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6 minutes ago, Elenion said:

It wasn't you who I was referring to. It's all of these guys who just came out of the tavern that are accusing Assassin. They should at least placed their accusations before drinking; not right before nightfall.


Captain Cassius standing by, comrades. Here's a list of who's called for killing whom so far:

Drake (6): HH, Len, Assassin, Wilson, Hero, Rae

Manukos (3): Wyrm, Jon, Stick

Assassin (4): Gamma, Araris, Joe, Seonid

Jondesu (1): Conq

HH (2): Manukos, Drake


@Assassin in Burgundy If you want to ensure your survival today (I for one think you're on the up-and-up), just Smoke one of us who's voting for Drake. I'm Soothing one of the voters on you.

@Drake Marshall If you really are legit, I'm sorry.

:/ can only turn on copper loud during the night and didn't turn it on last night because I was planning on having Arinian confirm me as village. 

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Just now, Assassin in Burgundy said:

:/ can only turn on copper loud during the night and didn't turn it on last night because I was planning on having Arinian confirm me as village. 

By my own biceps, I forgot! Well, there goes that plan.

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7 hours ago, little wilson said:

Unless we have another Seeker, the only people who would be able to support it are emotional allomancers, if they targeted one of those smoked. I'm more curious about the fact that Drake smoked someone like Rae when she was gathering suspicion and before it was known that she'd been seeked. Smoking blocks seeks. Why smoke someone whom other players find suspicious and therefore potentially prevent a Seeker from scanning? That choice makes no sense from a village perspective. That combined with the read I'm getting off your posts the last couple turns makes you jump to the top of my suspect list. So even despite the small bandwagon that formed, Drake.

To be honest, every time you post I get a pretty bad read.

Is this kind of thing normal for Wilson? I literally have no idea.

But the thought has popped in my head that all the bandwagons on elims you seem to have vocally opposed, and now you are supporting one on town. I don't know how much I trust your words, but those actions don't look very nice to me.

You can think what you want of what I am saying about Wilson right now, but after I'm dead you'll have my role confirmed, so maybe you'll give it more consideration then.

48 minutes ago, Arraenae said:

Drake. If you could provide reasoning -- it doesn’t have to be long, just a few sentences per person -- on why you chose to Smoke people on the Nights you did, I might consider taking my vote off of you.

Honestly, smoking is the hardest power of them all to verify. If I was an elim and wanted to seem legit, I'd totally lie about the dodgier choices, because odds are nobody would have soothed or rioted you n3 to know that I was lying.

To explain why I smoked the way I did, it is first necessary to explain that I was more concerned with vote manips than I was with bronze, because balance and current evidence indicated that there was a lot more vote manip powers than seekers in the game, and the odds of me screwing up a village seeker's results were low (evidenced by the fact that Arinian never to my knowledge complained about one of his targets being smoked)

Explanation for copper on Sart: Not much had happened yet. I figured copper on someone would at least protect from vote manipulations (not an unwarranted concern, seeing as vote manipulation saved Dalinar's life and made a long affair of what should have been a lucky d1 lynch on an elim)

Explanation for copper on Mage: I trusted mage, so I figured he would be best to protect from vote manipulation. I trusted him mostly because in the d1 PM he seemed trustworthy.

Explanation for copper on Rae: This is strange, but I don't remember this one too clearly. I guess I'm dead anyway so it doesn't matter, you will see me as village soon enough. Pretty sure I just skimmed the posts and looked for someone who was active and relatively non-suspicious.

Explanation for copper on Madagascar: Since it seems like they tunneled on an elim mistborn, I trusted them and anted to protect the vote. pity copper didn't protect from Madagascar dying that night

18 minutes ago, Elenion said:


@Assassin in Burgundy If you want to ensure your survival today (I for one think you're on the up-and-up), just Smoke one of us who's voting for Drake. I'm Soothing one of the voters on you.

@Drake Marshall If you really are legit, I'm sorry.

