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Mid-Range Game 24: Baleful Eye


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I know that PK is currently moving into college, so he's probably really busy.

At this point getting a random lynch is not going to happen, but I'm still cautious of voting. I won't vote this cycle since a vote in the last 15 mins looks really suspicious.

"Nice sword, ya slontze." Someone ran by, casting a disparaging comment back over their shoulder. Another person wearing normal clothing, so probably not infected. Falchion looked at the ceiling in gratitude. "See! Someone gets it!"

As he trailed after the group, still catching his breath, he muttered to himself "Why are there so many people here? We're on the second floor of a hospital and I already killed everyone here, but people just keep popping out of the woodwork! First we get the girl, then cyborg-dude, then the police officer, then another random person! Is this some kind of gathering spot? I mean honestly, this is just getting crazy..."


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Day 3 - Hydroplaning

Under the fear of Balelight's proclamation, the citizens quickly turned into an angry mob. Rashers had been watching the whole proceedings with unbridled glee, and jumped in front of the crowd, taunting them with thick slabs of bacon.

It was the work of a moment to get a howling mob rushing after you, thirsting for your blood, he thought. How exhilarating. Now to find a suitable target.

And there it was. Crossing the street ahead was Jon; Jon, who had drawn the ire of the crowd earlier for his comments against the Epic Falchion. How somebody criticizing a man who was murdering hospital patients could draw fire from other Vanillas was beyond him; but he'd take what he could get.

The road began to get wet, first just damp spots, as if it had been raining, then a thin film of water over the surface. Rashers tossed the bacon aside, and with it went his assumed name. Hydroplane laughed. Jon was right in front of him - hadn't even looked up. With a twist of his fingers, the water on the street formed into a mass under his feet, and he rode it - like a surfboard - slipping expertly around the unfortunate man and up into the air. Behind him, the Jon cried out in pain as the crowd trampled him.

Well, he'd caused enough chaos for today. Now it was time to get out of here before Balelight saw him. Their last meeting had been...less than pleasant, and he was in no mood for a second.


Silver Feather walked slowly back from the hospital, trying to avoid notice. He had been sure those lizard cocktails were going to be just the thing! He still didn't know what he'd done to draw the ire of the Epic rulers of the city, but with luck, they didn't 'notice' him further.

His luck was elsewhere today.

He found himself dragged aside into an alley, confronted by an Epic with a blue-and-yellow facemask and a stylized design of a lightning bolt. "So, Feather. Fomenting rebellion in the city again, I see? We warned you what would happen if we caught you again."

Feather gulped, his hair standing on end. Static electricity popped in the silence. "I wasn't doing anything, honest!"

"Silence, you traitor!" There was a loud *crack*, and Feather's body slumped to the ground. The Epic smiled. One less malcontent to worry about.


The sniper sat on his perch, watching the scene of chaos at the hospital. Grimly, he sought out his target. It was a shame, really, Altea Meza had to go if Balelight was ever to be thrown down. He pulled the trigger right as she jumped out of the way of a...sword-wielding Epic? Without watching to see the results, he jumped down and began to slip away. If Epics were working that blatantly, the success of his mission required him to be far away. Fast.

Altea Meza could wait for another day.


Day 3 has begun! It will end in roughly 48 hours.


Rashers (Majestic) has left the city due to meeting his win condition! He was Hydroplane, a Minor Epic with the powers of Liquid Surfboarding and Mirage.
Jon (Jondesu) was lynched! He was a Reckoners Demolitions Expert. He had a Demolitions Charge!
Silver Feather (Roadwalker)
has been killed! He was a Malcontent
Altea Meza (Crimsn-Wolf) was attacked but survived!

Jon (2): Lemonelon, Majestic
Majestic (0):
Drake (1): PK
PK (1): Flash

Player List:

