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"I suggest the newly snapped dont send peng their roles until after Cessie is dead. Just incase there is some über tin and she is the inq, no point in giving her that info, as she would bring it on to the other spiked before her death.


Its a small risk imho, but I can´t think of that much lost by waiting until after. Can´t really see any abilities being critical during the day?"

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"I suggest the newly snapped dont send peng their roles until after Cessie is dead. Just incase there is some über tin and she is the inq, no point in giving her that info, as she would bring it on to the other spiked before her death.


Its a small risk imho, but I can´t think of that much lost by waiting until after. Can´t really see any abilities being critical during the day?"


A good precaution, I think.


Down with Cessie!

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Herwynbe came in from the kitchen, carrying a tray that held a pitcher of water, a goblet, and a pouch full of pewter dust. He walked slowly across the room to Dyring and set the tray down next to him. He seemed not to notice the splotches of paint, despite never lifting his eyes from the floor.

"My vote is cast for Lady Cessie " he said softly, barely loud enough for those nearby to hear.

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Hey guys. I have something to say:


If baldface (Cessie) just gave up UberSteel, then she (as the Inquisitor) is reaching her endgame. Granted, it's not over; but we need to keep ourselves aware of the fact that she is probably ready to die, and now has three Spiked who are integrated into our numbers. I can guess that she originally had five, now, because the Inquisitor is still alive, but is ready to die.


This is getting intense.

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Seran caused quite the commotion when he suddenly dropped from the rafters and landed on a table in the middle of the tavern. No one had seen him for a couple days now, and he was so unobtrusive before that his sudden appearance was rather startling.


"I too cast my vote for Cessie," he said in his characteristic, soft-spoken voice. "This madness has gone on long enough, and I intend to personally see this job finished." 


Sorry I've been decidedly non-present lately. At least my character is the type who just disappears for days without an explanation.

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Wilson votes for Cessie.

I'd make a list, but I don't really see the point. We all know who's getting lynched. Pretty sure that's not going to change. Or that anyone will vote for someone else.

Also, I concur with Gamon. I may be a certifiably sick and twisted individual for saying this, but any plan that mentions drawing and quartering has to be a good one.

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Also, I concur with Gamon. I may be a certifiably sick and twisted individual for saying this, but any plan that mentions drawing and quartering has to be a good one.

I mean, we don't know what kind of healing properties the Inquisitor has. Might as well cover all of our bases.

Edited by Gamma Fiend
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I mean, we don't know what kind of healing properties the Inquisitor has. Might as well cover all of our bases.

Well, of course. There's surely not any other reason we would ever resort to such a gruesome way to kill someone. Nope....Definitely not because you want to see someone drawn and quartered William Wallace-style.

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So, I read this write up like three times wondering how I became a Survivorist before remembering the guy from Hero of Ages. I was voting for Cessie before it was cool, so yeah, after everything that has happened I think it's safe to say she needs to die.

Quill ion didn't know how to feel about the noble woman's disappearance. He sat in the corner of the establishment, not with the ease he had been affecting for the last few days, but with open agitation. His duelling canes were crossed over his knee, the tips bouncing off his shoes. He was keeping his gaze straight, trying not to look at anyone or anything. He tried to keep his mind on the bizarre pattern painted on the floor, trying to tease out meaning from it, but his thoughts kept returning to the first day of this

I told her to run, he thought. After Shimble died, I told her she should get away before she died, too.

He twisted his grip on the canes.

She must have been laughing at me this entire time.

He made his face stay stony, or as best he could. He rose from his chair with a shudder, and looked around the room.

"The Canton of Orthodoxy will pay a bounty to whoever brings me her head," he said to the room at large, his voice cold, and hard, and threatening to crack.

Without waiting for a response, he stormed out of the establishment and onto the streets.

First Cessie, he thought to himself grimly. Then Ollivier.

