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Hunger Games Simulator RP


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Sorry for the double post!


11 hours ago, Tani said:

Thaidakar and Robin dash for the same bag of food and supplies. Robin gets scared and retreats.


This sounds exactly like what I would do :lol: This machine clearly understands me.

Robin glanced around wildly. What should she do?? Everything seemed dreamlike, unreal. She could smell blood - whose? It could be hers. Could she have been injured and not noticed? The world was a blur. 

Focus, Robin, focus. Don't panic. 

There was a bag of food near her. That was a good idea - food, not weapons. If it came to it, she wasn't sure if she could actually kill someone. She had faked confidence in training, joking with her district mate about how she'd stab him in the back before he could see it coming. It wasn't so funny now. 

Coming to a decision, Robin went for the food. She was almost there when somebody sprinted past her (how had she not noticed him?) clearly with the same aim. 

Overwhelmed by it all, Robin turned and ran.

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Frick it, Taln. I'm doing this without ya. I gave ya enough time (눈‸눈)


Was that the sun?

Syn squinted her eyes, looking up.

No. It was fake. Everything was.

Except the danger.

Blood roared in her ears. Her heart felt like it was creeping up her throat. Besides the hard ringing, all she could hear was her own breathing.

Something sounded.

Everyone around her surged forward to that thing in the middle. The Cornucopia?

Blood spilled.

Someone screamed.

Why wasn't she moving?

Move! she screamed at her body, but it didn't respond.

Emotions surged. Everything was loud. Syn clamped her hands over her ears, not even knowing if she was screaming at this point.


She shook. "I can't do this I can't do this I can't do this," she whispered fervently, tears blurring her vision.


Syn looked up just in time to see Star being cut down. Her breath caught, the sense of danger actually setting in. Her eyes searched around for something––anything––till her eyes landed on a singular basket filled with... was that bread?

Well, better than nothing.

She made a run for it, snatching up the basket with one fell swoop. A flame of satisfaction burned. She had food. Everything was going to be alright. There was hope. Syn turned to––


Red hot pain blossomed from her nose. Syn immediately dropped the basket to hold her face, cursing and screaming. She looked up at her assailant, her anger almost melting when she saw...

"Taln?" Syn whispered, feeling her body begin to freeze once again.

No time, her mind said, snapping the body out of its funk.

Syn backed off, then ran to the forest, blood seeping through her fingers, dropping to the grass below. 

Just because we're from the same District doesn't mean we're allies, she kept telling herself, but that broken feeling was lingering. Why would you think someone would actually remember you, let alone be your frickn' friend? You're always going to be alone. Stop making up fantasies.

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I think I broke the simulator setup I had.

I'm not going to change what's happening now, or what will happen during the day, but please be patient with any weird inconsistencies after that.

12 hours ago, Tani said:

(It's been twenty two hours since my last post stop screaming)

My sim problems don't mean you have to stop playing. (also they're fixed now so yay)

Tani reached a field of broken, jagged rocks. Here might be a good place to stay, since the others would probably head for the forest and rock fields had nice hiding spot possibilities.

Oh, for a bag of explosives. If she had explosives she could--

Wait. Was she seriously considering setting traps to kill Competition? When had that happened? When had she changed that much? When had Competition gone from being a thing her mentor called them to being what she thought of them as? Had those been the same?

She remembered the feeling and sound of Competition's - no, Void's - nose breaking under her fist. The sound. It had sounded sick and wet and the feeling, it had gone crunch, pain, the slick warmth of blood, blood that was still on her hand.

She started to quiver. When had that become her? When had she become someone who would maim for a loaf, then wish she could kill for safety?

How dare she. How DARE she consider killing! Her sisters had to watch! What would they think of a monster who came home to them? She decided, then and there, that even if she was in the last two people, she would not murder her way home.

Edited by Tani
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Day 1:

Napollo injures himself tripping over a log.

Red Shirt 1 makes a wooden spear from tree branches.

Enter sees poison fog but manages to escape.

EmLee thinks about her family and starts crying.

Fadran wonders what Queen is up to.

Nameless thinks about his family and starts crying.

Tani sees Void but decides to stay quiet and let him pass.

Red Shirt 2 (Star) sees poison fog but manages to escape.

Experience chases Morningtide.

Xino climbs up a tree to make a resting spot.

Eluviani receives healthy food from a sponsor.

Facepalm, TalnFan, Syn, and Mat raid Vapor's camp while she is away.

Thaidakar rests in a ravine, and finds comfort thinking of his father.

Robin kills Dannex with his sword.

Sequence picks non-poisonous fruit from a tree.

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34 minutes ago, Tani said:

Fadran wonders what Queen is up to.


Darn right.

He'd run off too fast. With one hand he clutched to a branch, and with the other he rummaged through the supplies. There was barely enough food to last him a couple days, and even less water than that.

