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Off the top of my head in this moment




But I’d need to reread to affirm those. The people I most want to get a read on is Stick and Alv. JNV, Archer, and turtle have more or less convinced me they’re village, but those reads are more or less based on one post. Still tunneled on Kas and I don’t think we should forget about Bookwyrm.

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2 minutes ago, Matrim's Dice said:

Off the top of my head in this moment




But I’d need to reread to affirm those. The people I most want to get a read on is Stick and Alv. JNV, Archer, and turtle have more or less convinced me they’re village, but those reads are more or less based on one post. Still tunneled on Kas and I don’t think we should forget about Bookwyrm.

*gives pie*

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6 hours ago, Kasimir said:

@Shining Silhouette declining to get involved, versus @Tani apparently flipping a coin between Mat and Wiz. With regard to Chaos!Silho, I think it's fair to make the point that Silho was a bit more helpful in previous games even in chaos mode. Silho, what's your view of the game right now? Similar question for Tani.

Basically I know very little, not having had time/energy to read D1 yet (on Monday I was physically exhausted pretty much all day and didn't want to do thinking, Tuesday around rollover time I threw up and got a lot better but not all the way better, today I'm better. Also, rollover is in the middle of the night for me. I will never be awake for it.) Also there've been times where when I don't do anything C1 I get NKd quick, and I wanted to participate somehow and voting is participation but I had no reads, having not read anything.

Also, the thread was thirteen pages long the first time I looked at it, so I'll probably read it eventually but maybe not.

Sorry. Should I have just not voted?

Turtle's/Poke Vote's challenge:

V: Probably Kas

N: umm. JNV.

E: UmMMmm.

Can I still have pie even though I don't know enough yet to have elim reads?

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6 hours ago, Kasimir said:

 @Chantara choosing to slot onto a side-train is also a very safe choice. Why Mat? You could plausibly just go onto me, since you indicated you wanted to. I was more or less trying to get a pizza commission from me-voters anyway.

5 hours ago, Matrim's Dice said:

Chantara’s vote definitely makes me squint, but I totally could see newer me doing that, so who knows.

I didn't really want to pick you, Kas, but I did want to give you pizza. I decided against it though.

As to why Mat, I panicked. I didn't really want to vote someone out (feels bad to do that day 1), but I felt the need to vote because not voting looks really bad while voting for someone is less bad looking? And....

5 hours ago, Archer said:

My guess is that people who arbitrarily limit their options based on the VC are doing it because of thread fatigue, not malice. They figure votes have been cast for a reason, so it's easier to pick among three than twenty. 

I didn't have words for it, but Archer nailed it for me. I'd rather have a vote in there, so as not to be accused of not participating, especially since I tend to hover over the thread, but I didn't really necessarily want someone to jump ship on a tie and have my vote be the one to vote someone out (or worse be the reason it's a tie and they have to RNG the sacrifice), so I picked someone already being voted for, but who wasn't in danger of being voted out.


43 minutes ago, ookla the POKE VOTE said:

wanna do a top read bottom read null read game?

say who your top v read is, your top e read, and someone you read as null

I'll play this game!

V: Kas

E: Szeth/Ookla the Omniscient- Feels sus their vote for Wiz then being so dramatic about the results at the beginning of the night.

N: Stick- they could be elim, they could be village, they could just be busy. Hard to say.


To everyone who has played more than I: Would a tie be a good way to confuse the villagers of who the elims might be? Or is it a good way to sus them out? Does it depend on the game? I'd like your opinions.

Edit: Dessert: atm frozen bananas and nutella

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2 minutes ago, Matrim's Dice said:

Can everyone who put Kas as the strongest v try to convince me of that? Just checking that it isn’t an automatic effort clear.

-lots of talking and i don’t mean to super effort clear kas but it feels quite v

-self voted at a time when self voting was not optimal

i can make a longer case later am pressed for time

also lawns suck. ask me about that later but they literally contribute to droughts


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1 minute ago, Matrim's Dice said:

Can everyone who put Kas as the strongest v try to convince me of that? Just checking that it isn’t an automatic effort clear.

It's easy. Kas is just that awesome. :P


Mine mostly is probably what I think you're classifying as an "effort clear," but it does seem to me like it's v!Kas. Also, Kas is probably the only one I'll "effort clear" because this seems like what he's done in every v!Kas game I've been in, and I've heard that he has a hard time putting in lots of effort when he's elim.

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It's a bit of a tunnel, but I could see e!Kas self-voting to soft-clear himself. My whole thing about Kas is that he seems too much like his v self in a game where he's talking about changing playstyles. I don't think effort clearing works here for that reason. But all my reads are light rn b/c it's N1 so idk

Edit: and yes ik he wasn't talking about himself changing playstyles and not in this context but it's obviously on his mind and it could be him covering

Edited by Ookla the Omniscient
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12 minutes ago, Matrim's Dice said:

Can everyone who put Kas as the strongest v try to convince me of that? Just checking that it isn’t an automatic effort clear.

It’s just a gut feeling, and I enjoy his analysis. I don’t have a reason per se…. It’s really early in the game to have a solid read on anyone. I’ll come up with more concrete reason for everything as the game progresses. 


