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1 hour ago, Amanuensis said:

I am aware that @Archer successfully PM'd Wizard too. Thoughts, Arch? ((ED1T: So did Fae, btw))

>.> Wiz is a snitch 


On the subject of TJ's action, I fully believe it because I am a limited Smoker. A lot of actions won't work against me - including alignment scans, unfortunately. I highly doubt that anyone else has this role, but on the off chance someone wants to also claim it, I'll just say that the flavor has to do with reading the rules. 


I also agree with Mat that Drake deciding to stop killing right about the time our suspect pool got really small is a bad look. Realistically I don't want to exe them, but I'd appreciate an alignment scan on them if possible. 


As for Ashbringer, my money's on they're a Thug going for broke. They're on my potential exe list. I'd rather do Steel over Biplet. Silh also needs to die eventually. 

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2 hours ago, |TJ| said:

@Matrim's Dice please confirm if you have a night action if you can.

I don't, no.

2 hours ago, Amanuensis said:

@Matrim's Dice did you receive a PM today from UPS? :ph34r:

I did! :D.

Sorry, that'll be all from me for a few hours. Can just respond to pings atm. Looks like you're having fun though :P.

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18 minutes ago, Araris Valerian said:

Archer had asked me to check him for Trolling a previous Turn. Which seems kinda odd if he knew my action would fail.

It would have worked then, but that ship has since sailed. I guess there's no reason to be clandestine about it in this situation so here's the highlights

What You Don't Know

-Day action to activate, the flavor being that I declare I have not read the rules

-I get a bubble of ignorance that gives me invincibility to some actions 

-The GMs have very deliberately PAFOed questions about this role but not my other one, which I believe is confirmation that they are Trolls. :P. Also because I've since discovered that it can't be turned off. I had a theory that roleblocking could but it appears not

-Interestingly, I don't get told if people target me. Or at least I didn't yesterday

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27 minutes ago, Archer said:

It would have worked then, but that ship has since sailed. I guess there's no reason to be clandestine about it in this situation so here's the highlights

What You Don't Know

-Day action to activate, the flavor being that I declare I have not read the rules

-I get a bubble of ignorance that gives me invincibility to some actions 

-The GMs have very deliberately PAFOed questions about this role but not my other one, which I believe is confirmation that they are Trolls. :P. Also because I've since discovered that it can't be turned off. I had a theory that roleblocking could but it appears not

-Interestingly, I don't get told if people target me. Or at least I didn't yesterday

So you submitted an order D3 to smoke yourself? :huh:


@Araris Valerian who do you have a PM with? Archer or TJ?

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4 minutes ago, Amanuensis said:

So you submitted an order D3 to smoke yourself? :huh:


@Araris Valerian who do you have a PM with? Archer or TJ?

He has one with me. And no, it was D2 because he'd indicated a preference for scanning the alignment scanner, which made more sense 

1 minute ago, |TJ| said:

i dont have a pm with anyone bro.

TJ didn't receive a GM PM and is really just a spectator

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I see.

Archer. Is part of the reason you haven’t killed me yet because I’ve been Village reading you? <_< I suppose it wouldn’t matter since I could still talk, but my vote would be less useful and you can render my roles useless with role blocks anyway, so…

I wish Xino was still alive to Multiquote me and see who blocked me :(

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So Archer can no longer be targeted by certain abilities. I don't entirely know what to think, but I previously had a village read on Archer for reaching out to me and identifying that my joke role claim wasn't entirely a joke. He indicated he had a chance to get an alignment scan and wanted to know if he was Trolled. I'm not sure an elim would bother doing that.

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7 minutes ago, Amanuensis said:

Same question to @Shining Silhouette

I said earlier, but no I don't have a night action, all I have is my day vote manip

7 minutes ago, Amanuensis said:

(sorry @Shining Silhouette, my memory this game is so jumbled)

No problem, me too :P

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Just now, Amanuensis said:

do you have a role that would similarly cause my action to fail?

No. I'll go ahead and claim. I'm a Meme Maker, which is just a trollscan. It hasn't given me much so far, and I forgot to submit an action last night because Opera

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5 minutes ago, Biplet said:

No. I'll go ahead and claim. I'm a Meme Maker, which is just a trollscan. It hasn't given me much so far, and I forgot to submit an action last night because Opera

@Araris Valerian:ph34r:


@Random Bystander I think I know who to scan. Verifying Mat a second time could prove both him and UPS as Village.


Oh and to clarify the first Mat scan, I suggested Mat to UPS and they immediately agreed. I forget who said they believed UPS code it themself. Maybe @Ashbringer

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7 minutes ago, Shining Silhouette said:

I said earlier, but no I don't have a night action, all I have is my day vote manip

I forgot to mention, that's not an alignment indicative role to have. Can you turn a zombie's no vote into a vote, because wasting Tani's wouldn't be a bad idea. 

5 minutes ago, Amanuensis said:

Verifying Mat a second time could prove both him and UPS as Village.

To satisfy my curiosity about who the UPS is, I'd like everyone to attempt a left-hand turn, please and thanks >:)


The premise of this joke is that UPS drivers famously avoid making left turns in order to speed up their routes. The UPS doesn't actually need to claim

6 minutes ago, Biplet said:

No. I'll go ahead and claim. I'm a Meme Maker, which is just a trollscan. It hasn't given me much so far, and I forgot to submit an action last night because Opera

Do you scan whether someone was trolled or that someone is a troll/ing? 