But he wasn't the least bit worried about himself.

You're okay, right? Fadran pinched the bridge of his nose, breathing sharply. You have to be okay. You're okay.

His eyes were fixed on the sky, waiting for the cannons to sound and roll off the lost tributes.

Maybe he shouldn't have picked to wait in a tree of all things.

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2 hours ago, Tani said:

Facepalm, TalnFan, Syn, and Mat raid Vapor's camp while she is away.


Bruh, I wanted Mat to be allied with Vapor xD at least I didn't stab her though

Mat's hesitation at the cornucopia didn't last long. I know I'm supposed to grab something, but I also know I'm supposed to survive. There wasn't anything within arms reach, and he didn't feel like risking his life for a sword when his preferred strategy was to hide in a tree. Maybe he could borrow Vapor's sword, though he doubted there would be a moment where giving up defense would be worth it, even for a member of your own District.

So Mat ran. Again.

He'd probably be doing a lot of that over the next few days. If he lived that long.

Mat tore into the jungle, not really caring where he ended up. Just as long as it was away. Far away, somewhere he could find a tree. A fruit tree, where he could hide out the first little while. As he ran, he fleetingly considered being more careful- this was the Hunger Games. Even though he had been mentored over the last weeks, it didn't feel useful. What was he supposed to do? Something about watching for tracks, and being careful not to run into-

Mat broke out into a clearing, and found he was not alone.

@Szeth's Facepalm @#1 Taln Fan @Mystic Syn


How bout we raid a camp, but we don't know who's it is, then I find out later. To preserve my character's integrity as long as possible :P. One of you can suggest it


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3 hours ago, Matrim's Dice said:

Mat broke out into a clearing, and found he was not alone.

Facepalm walked. Briskly, yes, but it was certainly a walk and not a run. They're not going to reduce me, they're NOT going to reduce me to prey running from hunters. that little logical voice was screaming what an idiot she was being. what if some buff bloodthirsty career with a weapon runs through those trees RIGHT NOW and hacks you to death? huh? what if that happens? then you'll be dead, you idiot. Again, she somehow didn't care. she compromised with voice, however, by convincing herself this was saving energy, too. her hat was on her head, the antiseptic- too valuable to be thrown in with the rest of her resources- was on her belt, and her food, water and hammer were in her tarp. she felt... fine.

As she walked, Facepalm took in her surroundings. this arena was a huge forest, or maybe a jungle, full of trees and bushes and plants and flowers. the growth was so thick she could barely see the sky,  and she had to watch carefully to make sure she didn't trip over roots. she'd seen some small animals skittering through the trees, colorful birds and small mammels. so far, nothing that appeared to be a hidious creation from the Gamemakers. but you never knew. those purple berries could make you vomit your insides, or that squirrel could have sharp, venom-filled fangs. she resolved to touch as little as possible.

through the trees, she spied a bright clearing. in it were supplies. uh-oh. soemone's here. Facepalm considered turning around before anyone had a chance of seeing her. her tactic was going to be evasion, as she'd been bad at everything except shooting with a rifle and climbing during training, and she had no weapons at all at the moment. but... there didn't appear to be anyone there. the supplies were just out in the open. it seemed too good to be true.

she wondered if her lofty morals had sunk low enough that she would rob another tribute. they had.

Facepalm approached the clearing. there was some food and a sword- she wanted that- as well as some other bits and bobs. she crouched and examined everything, still a little wary. could this be a trap? her heart leaped in her chest as she heard someone crasing through the trees. she snatched the sword- it was heavy- and jumped up, turning towards the sound. a tribute she recognized as the district 10 boy burst into the clearing. Facepalm stood upright, clutching the sword in front of her. "I'M ARMED," she yelled. but he didn't look like he was going to hurt her.

she and the boy both snapped their heads to the side as another figure dashed into the clearing.


i'm kinda treating this more like a novel than an rp >_< it's super fun though

also, can anyone tell me if I'm violating any rp rules? i''ve never done one before and idk what I'm doing. I'm pretty sure we're not supposed to narate for other characters, so I didn't do Mat's reaction or anything.


Edited by Szeth's Facepalm
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31 minutes ago, Szeth's Facepalm said:

also, can anyone tell me if I'm violating any rp rules? i''ve never done one before and idk what I'm doing. I'm pretty sure we're not supposed to narate for other characters, so I didn't do Mat's reaction or anything


Yeah, not using other characters is the main one, so you're good I think

Blinking at the sight- was that girl holding a sword?- Mat fought the urge to flee. One of his favorite tricks back during mentorship was how to judge posture and body language, and how to use that to your advantage, and he guessed by the equally surprised faces before him that they all had stumbled here by chance. Initially that thought seemed unlikely, but Mat reasoned that when running away from certain death at the cornucopia most tributes probably went about the same direction without realizing it.