In response to the first note: I actually put copper on someone who is voting on me this cycle, which sorta puts the nail in the coffin for me I guess. Hero why you do this :P I thought you were pretty trustworthy (actually I still do, you just made a mistake, but don't worry, plenty of time left in the game)

In response to the second note: It's chill. I still don't quite get the reasoning on this lynch to be honest since very few people offered anything approximating reasoning on it (and none of those who did offer evidence were among the first few votes). But that's fine. Looking on the bright side of things, at least this frees me up for LG30


I was sort of excited to do some RP for my last moments, but it looks like the time has dried up and the cycle is nearly finished. Better post this now before its too late. Anyway, Meta will probably make a better write-up for Felix's death than I would have for the time just before it.

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Night 8: Philosophical Differences

The people of Tyrian Falls slept in. After the long morning of fighting fires the other day and a restless night after what sounded like a small army clashing, they were more than ready for a much needed break.

Unfortunately, it didn’t seem like they were about to get one.

“This must be the work of the Ja,” Fuzzy proclaimed from the perch he had taken up in the town square. “Surely this discord will bring with it many blessings. Praise the Ja!”

He continued to preach and orate there all morning. In other times, most of the villagers would just roll their eyes and chalk it up to one of Fuzzy’s little absurdities. These days though, it was more than a little grating... especially so early!

Then it got worse.

“Bah!” Felix exclaimed with a flourish. He had had enough of this false hope. The people needed strength and unity; not further calls to chaos. And so he too, set up in the town square, facing off against his religious rival. “You and your Ja. You worship at the feet of a dead religion. There’s nothing to your Jaism.  

“Now faith in the Survivor on the other hand, this is a belief that everyone can get behind. And well we all must. Because in these tough times, it’s good to be reminded that we can and will survive.”

Fuzzy scoffed. “Nothing to the Ja? It is all around you! The chaos that has infested this town is proof of the validity of the Ja. And through the Ja, we will prosper.”

“You worship a mere man and his personal philosophy,” Felix retorted. “You preach discord when people need to work together. Your blasphemous thoughts could hurt us more than these Spiked ever will.”

“Your Survivor,” Fuzzy said the title derisively, “was nothing more than a man as well. One that couldn’t even stick to his own teachings in the end. Plus, he did the Ja’s work. He brought change and discord with him wherever he went. Praise the Ja!”

“The Survivor was more than just a mere man! He was the Survivor of Hathsin! Lord of the Mists! He confronted the Lord Tyrant and even the false god could not slay him for good! How dare you call him just a man!”

The two continued arguing and debating throughout the day. At first, after they were rudely roused from their beds by the shouting, everyone took it as a welcome distraction; something that they could lose themselves in for a while. But, as time wore on, with no end in sight, and the arguments getting louder and more absurd, even the most stalwart of them began to grow tired of the mess. By the time the sun almost touched the horizon, the patience of almost everyone else was stretched as thin and as fragile as a single piece of ash.

“-And that is why the Ja is superior!”

“Oh Lord of the Mists! Give me the strength to survive this fool’s prattlings!”

Finally, a breaking point was reached and an angry crowd of villagers approached the warring priests.

“Enough!” Cried Senn. “Both of you! Can’t you see you’re getting us nowhere? All you’re doing is riling up the people, and yourselves, worse than we already were! This. Isn't. Helping!

“So enough, for the love of anything and everything holy! I swear, the next one of you who says so much as a word, I will authorize Ryth here to cut you down!”

Ryth put his hand on the hilt of his sword and drew it just slightly with a sadistic grin.

Fuzzy looked aghast at this brutal display and put his hands up in surrender, while taking a few steps back.

Felix held his ground and smirked at his rival. “Your lack of conviction in the face of opposition betrays you. This is the chaos you sought. I win. The Survivor shelters me.”


Day 7 has ended and Night 8 begins! You have 24 hours.

Drake Marshall was a Village Smoker!

PMs are NOT open!