  1. [REDACTED] - Paranoid King, person who specializes in collecting relics.
  2. Starshatter and Birdrider - Winter Devotion, star crossed Australian runaways. 
  3. Jon - Jondesu, amazing with computers but absolutely useless when it comes to talking to people Reckoners Demolitions Expert
  4. Mark - Mark IV
  5. Biff - Elenion, a street salesman in the wrong place at the wrong time
  6. Sandra Kensington - Sami, weapons manufacturer with dark secret
  7. Rashers - Majestic, a bacon-summoning Epic Hydroplane
  8. Impulse - The Flash
  9. Shockwave - King Cole, Epic with a terrible singing voice
  10. Matt - Shqueeves, orphan who never knew anything better
  11. Anonymous - Alvron, The Collective will ensure you never know anything about him
  12. Silver Feather - Roadwalker Malcontent
  13. Tammy - Rebecca, the accidental daughter of Obliteration (:o)
  14. Amy Scott - Brightness Radiant, out of place punster
  15. Nameless Character I - Drake Marshall
  16. Annabelle - Lemonelon, an "engineer"
  17. Sol - Eternum
  18. Lightwood - RippleGylf
  19. Outblack - Hemalurgic_Headshot
  20. Falchion - Elithanathile
  21. Cranium - Frozen Mint
  22. Annoan - Megasif
  23. Nameless Character II - Ecthelion III
  24. Pickle - asterion137, a small - time thief
  25. Altea Meza - Crimsn_Wolf, a petite young drifter
  26. Fess - Arinian
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Darn roadwalker died. No more RPing with him. 

Reckoners, I would appreciate if you could at some point get in contact with King Cole and I. I promise not to out you to the thread, given my earlier promise to remain neutral. Thanks!


Impulse arrived in the gun lords office, the one that bulges. Instantly, several guards pointed weapons and fired. Impulse easily dodged and fired his gun- one designed to actually be usable when he was in superspeed- at them all in the legs. They went down fast. 

He easily strode into the office, where a grumpy looking man swiveled to face him. 

"Who are you?" The tycoon demanded. 

In a flash, Impulse stood next to him. The man realized what he was dealing with. 

"Let me make this clear. I'm going to supply some weapons to you. You're not going to cheat me out of a fair price, and you're going to help me get in contact with some of the more desperate factions of the city. The ones that are willing to really pay for the kind of things I build." Impulse grinned. 

A few minutes later he casually walked out of the building, whistling to himself, a suitcase stuffed with true valuables. 

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Well huh. A jester, I guess? Gotta love jesters. Might be my favorite role, honestly. Guess it explains why Majestic didn't defend himself.

Mornin' folks, anyways.

Soo... Two "bad guys" died, if I'm reading this right. Pretty decent start.

And two attacks. One from the malcontents and one from the reckoners, probably?

And one of them failed. If there's a protective role, don't reveal yourself, but... Elith, you already revealed that you had a protect power (for 1 cycle, so it wasn't really a reckless thing to reveal), so, did you protect Crimsn by any chance?

Also pk why you do dis :( generally I hold that wanting to lynch me is perfectly normal behavior, but still, there's a jester so I can't help but wonder if there's an executioner too

Anyways, the cycle is yet young, and I'm behind on RP!!



Aaliyah walked into the hospital.

"See! Someone gets it!" The sword-guy yelled behind her.

"That wasn't- oh nevermind," she said under her breath. Aaliyah pressed the elevator button.

And waited.

The elevator door slid open smoothly with a soft ding, exposing a roomfull of diseased corpses.


Aaliyah carefully set the medical supplies down on the floor, then turned around and left the hospital.

Guess the hospital will be closing then.

She could still see the forcefield epic off in the distance. She'd never heard of this one. Probably one of Balelight's new pets.

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So the Reckoners are the villains in this game, it would seem. Or the GMs on high just changed around the colors to mess with us. Which I'm not putting past them. Also doesn't look like we did too badly on the lynch.

@Crimsn-Wolf, do you have any more information on what happened with that failed kill action on you?

Walking down the hallway, sneakers painted red, Falchion considered his options. His target had escaped with the assistance of the girl, and then more people had gotten involved. His job would be much more difficult if people knew what he looked like, so a direct confrontation wasn't an option. So the next path? Set a trap. Robin Elwood had to die, but he had months before that time. so he could afford to wait a few more minutes.

A step later and he was on the landing pad at the roof of the building. Another one and he was standing on the ground a hundred feet up. Now to wait.

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1 hour ago, Paranoid King said:

It looks like majestic had to be lynched to meet his win con, in which case the person with the second-most votes was also lynched.

And then 2 other people were attacked.

Did Majestic have any votes on him?

And wasn't it minimum 2 votes?

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I'm confused...are there 2 elim factions? What....what :blink:

Anyways, that was interesting heh..Also I didn't get any pms. Why not, pm power person? :( heh

So, what about this cycle? What should we do now?

I'm not sure why Jon, as a Reckoner might try to lynch Elithanthile (which I am now shortening to Thile with his permission cuz Elith looks to much like Ecth for Ecthelion heh). Why would an elim go after a neutral? Unless the elims (the reckoners faction) need to kill everyone they think is an epic to win? That would make the most sense story wise. But what would the Malcontents be gunning for? Hmm.