The second thing Mat noticed was the scattered camp. Not much was here, just an open backpack and the sword that the surprised girl was holding, one Mat guessed wasn't hers. Or it was now. Minutes ago it likely was at the cornucopia. Supplies. I need those. Mat recklessly inched forward, towards the pack.

"I'M ARMED," the girl yelled. Mat raised his hands in the air, to show innocence, before snatching the pack and rushing back into the forest, heart threatening to burst out of his chest. Why had he done that? Rule One: Trust No One. Trust gets you killed. If I had tried that on day four, it might not have gone so well.

At least he had supplies. Strangely, the theft didn't bother him. The last weeks had changed his nature. There was something about impending doom that did that to a person.

Too bad he hadn't gotten there in time to take the sword as well. Thinking of that reminded him of Vapor's, and he briefly wondered how she was holding up. The thought faded quickly.

Trust no one.


I like how character development just... develops. Accidentally. It's cool. I hope there's an excuse to use the posturing thing again :P.

I'm done posting for this phase, by the way. RIP Dannnex.


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6 hours ago, Zephrun's Imperium said:
On 5/2/2022 at 10:17 AM, Tani said:

Red Shirt 2 finds a backpack full of camping equipment.

7 hours ago, Tani said:

Red Shirt 2 (Star) sees poison fog but manages to escape.


I gotta figure out who this is... Also, are we bringing Star back or not?


Yes... I guess... maybe? However you want to roleplay your survival and Red Shirt Two's death. (Red Shirt Two is one of the extras.)


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6 hours ago, Tani said:

Eluviani receives healthy food from a sponsor.

Eluviani was hungry. He was too afraid to eat anything, he knew next to nothing about plants. What little he knew he had learned from his mentor and even that wasn't something he could completely rely on. Sure, it was fairly unlikely that the higher ups would start changing edible plants into deadly traps so early but it could happen.

Hunting seemed like the best option. He had no experience but he had a weapon, how hard could it be? He also had some rope, he had learned a couple basic traps well enough to remember now during the past few days but, they had warned him not to expect fast results, if any at all. Better yet, he had nothing to use as bait so whether any animals would step into his trap would be entirely up to luck.

No option but to try anyway. Still, this wasn't a good place. Hungry as he was, water would be more valuable in the long run. There had to be a river, maybe a stream at the very least. They wouldn't just let them loose here without any source of water, right? He wouldn't be the only one looking for water either but that was a necessary risk.


That night Eluviani was hidden, trying to get ready to sleep. He didn't think he could.

It wasn't much of a camp, only a few leaves clumped together to try to use as a bed. He had managed to find a stream, so at least he wasn't thirsty, but he didn't have any way to store water, so he couldn't go too far from it. There were some bushes scattered among the trees a few dozen paces from it that could hide him for the night. He only hoped they were discreet enough not to catch anyone's attention.

So that solved his water problems at least for the moment, and he would have time to look for a better hiding spot if he survived the night. That only left food.

He had managed to find a few berries, but it was harder than he had anticipated. They weren't poisonous at least, so far as he could tell, but he didn't feel like he had eaten at all. It was just not enough. It would help him survive for sure but if every day was like that, he wouldn't last three days before he was too weak to keep gathering them. The trap was set but nothing had been caught on it. Most of his time for the last few hours had been spent walking to the trap and back, hoping to find something but there was no such luck. The stream wasn't deep enough to house any fish either. It was obvious by now that he wouldn't be able to stay there if he wanted to, well, eat.

He was too tired to keep worrying now. If he managed to sleep, tomorrow would surely be better. It had to be. Eluviani closed his eyes, his sword close to him. Part of him was too tired to stay awake, part of him was listening to every little sound near him. It was unbearable, everything sounded like someone coming to attack him. That branch moving with the wind, the water splashing in the distance, that beep that was getting closer.

That beep that was getting closer?

He opened his eyes and desperately started looking around, recognizing the sound. Then he saw it, a small parachute slowly approaching him. He took it, feeling grateful already and knelt down among the bushes to stay hidden. There was food inside the container. Good food, a whole meal. Veggies, meat, seasonings that were way too out of place in this arena. This gave him a chance all of a sudden. It was big enough that he could probably ration it to last all of the next day, maybe more if he was extra careful. He wouldn't be full exactly but it was miles better than a handful of berries.

He spent some more time awake, eating, rationing what was left, using some leaves to store it and filling the container with water instead. He felt a lot more confident now, however now that he wasn't as hungry, all his other worries seemed all that much bigger as he closed his eyes, hoping he would find some rest before sunrise.


Uh sorry about the wall of text. I didn't think I'd get this much out of "He ate". Does the sim count nights? If that's the case sorry for skipping, I'll retcon something if I contradict the sim with this.