Drake Marshall (6)- Assassin in Burgundy, Manukos, Herowannabe, Arraenae, Hemalurgic Headshot, Wilson

Manukos (4)- Seonid, Jondesu, I am Stick, Wyrmhero

Assassin in Burgundy (2)- Joe in the Bush, Gamma Fiend

Jondesu (1)- Conquestor

Hemalurgic Headshot (1)- Drake Marshall

No Votes (11)- Elbereth, Wonko, Orlok, Sart, Elenion, Bugsy, Stink, Droughtbringer, Magestar, Araris, Silverblade


Player List


Assassin In Burgundy: Fuzzy- Self Explanatory (Jaist)
Elenion: Cassius- Ladies Man (Casanova)
Seonid: Senn Conrad- Minor Nobleman (Past Lives)
A Joe in the Bush: Jack Tormander- 4th Wall Breaker (Past Lives)
Jondesu: Remart- Just under 300 lbs. He swears! (Glutton, Handicapped [Leg]) Survived!
Manukos: Enias- Cleans things….somewhere (Neat)
I_Am_Stick: Stick- Is a Stick? (Forgetful)
Wyrmhero: Wyl Sharpe- Private Detective (Guardsman)
Nyali: Nyah- Orphan (Mistwraiths Ate My Parents) Spiked Mistborn
Herowannabe: Herwynbe- Terris Steward (Terris Steward)
Arinian: Arinian- Mercenary (Forgetful, Past Lives) Village Seeker
Conquestor: Mr. Hoid- Absentminded Prophet (Joker, Forgetful, Prophetic)
Silverblade5: Ryth- Former Guard (Gollum)
Magestar: Carmichael- High Roller (Narcissist, Compulsive Gambler)
Arraenae: Nicki- Noblewomen Researching Inquisitors (Theorist) Survived!
Straw: Vomit- Messenger (Mistwraiths Ate My Parents, Gossip) Village Rioter
Doc12: Rin- Metallurgist (Tinker, Neat) Regular Villager
Hemalurgic_Headshot: Joe- Beggar/Former Band Member/Cook? (Useless, Cook) Survived!
Araris Valerian: Aralis- Grumpy Elderly Man (Elderly, Cynic, Bearer of a Large Thwacking Staff)
Droughtbringer: Drought- Blind Man (Handicapped [Blind])
Stink: Various- Split Personality Mistborn (Insanity)
Ecthelion III: No Name- Retired Gentleman (Elderly) Village Soother
Kipper: Kip Pikker- Traveling Bard (Narcissist) Regular Villager
TheMightyLopen: Sothe- Thief (Unlucky) Village Lurcher
Madagascar: Matilda- Mad Cat Lady (Drunk) Village Thug
Dalinar Kholin: Reginald Canuck- Polite Wayne (Kleptomaniac) Spiked Mistborn
Drake Marshall: Felix- Traveller (Survivor Priest, Scholarly) Village Smoker
Bugsy6912: Annix- Terrisman Scholor (Scholor, Terrisman, Hobbyist)
Gamma Fiend: Grumbles- Innkeeper (Insanity)
Little Wilson: Whistler- Shopkeeper (Neat, Compulsive Gambler, Hobbyist) Survived!
Sart: Sart- Trickster (High Imperial)
Orlock Tsubodai: Locke Tekiel- Nobleman (Nobleman)
Wonko the Sane: Abundance Org (Organization)
Elbereth: El- Apprentice Apothecary (Hopeful Orphan, Past Lives)


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2 hours ago, Hemalurgic_Headshot said:

Looks like he was telling the truth...

So we had a Smoker. Smokers are only useful against Seekers, right?

and I'm getting the impression that there are a lot of Spiked lurkers. Target the less actives?

Smokers can't be scanned or have their vote manipped. And I think that might be a good idea at this point. 

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I swear, RP and more analysis is coming in just a little while. 

For now, I want to say that I'm very suspicious of Manukos, since that seemed like a bandwagon to save him, but I'm also suspicious of the less active. Mage less than the others simply because the game I played with him as an Elim he was very active, but definitely Orlok, Sart, Drought, Silverblade, Stink, and Bugsy. None of them voted yesterday, which might be smart of them if I'm wrong about Manukos, since a villager would get lynched either way and they don't have to say anything that might implicate them. 