Hopefully it's not to kill ALL the neutrals cuz I think that'd be almost everyone here. xD I'm also a neutral, but didn't feel like revealing cuz people get twitchy when that happens. Aka they tried to kill Thile for it sorta heh. At least, everyone was spouting suspicions of him when he was the first to claim neutral. My win con isn't aligned with either village or elim, hence my not caring about the lynch last cycle. xD

I mean, apparently the village won that round though. :P

But, anyways, now you know why I care so much about not alienating the neutrals lol. You help us, we help you. :P Or, depending on the win cons, I guess it's really a mystery haha. I.E. majestic needed to get lynched so that could've really messed with the analysis for the village late in game if they had acted suspicious just to get lynched. *shrugs ...I guess, for me personally, I'm willing to help either side. (Also, bless you Seonid and El! I wanted to be a neutral so bad in LG35 and you have made me very happy!) ;)

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1 hour ago, Elithanathile said:

So the Reckoners are the villains in this game, it would seem. Or the GMs on high just changed around the colors to mess with us. Which I'm not putting past them. Also doesn't look like we did too badly on the lynch.

@Crimsn-Wolf, do you have any more information on what happened with that failed kill action on you?

Walking down the hallway, sneakers painted red, Falchion considered his options. His target had escaped with the assistance of the girl, and then more people had gotten involved. His job would be much more difficult if people knew what he looked like, so a direct confrontation wasn't an option. So the next path? Set a trap. Robin Elwood had to die, but he had months before that time. so he could afford to wait a few more minutes.

A step later and he was on the landing pad at the roof of the building. Another one and he was standing on the ground a hundred feet up. Now to wait.

Welp. I didn't plan on claiming unnecessarily, but since my second life has been taken... *glares at whoever attacked me* I am a neutral role called "Balelight's Daughter". My win-con doesn't go against the 'elims' or the 'village', since I am basically an executioner role. I need to find and kill my epic target before the game ends, as well as survive, in order to win. I had a second-life ability that was single use, so thank you for ruining that. :P Asides from that, I can also roleblock epics and scan players to find my target. After I find my target, I have a single-use kill that I can make using my light epic powers. 

Sooo, if my target could just let me know who they are so I can kill you, that would be great...

Now that that is out of the way, I will play into the rp.

Altea made her way to the hospital, having noticed all the excitement going on in the area. She ducks behind a corner when she sees a young woman walking out of the hospital doors. 'What is this world? Everything seems so strange here..' [@Drake Marshall]

I have a job interview in a few hours, so I won't be the most active today.

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2 minutes ago, Crimsn-Wolf said:

Welp. I didn't plan on claiming unnecessarily, but since my second life has been taken... *glares at whoever attacked me* I am a neutral role called "Balelight's Daughter". My win-con doesn't go against the 'elims' or the 'village', since I am basically an executioner role. I need to find and kill my epic target before the game ends, as well as survive, in order to win. I had a second-life ability that was single use, so thank you for ruining that. :P Asides from that, I can also roleblock epics and scan players to find my target. After I find my target, I have a single-use kill that I can make using my light epic powers. 

Well then. Interesting. How many neutrals are in this game??? :blink:

Do you know what the alignment of your target is?

Also how does your scan work.


15 minutes ago, Crimsn-Wolf said:

Altea made her way to the hospital, having noticed all the excitement going on in the area. She ducks behind a corner when she sees a young woman walking out of the hospital doors. 'What is this world? Everything seems so strange here..' [@Drake Marshall]

I have a job interview in a few hours, so I won't be the most active today.

Aaliyah noticed that there was a roughly human-shaped source of water crouched around the corner of the hospital building.

She sighed. It was useful and all, but sometimes, she wished she could just turn her powers off.

"Hiding from something?" she asked.

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3 minutes ago, Eternum said:

IDK. Maybe? Probably? I still have no idea what's happening.

Join the club. Jeez. Majestic, are you and STINK buddies or something? You two did the exact same thing to me and I have a huge weak spot I need to work on. Three cheers for you. 

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Okay, now I'm ticked.  Whoever stole my items, I hope you enjoy them while you can because I am coming after you.  PMpArjORo2avM17Sfh7VNLQgyUOzmFItNP-7UdGVSJsv6WNYjUN5QDjRbmcLIk_S-AsWNaulmAusKY1T6-K-GKzygO7Al4fGVqu5t5ydi6vy9AFbmRDJo18oEGHF8V_iCrce8_O9  Both of you.

Also, congratulations to Majestic for getting their goal on Day 2.  Very, very well done.

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