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5 minutes ago, Szeth's Facepalm said:

nope, nights are seperate :( if anything drastic happens to you during the night, you can prolly just do a re-write, but you'll probably be fine.


Good to know, thanks. Welp, edit imminent.


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Facepalm watched the district 10 boy retreat with the pack of food and supplies from the camp. she'd wanted that, but at least she had the sword. a weapon. she would only use it in defense, she promised herself. she spun around towards the new-comer and backed away, still brandishing the sword. she didn't recognize them, and they didn't appear to want to violently end her at the moment, which was good. there was no need for Facepalm to stay longer than she needed to, so the moment she was back in the forest she sprinted away from the clearing and into the trees.

as she allowed herself a small swig of water, Facepalm spared a thought for Eluviani, her district mate. now that she thought about him, she felt bad that she hadn't before. they hadn't been particularly close back in district 8, but training for a fight to the death together can bond like nothing else. she was pretty sure she'd saw him escaping the bloodbath at the cornucopia- though she'd seen most people do that. it hadn't been particularly aptly named this year. she hoped he was ok. he's going to die, the logical voice said. shut up, said the rest of her.

she startled as a cannon sounded. someone was dead. she looked around sharply, as if the killer could be right behind her. who? was it the person in the clearing? was it Eluviani? she shivered. everything seemed realer now. she needed somewhere to set up camp.

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9 hours ago, Tani said:

Facepalm, TalnFan, Syn, and Mat raid Vapor's camp while she is away.


K, I’ll stop procrastinating for once.

Her nose throbbed, the pain amplifying with each second. At least it was good enough she didn’t have to constantly hold it. If she even survived these blasted Games, her nose wouldn’t be the same. Besides, why would she hold hope about winning? There were people in these Games that were obviously better than she was. What training she tried to do wouldn’t come in handy now. She would be dead within the day.

At least it’s someone as forgettable as me and not anyone important, Syn muttered to herself, remembering the whispers of questions of who it was when her name had been drawn. No one will blink an eye when I’m dead.

The forest blurred together. Syn paid little attention, wrapping her arms around herself, the scene of Star being cut down by Xino playing over and over again in her mind. What was the point if she was going to die anyways? Might as well just not hunt for food and clean water if there were people like that in these very woods, most likely pinpointing her location to cut off loose ends.

She stumbled across a clearing, staying near the edge when she saw two figures, one pointing a sword at the other. Syn crouched, watching them quietly as they branched off to a nearby camp.

I can’t risk it, the rational part of her thought as she stood up to walk away. I may be in the Games, but I won’t steal.

Foooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood, her stomach protested.

No, I’m not–– But she already found herself carefully stepping into the camp after everyone had left.

Syn lowered herself to some of the fruits and vegetables, reaching out, mouth watering, then promptly slapping her own hand.

Stop it! I’m not stealing. Whoever this is needs it more than I. They’re more important than me.

But they won’t notice one apple gone.

She paused. Syn hated it when her body had a point.

I–I guess not, she said, hand trembling violently as she took a singular apple.

Syn rose, feeling sick to the stomach as she backed off from the camp, her mind screaming.

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3 hours ago, Zephrun's Imperium said:

Edit: Tani, since I'm going to survive basically until Xino does, I think someone else can have the extra person. 


The sim thinks you're dead. Therefore, the extra person "died" and you get to survive until the sim kills off the extra person.


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3 hours ago, xinoehp512 said:

Xino ran ran ran ran.

The lines bled together.

He could hear people dying. No, no. He could hear himself dying.

She wasn't breathing she wasn't breathing she wasn't breathing

He was falling.

He needed to turn that around.

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On 03/05/2022 at 9:21 AM, Robin Sedai said:

If it came to it, she wasn't sure if she could actually kill someone.

10 hours ago, Tani said:

Robin kills Dannex with his sword.


Oh dear.

Robin pounded through the jungle. The further she got, the slower she went, until she was walking through the trees berating herself.

Running from the Cornucopia and all the resources it entailed was bad enough. Running from what she now realized had been her own district mate... that was stupidity. She didn't trust Thaidakar, but she knew him and they could have worked together.

Lost in her thoughts, she pushed through a bush and nearly walked into someone.

She and the District 12 boy (Dannex?) stared, frozen at each other. One second, two. Then both went for the sword lying between them.

Robin didn't remember much afterwards. A scuffle, her hands on the hilt. A desperate shove, and the horrifying sensation of the sword grinding against his ribs.

".............ow." he said, and died.


Does this look okay to you?


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Star was crying. Xino had just… left her there. “You coward!” she yelled after him, watching him flee into the forested arena. Her voice was faint; blood was seeping from her back and into the ground beneath her. She was all but done for and he had left her. As her breathing increased, so too did he heartbeat and the blood flow. It hurt. It hurt so bad. And she would die here, alone, cut down by her own companion.

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