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What Twinborn would you be?

Wandering Shade

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A-Bendalloy, then either F-Copper, F-Steel, or F-Nicrosil.

If I had F-Steel, I could just drop my bubble, move really fast until I need to stop, then throw up another one. Everyone else is in infinite slow-motion. I can also just store my speed while I'm in the Bendalloy bubble, so I don't really loose any time relative to everyone else.

F-Copper, because I'm known as a smart science nerd, and it would be really handy to be able to store memories like that.

If I'm a worldhopper though, with lots of types of magic at my disposal (like Hoid!), it would be nice to have F-Nicrosil, to store investiture and use it for later. And whatever other weird things F-Nicrosil does.

So there you have it. My rant about being torn between F-Copper, F-Steel, or F-Nicrosil.

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2 hours ago, The Bookwyrm said:

A-Bendalloy, then either F-Copper, F-Steel, or F-Nicrosil.

If I had F-Steel, I could just drop my bubble, move really fast until I need to stop, then throw up another one. Everyone else is in infinite slow-motion. I can also just store my speed while I'm in the Bendalloy bubble, so I don't really loose any time relative to everyone else.

F-Copper, because I'm known as a smart science nerd, and it would be really handy to be able to store memories like that.

If I'm a worldhopper though, with lots of types of magic at my disposal (like Hoid!), it would be nice to have F-Nicrosil, to store investiture and use it for later. And whatever other weird things F-Nicrosil does.

So there you have it. My rant about being torn between F-Copper, F-Steel, or F-Nicrosil.

So your real answer is you want to be a Feruchemist. :P

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23 hours ago, Blake Hawklow said:

Soooo what would double nicrosil do?

Double nicrosil would be a clear winner if you exist in a position to acquire either spikes or medallions.  Once you get access to a power you can store it for a moment and then compound it infinitely.  If medallion tech becomes a more common thing or if spikes make a resurgence it could be a big deal to have nicrosil as either power.  I would say a soulbearer ferring would be the top of the list for natural born power in a world where spikes and medallions become more common place (I happen to think we shall get to see some nicrosil compounding shenanigans at least once with the Era 3 protagonist supposedly being a nicroburst).  The baddies in era 2 are already bringing back hemalurgy and now medallions are entering play.  You get a double nicrosil twinborn and some time with an aluminum medallion and you could potentially have a miniature bands of mourning factory.  Imagine a set of soldiers each with a coins worth of metalminds loaded up with a limited times worth of fullborn power (minus nicrosil allomancy to prevent reloading of said metalminds).  I totally see a genocide in the future against anyone with access to either allomantic or feruchemical nicrosil and a select few nicrosil medallions being closely guarded as a way to produce the WMDs of scadrial.  All you would need is to load up your super soldier with a few spikes and then sooth or riot them into being under your control.  (It makes you wonder why the lord ruler never gave out medallion tech even to his easily controlled armies).  The discovery of medallions is terrifying and nicrosil users make it that much more terrifying.  

But back to the question of twinborn... even with how broken nicrosil could be... I would never want that kind of weight on my shoulders.  I have to stick with A-Pewter and then either F-Zince, F-Gold, or my personal favorite, F-Iron.  Jumping around like John Carter is still my go to for twinborn.  Tap a boatload of weight and make a pewter enhanced jump then as soon as your feet leave the ground store as much weight as you can to launch into the air like a dang rocket.  Before you land tap all of your weight again to decelerate yourself to a safe, survivable falling speed.  

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3 minutes ago, Tamriel Wolfsbaine said:

Double nicrosil would be a clear winner if you exist in a position to acquire either spikes or medallions.  Once you get access to a power you can store it for a moment and then compound it infinitely.  If medallion tech becomes a more common thing or if spikes make a resurgence it could be a big deal to have nicrosil as either power.  I would say a soulbearer ferring would be the top of the list for natural born power in a world where spikes and medallions become more common place (I happen to think we shall get to see some nicrosil compounding shenanigans at least once with the Era 3 protagonist supposedly being a nicroburst).  The baddies in era 2 are already bringing back hemalurgy and now medallions are entering play.  You get a double nicrosil twinborn and some time with an aluminum medallion and you could potentially have a miniature bands of mourning factory.  Imagine a set of soldiers each with a coins worth of metalminds loaded up with a limited times worth of fullborn power (minus nicrosil allomancy to prevent reloading of said metalminds).  I totally see a genocide in the future against anyone with access to either allomantic or feruchemical nicrosil and a select few nicrosil medallions being closely guarded as a way to produce the WMDs of scadrial.  All you would need is to load up your super soldier with a few spikes and then sooth or riot them into being under your control.  (It makes you wonder why the lord ruler never gave out medallion tech even to his easily controlled armies).  The discovery of medallions is terrifying and nicrosil users make it that much more terrifying. 

Interesting insights! I would love to see that in era 3. 