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42 minutes ago, Jondesu said:

I swear, RP and more analysis is coming in just a little while. 

For now, I want to say that I'm very suspicious of Manukos, since that seemed like a bandwagon to save him, but I'm also suspicious of the less active. Mage less than the others simply because the game I played with him as an Elim he was very active, but definitely Orlok, Sart, Drought, Silverblade, Stink, and Bugsy. None of them voted yesterday, which might be smart of them if I'm wrong about Manukos, since a villager would get lynched either way and they don't have to say anything that might implicate them. 

Bugsy was one of the ones that Arinian cleared, wasn't he?

Regardless, the Contribution Crusader in me fully supports going after inactives. But before we straight up start killing them, let's call them back and see if we can't get them to start playing again, shall we?

@OrlokTsubodai @Sart @DroughtBringer @Silverblade5 @STINK @Bugsy6912 @Wonko the Sane, come back to us! Eliminators or not, useful roles or not, we miss you!

EDIT: Did I miss any inactives?  


Herwynbe worked late into the night, searching the village. So many people had disappeared over the past few days- and not just the ones that had died. With the current state of affairs, many people had bunkered down in their houses or in hiding holes to try to wait out the coming storm. Herwynbe had to find them- as many as her could. Each one of them would be needed in the days to come. 

He rounded a corner and nearly bumped into another person, standing unseen in the mists. The person whirled, jumping in surprise. 

It was Nicki. 

When she recognized the Terrisman she slid her foot back into a combat position and raised fists threateningly. Herwynbe raised his hands defensively, taking a step back. 

"My Lady," he said, mind racing, "I did not expect to- but, here we are. The spik?. I do not suppose you refrained from...? but no. Of course you did. Truly and regretfully, I am sorry. There is nothing that can be done for that now."

Nicki's eyes narrowed int a hard glare and she raised her fists another inch, muscles tensing. Herwynbe hastily took another step back, and continued speaking to forstall any violence. "However, before we part ways, might I ask, what effect did the spike have when you... used it?"

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Wilson, I don’t think I was gaining that much suspicion until D3. I think it’s inaccurate for you to say that I’ve been “gathering suspicion” by N3.

@Arraenae That was an error in memory on my part. I knew you'd started looking suspicious around then and I mixed up my days and nights. The only explanation I can really offer is that I was running on two hours of sleep yesterday and anything under 4 tends to be problematic. Case in point. Had I realized that my reasoning there was off, I would've moved my vote (probably to Manukos, since I still think either he or Assassin is evil)1, but I went to bed early last night and forgot to check the thread first. :/

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21 minutes ago, Jondesu said:

Whoops, @Herowannabe, I'd forgotten Bugsy was cleared. Thanks. And yeah, calling them back is nice, but I do think it's incredibly likely one or more of them is an Elim.  

Oh I absolutely agree, I think there is at least one or two Eliminators among the in- and less-actives, which is part of why I fully support going after them. ;)  

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well damnation i regret changing my vote 

i don't think  i am able to explain my actions a lot , giving an in depth analisis for every post  but here is my smt 

i just thought that the remaining players were fewer that they actualy were and i thought that the game was basicaly already won with having so many confirmed vilagers , that was me taking a victory lap as for the change of votes let me first say that i never in the entirety of the game bandwagoned and i switched my vote to drake because i have seen him less often and i found him to be just as suspicious  but HH was more invested in the game posting a lot more and i didn't want to take him out if there was an other targrt first 

i know that with this post i probably made it even more likely to be lynched tomorow so i will keep my word and clean up my misstakes by voting myself , first thing tomorow

apart from that i agree with your estimation Jodesu about the non voters being the first to suspect 

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Ok, fun stuff!  I just spent an hour or so going back through all 40 pages of the previous thread, just taking note of who has been active vs inactive by cycle.  My thinking was that people who have been low active (one or two posts per cycle, and for only some cycles) and true inactives need to be our lynch targets, in addition to the few shady actives.  Here's my conclusions (I ignored those that are hard-cleared or that have been active enough to not be suspicious based on their posting habits):

