this for them.

Interestingly, I have a friend who misunderstood and thought we were talking about digital cookies in her introduction thread.

Edit: This is this topic's 1600th post.

Edited by Kidpen
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Well, I've been in the lab a while. I come back and we've been promoted to Subforum! @Voidus, I knew we'd go far, but I'd thought this wouldn't happen for another hundred cycles at least. I'm proud of all of you wonderful Denizens who have made the Alley what it is today. We've endured wave upon wave of copycat guilds who sought to mimic, subvert, and undermine us. But we've held firm to the lights of Science and Baking, as we shall for time increments to come.

Here's to the Future, the illusion of Time, and to Baked Goods that know no equal. 


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  • 2 weeks later...

Mack walked into the Dark Alley, with his robes on and a card in his hand. As predicted, he was stopped by the time he made it a few alleys in by a pair of guards.

"Listen, I just have a message for @Voidus, I need him to do something for me, can you guys deliver this card to him?" The guards grabbed the card, and turned and walked off.

The card read:

Hello Voidus,

I have recently discovered an interest in using hemalurgy in my creations, as it enables them to have more personality. Right now I am working on creating automatons, but I am running into issues in giving them free will and making them sentient. I was wondering if it would be possible for me to view the work that the DA has made in this area, so that I don't rediscover the wheel, so to speak. You know how to find me if you want to respond. Mainly because you can see everything and can teleport. Consider the 3 dozen samples of my soul that you have doubtlessly collected by now as your payment.


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 8/25/2018 at 1:00 PM, Fatebreaker said:

Well, I've been in the lab a while. I come back and we've been promoted to Subforum! @Voidus, I knew we'd go far, but I'd thought this wouldn't happen for another hundred cycles at least. I'm proud of all of you wonderful Denizens who have made the Alley what it is today. We've endured wave upon wave of copycat guilds who sought to mimic, subvert, and undermine us. But we've held firm to the lights of Science and Baking, as we shall for time increments to come.

Here's to the Future, the illusion of Time, and to Baked Goods that know no equal. 


We came before and will endure til long after.


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1 minute ago, MacThorstenson said:

Dissecting jackals is awesome! I was doing it last week in alley 542. Unless the jackals have been revived and over run that alley, they should still be dissecting them.

I actually just got a report from alley 542, they said that the jackals seem to have absorbed some energy from some spiked dinosaurs and were now creating a religion based around worshiping Kelsier.

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