1 minute ago, Araris Valerian said:

Porch-Sitter is the one that added a vote to myself. 

inb4 that's all that the role does

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1 minute ago, Biplet said:

You scan if someone is trolled. If you're trolled you get the wrong answer

Fun fact, you can never tell if you were trolled by scanning yourself by those rules

3 minutes ago, Amanuensis said:

I still don't understand why this is a thing :wacko:

That's Araris. He just seems to attract a vote every round out of respect

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Okay, so we know at this point the elims have a Wallposter, whether it's TJ (supported by Archer on two fronts: Spidering TJ RBing Mat and TJ's RB failing on Archer) or another player (who is obviously never going to claim it). Since there's no good way to prove the second, the best step would be to kill TJ now and see if I stop getting Roleblocked. Otherwise we have to follow a different lead until a village PM Spider or RPer uncovers the e!Wallposter's role.

So, PM Spiders. We know Wizard and Fae, who are, in my opinion, the most likely village. At the very least, their alignments are tied; and if we imagine an e!Fae, e!Wizard world, we'd have to ask why Fae didn't use her PMs and then PM'd Wizard this turn (she forgot and to keep up the act?). I don't find that super likely, so then we have to look at Archer and UPS, yes?

I would be very surprised if the elims didn't have at least one PM Spider and that they weren't making use of them. And as I said at the start of this turn, UPS PM'd me to clarify that Archer's claim of seeing TJ's N2 result was possible, which I felt could have been a pseudo-defense of them after my Two Worlds post at the end of the night.



  • Spider!Wizard scans Araris on N2. Finds out that Araris targeted TKN N1.
  • UPS informs me the possible results they can get: Target's Role, Target's Alignment, Target's Target, Target's Targetee(s)
  • Spider!Archer claims to have scanned TJ N2. Finds out that TJ targeted Mat N2.

Originally, UPS figured discovering Alignment would be 1/4 odds, and I shrugged and nodded my head. That becomes more complicated if PM Spiders can discover targets from any night, past or current.

That seems... weird to me. Not impossible, but weird.

So two theories.

  1. World #1: PM Spider's can't see actions that happen the current turn (redundancy with Xino's claimed role, Multiquoter). e!Archer is lying to support e!TJ's claim.
  2. World #2: PM Spider's can't discover alignments (redundancy with Vote Analyst and Tie Guy). e!UPS is lying to clear e!Mat.


Or, somehow, all of Archer, TJ, Mat, and UPS are village? I'm apprehensive. Especially when I'm certain the elims have a PM Spider, and it's not Wiz or Fae.

TJ / Archer / maybe UPS?


Otherwise, I have to probably look into a e!UPS world, and then figure out how that works with the V!Mat scan


All this to say that I still want Biplet (I know I'm editing this in, but I already voted her - just doing it again for emphasis) dead. I signaled very hard that I was going to kill her last night, and if she was Village, there would be no reason for the elims to not let the kill go through.

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3 minutes ago, Amanuensis said:

Otherwise, I have to probably look into a e!UPS world, and then figure out how that works with the V!Mat scan

Mechanically accusing someone but refusing to divulge their identity isn't very cash money of you


I would be very surprised if the elims didn't have at least one PM Spider and that they weren't making use of them

Counterpoint: I've done a terrible job of using my PM :P. 

Also, am I supposed to be covering for TJ when Tani could have submitted the kill so he wouldn't have to?

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38 minutes ago, Archer said:

Mechanically accusing someone but refusing to divulge their identity isn't very cash money of you

Counterpoint: I've done a terrible job of using my PM :P. 

Also, am I supposed to be covering for TJ when Tani could have submitted the kill so he wouldn't have to?

I'd have preferred to let them reveal themselves if necessary, but at this point I think it's obvious to most players, and especially the elims (especially especially if they're elim). Anyway, UPS has been a fitting term because the player in question has the same number of capitalized letters in their name :P

Araris and Wizard? Fair :P

You're not covering for TJ on N3, no. But you saw him RB Mat N2, right? Are you sure you didn't see him RB Mat N1? Because I've been RB'd N2 and N3 now. If you vouch that he didn't RB me N2 then he can't be the e!Roleblocker. You only cover his N3 action by his claim of failing to RB you. What's the name of that role again?


Also, Current Vote Count:

Archer (2): Shining Silhouette, |TJ|
Biplet (2): Amanuensis, Matrim's Dice
|TJ| (1): DrakeMarshall
Steeldancer (1): Archer


Wait! @|TJ|! No way you can RB the same player twice in a row! That would be nearly as unbalanced as Goalkeepers protecting the same player twice in a row! Maybe they had to trade off? This implies Mat is village then.

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I think I'm cool with voting Biplet out. Like I said before, I'm leaning village on Archer. Shining is still on my radar as someone that escaped multiple exes and someone I'd consider voting today as well.


38 minutes ago, Archer said:

That's Araris. He just seems to attract a vote every round out of respect

That's kinda the flavor of the role :P

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