What if Kell comes back as a full Feruchemist and a full Mistborn!? Just imagine Kelsier with that kind of power!


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On 28/04/2022 at 3:13 PM, Blake Hawklow said:

Soooo what would double nicrosil do?

Hard to say, we don't even fully understand the mechanisms of F-Nicrosil. But I imagine increasing the powers of Allomancy and Feruchemy stored in an unsealed metalmind is a plausible possibility.
Although I highly doubt that this allows for infinite medallions. Just improve medallions effect.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

A-Iron and F-Zinc. Being able to pull metal things closer would be so convenient, and you could use iron to swing around like Spiderman in cities. It'd be fun zipping around cities with A-Iron and F-Zinc.


When im storing Zinc, i like to imagine myself hanging between two buildings, dumb as a sack of rocks 

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I would probably be a  A-Tin, F-Zinc. I think this would be a very potent combination in very many situations. Having a sensory overload and the time to quickly process all of it, and then making the best choice by analyzing that information seems quite good. If I'm in a fight and I flare tin and tap a ton out of my zinc mind, I can pinpoint everyone on the battle field and rapid fire them in quick succession. Also I think that everyone underestimates the upsides of storing your mental speed. It doesn't slow down time or anything but completing menial tasks would probably go by easier if you were filling your zinc-mind. Also I think it would be a lot easier to focus on lectures and stuff if you had to use your complete mental ability to understand the concepts, a desirable difficulty. 

If you want the best for fighting just be a steelrunner, it is easily the best feruchemical ability. Or just be a compounder, also crazy good.

Edited by Mr. Misting
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I think I would be full pewter and have the super extreme strength that came with it. You could probably shrug off anything short of being killed. Not to mention the endurance you would get. You would just have to be careful that you didn't use too much otherwise you die, what a pewter drag am I right? :P

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  • 4 weeks later...

F-Bronze and A-Iron. I am very afriad of heights, but I think that steel sight is just too useful. And F-bronze because that just seems stupidly good. It is one of the few feruchemical arts that I think has upside for storing and upside for taking out. It just matters about time. Lets say that you need to fall asleep and you just can't. You can store you wakefullness to instantly fall asleep. Then you can freaking store it while you are sleeping. Talk about a crazy amount of power you have stored up. Then whenever you need an all nighter or something, you pull some out.

From a WoB I can't find, tapping on it gives you the feeling of a full nights rest. So this could even mean, clearing headaches in an effect similar to A-Tin. I want F-Bronze so bad.

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On 2/8/2022 at 4:45 PM, Frustration said:

A-Pewter F-bronze.

Sorry steel lovers but Pewter is just the best allomantic metal. Improved physical strength, advanced healing etc.

And while F-gold is good I struggle with sleeping, and healthcare is advanced enough F-gold isn't neccesary.

I strongly disagree. 

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Any combination?

Also remember that there's also a Resonance between each combinations so that'll add a little extra spice to any combination.

For everyday life A-Pewter and F-Copper is the way to go for me, A-Pewter would give me all sorts of benefits and would be fairly cheap and F-Copper would be insanely useful in this day and age, where you can just look up anything you want, then put it in a Coppermind and remember it whenever you want as if you'd just read it. Not to mention you could put your personal info in them and boom, no more forgotten passwords you have to change for the billionth time. Just so useful if your a total goldfish like me.


Specific uses is where it'd get interesting.

If I wanted combat double steel would be my best bet, I'd just rush in at 100x normal speed and put metal coins through everyone's heads. Speedster + Living Gun = BS

If I wanted to make friends as fast as possible or wanted to go do espionage I'd pick A-Brass and F-Duralumin, I could store into a Duraluminmind and Soothe away anyone's remaining awareness of me or something.

If I wanted to just have as much fun as possible I'd want A-Steel and F-Iron because then I'd be able to pretty much fly.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I was trying to find a weird and interesting one to choose with some possible upside and am landing on a Chromium compounder.

Who knows what having a ridiculously amplified amount of Fortune would mean. Would I see so far into the future I explode or go crazy? Would I be the luckiest person alive and need no other skills? Would you be the luckiest person alive because you can see the future so far, or would it just be Mat Cauthon style luck?

I dunno, but let's roll the dice!

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I think I'd want to burn pewter due to the enhanced strength and dexterity, this is extremely appealing to me to have. For the feruchemical aspect I'd probably take mental speed, It would just be extremely useful for just everyday application and I don't think it would be too annoying to store either, in fact it might be nice for when you are waiting for something to make it pass faster.

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I feel like I'm a pretty strong dude, and when I'm in shape, I'm pretty lithe - that being said I think I would do either

 A-Tin | F-Zinc - (Tineye/Sparker)


A-Pewter | F-Steel (Thug/Steelrunner) - Strong, dexterous and fast


Consolation entry would be A-Bendalloy | F-Steel.....basically the Flash

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