  • Araris has been low active 9 times, and inactive 5. (I'm counting nights and days separately there).  Suspicious.
  • Assassin was low active or inactive until D5, when he became very active.  Less suspicious, but concerning.
  • Conquestor hasn't yet posted more than once per round (though often once in the day and once in the night), except back in D1.  Very suspicious, but of course he keeps voting for me, which kinda doesn't feel like an Elim move, actually.
  • Drought is almost completely inactive and hasn't posted since N3 unless I missed something (sorry if so). Would support lynching.
  • Elbereth has been inactive since N5, and was active only two cycles (D1 and D4) prior to that. Suspicious.
  • Gamma has been low active or inactive the entire game.  Suspicious.
  • Mage has been low active or inactive except for D1 and D3.  Suspicious.
  • Manukos, I really thought was more active, but my tally says no more than 2 posts in any day or night, but always that level of activity.  Very suspicious, looks like trying to fly under the radar but not be truly inactive.
  • Orlok has been completely inactive most cycles, only truly active N4 with two posts total anywhere else.  Would support lynching.
  • Sart has been low active or inactive except D1. Would support lynching.
  • Seonid has been low active or inactive about half the game.  Low suspicion overall, but watching.
  • Silverblade has also been low active or inactive about half the game.  Somewhat higher suspicion due to things he's said, though.
  • Stick has been low active since N5, but was active prior to that.  Somewhat suspicious, but not sure if there are RL issues.
  • STINK has been inactive mostly since D4, active before that.  Suspicious.
  • Wyrm has been mostly low active, with just a few missed nights, but never more than 2 posts in a round.  I had previously decided I trusted him based on posts, but I can't recall exactly why right now.

Whew.  Lots of work!  Here's a little RP.

Remart was sick of it all.  Ryth was getting bloodthirsty, it was true, but the whole town was just about to blow up completely like a powder keg.  At this rate, there'd be no one left if the koloss ever did actually arrive. Maybe that was the plan, in fact.  He headed back to the inn, but instead of his usual ale, he asked Grumbles to make a pot of coffee.  He took the entire pot (though he did wisely add some alcohol to it) and headed out into the night to watch a few of the more suspicious members of the town.  He could move very quietly when he really felt like it, though it was a pain (he added a padded cloth to his stump, but then that made it a bit too long so he limped oddly, which made it even harder to move both quickly and quietly), so he was prepared if he needed to spy on someone without them realizing it.  The fog would make that very annoying, however.

He did, by chance, overhear an encounter between the Terrisman and Nicki.  They seemed to be talking about a spike, which was a scary concept considering their warning, but it sounded like they were trying to figure out what a spike was, which could be good or bad.  He'd keep an eye on them both.

Mr Hoid was nowhere to be seen as he trudged around.  Probably off drinking somewhere, but Remart hadn't seen him around much except when he'd speak up to cast another vile accusation at Remart.  He shook his head.  The man was probably crazy, but likely just that.

Speaking of those he couldn't find, Drought hadn't been around at all in a while.  The blind man was nice enough usually, but Remart couldn't help wondering if he was faking the blindness as a cover, and if he'd been behind some of the attacks in the night.  El was similarly missing most of the time, and as an orphan would have been used to sneaking about, likely. Carmichael was only showing his face occasionally, which was quite the gamble for him.  The guy cared about how he looked, but right now Remart thought he just looked suspicious.  He couldn't find him that night, though.

Enias, on the other hand, kept poking his nose into everything, not saying much at a time, but prodding and stirring up trouble.  The man was trouble, Remart was sure of it. Even right now he was telling some sob story about being misunderstood, though Remart couldn't tell if he was drunk or just hamming it up.  The town was ready to toss the man off of a cliff tomorrow, it seemed, though Joe was getting just as much heat.  He claimed to be useless, but that was likely a cover too.  Rusts, I'm becoming too paranoid.  I think everyone's just pretending now.  Remart couldn't help it, though.  His gut still didn't feel quite right, even though the pewter had mostly healed it.  He hadn't had enough, though, and by now he was sure it would scar.