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Aw, oh no, are they really serious? I can't believe these evil Spiked. Killing a poor boy like me is awful. By the Survivor, I hope you guys find the traitors and kill them brutally. Don't Sooth their fear or when they go, make sure to Riot it.
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Well... I was planning on writing a big in-character post, but physics homework has managed to make that impossible before the end of the day. :(


I vote Cessie as well. Hopefully we can finally start working out who's who now, without an Inquisitor to convert people and keep us from being able to trust anyone (As far as I understand the rules at least, there's no way for there to be a Spiked Thug right now)

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Since over half of the remaining crew has voted for the same person, I've already finished the write up. 


really want to post it, as I think you guys will enjoy it immensely, but there's still 3 hours left before the end of the day and people are still voting. So even though it has been extremely silent, I don't want to gyp anyone out of the chance to be heard. 


What do you guys want? You want the write up now or just wait till the end of the turn?

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I'm all for ending the day early. Although I noticed that there are some people who haven't voted yet who typically vote. And they might still want to.

For the crew's benefit, here is another list. Ish. Not that we really need it.

Cessie - 11 - Gamon, Dyring, Ridge, Kukri, Hero, Barty, Seran, Wilson, Ollivier, Wes, Aonar

Not voted yet - 9 - Cessie, Peng, Aether, Vron, Aspren, Grave, Windy, Matheiu, Roban

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While I am eager to read the writeup, I think that in the interest of fairness we should wait until the actual end of the day for it. I would hate for even one person to get upset because the early ending messed up their plans or something, just so the rest of us can get our Mistborn Elimination fix a few hours early.  :mellow: 

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I say, post away. Speak now, or forever hold your piece. Come on, Meta, it don't really matter. Besides, I have to go to bed soon, and I want it before then. Think of the children!


EDIT: Come on, Meta, I have five, maybe ten, minutes! I'm dying.  :P

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With only an hour left, I feel pretty confident that 90% of the votes are in and it'll let me get back closer to our original schedule, so.....


Night 6 (She Went That Way!)


The entire Crew knew of only one place where each and everyone of them would need to go at least once a day; Dyring’s Inn. They all needed to stop in and get a glass of water to keep the poison from ravaging their bodies. Modeft’s plan, while a bit cold-hearted, was also incredibly clever. It forced the Inquisitor to come out into the open. The only way for someone to not show up would be to let themselves die. So after searching Shiv very thoroughly for a spike and coming up empty handed, they all knew what needed to be done. Perhaps that was why they all showed up bright and early, just moments after the mist burned away.


Which meant that there were plenty of hands around when Peng stumbled in, looking worse for wear with an obsidian dagger still lodged in his shoulder. Even Herwynbe took it upon himself to aide the Mistborn. Once Peng was taken care of, they sat around waiting. Some of them seemed eager, others appeared hesitant, but no one left. They shared a silent agreement to see this through to the end.  


They waited in silence well into the afternoon before their victim showed up. Cessie entered through the front doors and walked straight up to the bar to get her drink of water. She didn’t turn to look at anyone and she didn’t hesitate at all. The Crew seemed frozen in surprise. It was such a bold move, no one thought to stop her before she had finished off her glass. She reached into a pocket in her sleeve and pulled out a wineskin and filled it with water as well. By the time she had finished that, the Crew had recovered and when she turned around, she found herself surrounded.


Cessie didn’t flinch as she met each Crew member’s eyes, though some of them, especially Herwynbe couldn’t meet hers. She still maintained the bearing and look of nobility and some of the Crew instinctively shied away from that.


Peng was near the back. For one, he was injured and he gladly let the Crew be the executioner this time. For another, if Cessie was the Inquisitor and got through the rest of the Crew, he was their last line of defense to keep her from escaping.


“Just tell us one thing before you die,” said Peng. “How are you hiding the spikes?”


Cessie sneered. “I have all the spikes except the eye spikes. Those were to be my reward for killing all of you. A reward I still plan to claim!”


Cessie ripped at the bodice of the dress she was wearing and tossed it like a net at the first few people in front of her. Underneath the dress, she wore the robes of an Inquisitor. She then pushed on any metals to either side, throwing more people back into those behind them. She had cleared a small pocket of space around her. She pushed off of the metal in the banding of a barrel behind her and shot towards Peng, barrelling through the ranks of the Crew. A few of them tried to swing at her, but their blows were either deflected or poorly aimed in the chaos.