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1 minute ago, Ookla the Omniscient said:

It's a bit of a tunnel, but I could see e!Kas self-voting to soft-clear himself. My whole thing about Kas is that he seems too much like his v self in a game where he's talking about changing playstyles. I don't think effort clearing works here for that reason. But all my reads are light rn b/c it's N1 so idk

that was a game where he was talking abt changing styles and then has a Sense Of Obligation appear and stopped the twitter posts

i think that’s the game you’re talking abt

im reading through my elim games from earlier and i think i found an elim tell of mine so i’m gonna try to use it a bit here lololol

also yall pls answer the question it helps so so much

and um i’m thinking at this point my illwei read is stronger than my kas read

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Guys, don’t effort clear Kas, I will link a game if you want >> If we’re real I’m probably the one who’s wrong but I’m not about to just be like ‘this checks out with v!Kas’ because of course it does, Kas is a good player :P. I do think he’s catchable later but I have full confidence in his D1 capability to have played that as elim.

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8 minutes ago, Ookla the Omniscient said:


i don't have any idea what you're talking about

i'm talking about like pg 4 or 5 or sumn this game



i thought you were talking abt the game where he said he would use a different style

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1 minute ago, ookla the POKE VOTE said:


i thought you were talking abt the game where he said he would use a different style

No I was just saying that he's been talking like "don't sus people for using different playstyles"

So it's obviously on his mind

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7 minutes ago, Ookla the Omniscient said:

No I was just saying that he's been talking like "don't sus people for using different playstyles"

So it's obviously on his mind

ah ok

smh we were supposed to leave at 10 am but it’s 230 pm so we’re getting there at 8pm :/

i hate road trips with a burning passion

edit: honestly whether or not kas dies will say a lot of stuff abt kas’s alignment

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21 minutes ago, Ookla the Omniscient said:

No I was just saying that he's been talking like "don't sus people for using different playstyles"

So it's obviously on his mind

You know. I really want to yell at you for this but also not because this means you are the best human being in the game for not reading my PMs :P

...Shining sent me a thread PM early on asking me about my opinion on playstyles being indicative of alignment change. I've been literally responding to his questions. That's it.

You can open the double spoilers to check if you want to, I'm cool with that since everyone and their chull has been apparently reading my PMs >:(

27 minutes ago, Matrim's Dice said:

Guys, don’t effort clear Kas, I will link a game if you want >> If we’re real I’m probably the one who’s wrong but I’m not about to just be like ‘this checks out with v!Kas’ because of course it does, Kas is a good player :P. I do think he’s catchable later but I have full confidence in his D1 capability to have played that as elim.

You really wanna play that way?

I repeat. This post, responding to Danex, was written in LG90 by V!Kas, and affirmed OOG by Dead!V!Kas. E!me and V!me do have some overlap. But E!me generally does not engage as broadly or as deeply with the game. You can link a game, if you want. I challenge you to. You cannot link a game that isn't in this post and that I haven't analysed. You wanna show I can't be effortcleared? I can take any game or link you show and demonstrate it is already linked and analysed in this post.

I kind of really, really hate it when players say "don't effortclear" and repeat a slogan mindlessly. It used to be El's "confirmed good is not confirmed right" and that started to see use as a way of discrediting anything as confirmed Village player says and I see the same issue here now.

What does effortclear mean? If you see a longpost and say "yeah okay the player made a longpost, not Elim," then no bloody drek? That is bloody stupid and anyone who uses that level of reasoning deserves to get bit. If you see a player who is consistently engaged with the game at breadth and at depth, and if you know that player tends to have low breadth and depth of engagement when Evil? Yeah, no crem Sherlock, that's sort of more telling. Sure, you can say I'm effortclearing Illwei. But I'm not doing it on the basis of longposts - I'm doing it on the basis of her thoughts and the fact I haven't known her to ever play that niche as an Elim. 

You don't have to do it if you don't want to. You're free to tunnel me for as long as you want and I don't particularly care, honestly, except that if it starts to go on to an insane extent, at some point I'm going to have to make the choice LG82 Archer did >>

But don't you dare tell me you think you know my Elim tells better than I do. I do try to disguise it with long posts as an Elim but when I'm vmaxxing, the disparity is unfortunately just too great because I can't be bothered to engage with more than necessary to ensure the MLs go through.

Edited to add:

@ookla the POKE VOTE: As promised, since someone else flipped:

The North Americans when they wake up to find chaos from everyone trying to tie at EoD:


20 Fascinating Facts About Quokkas - Animal Hype


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16 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

You know. I really want to yell at you for this but also not because this means you are the best human being in the game for not reading my PMs :P

...Shining sent me a thread PM early on asking me about my opinion on playstyles being indicative of alignment change. I've been literally responding to his questions. That's it.

You can open the double spoilers to check if you want to, I'm cool with that since everyone and their chull has been apparently reading my PMs >:(



nvm then you’re good, kinda

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8 hours ago, Kasimir said:

Stuff about Szeth

His tone and the way he backed down seemed weird, then he used the 'I'm out of it/tired' excuse too many times for plausibility I think. His reaction this night turn has only furthered my read of him:

4 hours ago, Ookla the Omniscient said:

I honestly can't remember. It's been a while since I've played SE & I was really out of it yesterday :P

Among other things. His insistence is odd considering his claimed point of view.

3 hours ago, ookla the POKE VOTE said:

again one of <tun, archer, mat> can be e, whichever one likes to bus most lol

Keep in mind just how ridiculously easy it would be for e/e me and Szeth to back off, at any time. And he was so close to the top for a while that it would take a pretty high risk appetite from any of us to keep voting him.

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7 hours ago, Archer said:

You applied so much parity with so much advance warning that the elims were ostensibly guaranteed not to be in the lead and were guaranteed not to be able to break the tie, so why would they bother messing with it? 

Is this a premise you are actually running with, and if so how is it impacting your suspicions (assuming for a moment that the tie folks were acting neutrally)?

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