Where was Locke hiding, for that matter?  Ryth? Stick? The insane guy who claimed to be a Mistborn (Remart doubted that very strongly, considering he'd never really shown any evidence of anything but crazy)?  Something was definitely not right.

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Going from active to inactive ain't suspicious, seeing as everyone thinks that it's something suspicious.

Oh, and I can never read any mentions that are done in the weird purple colour, so could you please use black like most others?

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35 minutes ago, STINK said:

Going from active to inactive ain't suspicious, seeing as everyone thinks that it's something suspicious.

Oh, and I can never read any mentions that are done in the weird purple colour, so could you please use black like most others?

I was using purple for non-RP (suggested and adopted by some us just recently), but I'll change that now. I was noticing that too and just hadn't fixed it. From now on, I'm going to stick to black for non-RP and put RP in brown, I think. I do find going inactive to be somewhat suspicious myself, when it's not for stated RL reasons. It seems to me a good way to set yourself up as seeming like you're there, but then avoid casting suspicion on yourself with votes and discussion.  I need to go through and see who has and hasn't voted, too, and compare that to posting (posting a lot without voting is something else I want to watch for). 

EDIT: if anyone's curious about my methods or the other people I checked out, here's my activity chart.AG3-Posts Per Day.png

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20 minutes ago, Jondesu said:

 I do find going inactive to be somewhat suspicious myself, when it's not for stated RL reasons. It seems to me a good way to set yourself up as seeming like you're there, but then avoid casting suspicion on yourself with votes and discussion.

Okay, so I'm an elim and I'm watching all my friends die. Do I:

(a) Stay active so I can try to influence the views of the remaining villagers and not look suspicious

(b) Go Inactive so I can eventually die.

I've been inactive 'cause there's nothing for me to say, fyi.

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3 minutes ago, STINK said:

Okay, so I'm an elim and I'm watching all my friends die. Do I:

(a) Stay active so I can try to influence the views of the remaining villagers and not look suspicious

(b) Go Inactive so I can eventually die.

I've been inactive 'cause there's nothing for me to say, fyi.

That's your play style, but others may differ. Lots of people lay low as an Elim, even after a few Elims die. We have, what, 2-3 left probably? If I was an Elim, I'd stay active personally, but I know others wouldn't. In fact, that's why I think it's likely there's at least one active Elim, as well as 1-2 inactive Elims.

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Yeah, I've been somewhat busy, and honestly haven't been putting as much time into this game as I should have been.  I intended to make a post with my suspicions yesterday, but I ended up being out most of the day, and never got to it.  :( Sorry guys.  I'll try to be more active from now on.

edit;  Also, I could swear I was more active than Jones's chart indicates.  -sigh-  I think before I went inactive, I made it known that I would be going snowboarding and would be gone for a few cycles.  (Which I was.)  Admittedly, I didn't really ease back in when I got back like I wanted to.  Still sorry about that.

Edited by Magestar
Adding more relevant info.
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First of all @Jondesu wow ! That Is soma grade a dedication 

As for the reason that i posted systematicaly one post per day was mostly that i didnt have much to say but i didnt want to be targeted by the crusade so that they had a chance to lynch an elim , plus most of the dialog tends to happen when i am asleep .


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Jondesu, there are probably more elims than that. In my experience, GMs use either the square root or ~20% of the total players for the elim team, so there are probably at least 4 left.

Also, I don't quite like your system of classifying activity, since it doesn't distinguish between post count and post quality. I am a full time college student, and this game has been during a particularly busy part of my schedule (I have mentioned that several times, actually). My goal was to try and post twice during each day, and night cycles are slow, so I haven't really been bothering to be involved during them. I've mostly kept up with that, and am fairly happy with my own level of activity. I am am on break this week, so I'll be a bit more present in discussion, but my normal activity levels aren't much higher than what they have been in this game.

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