Peng was in no condition to fight a full fledged Inquisitor, but he blocked her path all the same. He gritted his teeth and flared his pewter, using it to steady him and dull the pain in his shoulder.


Surprisingly, Cessie basically ignored him. She took a swipe at him to get him out of the way, but other than that, she rushed for the door.


“No Mistress! Please don’t!” called a voice from behind her. She paused, as she had heard that voice since well before she had joined the Steel Ministry. Herwynbe reached towards her, his eyes begging her to give him a reason to trust her again.


In that moment of indecision, Peng took his shot. He pulled out a handful of coins and flared his steel as high as it could go. The coins zipped through the room.


Cessie noticed them too late. While she was capable of deflecting most of them, one slammed into her stomach knocking to the ground. She growled as she knelt on the floor. She looked up into Herwynbe’s pleading eyes and all he could see was hatred and anger. Holding the wound in her stomach, she rushed outside.


The rest of the Crew stumbled to their feet and followed, but there was no sign of her. A piece of paper floated on the breeze and Kukri snatched it out of the air. It simply read:


She went that way! -->



The Crew searched the rest of the afternoon without finding any sign of Cessie. As night closed in, they met back at Dyring’s Inn, determined to start again at daybreak. It would be too dark and concealing for them to continue through the night and the mists. One thing they were all clear on though, this was far from over….



Night 6 begins! You have 36 hours to send in your Night Orders!


Cessie turned out to be the Inquisitor! A Not Dead Inquisitor, at that!


Player Votes


Cessie - 11 (Gamon, Barty, Wes, Ridge, Seran, Kukri, Herwynbe, Dyring, Quillion, Aonar, Wilson)

No Vote - 9 (Windrunner, Vron, Aether, Mathieu, Cessie, Roban, Peng, Grave, Aspren)

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I Thought I was getting my hopes up in expecting that Cessie would be the Inquisitor. Cessie being the Inquisitor at-least explains why Maxill was targeted. What I want to now is how she survived the lynching. Uber-Pewter maybe?


EDIT: I really need to remember to check for later posts before posting myself. This post was initially a reply to Meta's post on the previous page.

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"I told you we should have tied her down and drawn and quartered her!" Gamon yelled savagely, giving up on chasing her into the mists.

At least we know for sure now...., he thought to himself. He realized he was changing. He no longer cared about how people look, he realized he hadn't even mentioned anything like that in the last couple days. Things were a lot larger than that to be worrying about such petty nonsense.
Being handsome didn't prevent a spike in the dark.

He glanced around, trying to pierce the silent mists that had once again shrouded the time. Now they were to be hunted again.... but at least they knew the predator, now. (Or at least one of 'em)

OOC: If any Snapped got that coveted coinshot role, targets away at Cessie tonight, ya'll. And if we have any lurchers, Peng probably still needs protection.

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"Damnit. A whole bunch of you and she still got away. Useless, all of ye.


Now, we´ll lynch her tomorrow! We got more important matters now. I need volonteres to help stand watch in my inn over the night!


I will get free drinks to all who does!"


As his cheep nature reminds him of what that might end up costing, he amends it to


"eh, I mean I will fix a free drink to all who does!""

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Summary of what we know so far:

Role                              Day/Night spiked                                           Actions
The Inquisitor (Cessie)    -                                                                   Killed Wiery night 1. Killed Lucy night 2.

                                                                                                        Killed Maxill night 5?


Spiked Coinshot             Spiked on night two using Shimble's corpse.   Attacked Cessie night 4 to divert suspicion.

                                                                                                        Attacked Peng night 5.

Spiked Seeker/Regular    Spiked night 4 using Lucy's corpse.               It is possible that this spiked doesn't have 

                                                                                                        an allomantic ability. If they do, then they would have

                                                                                                        "seeked" someone on night 5.


Spiked Lurcher/Regular    Spiked night 5 using Shiv's corpse.                It is possible that this spiked doesn't have an allomantic

                                                                                                        ability. If they do, then they'll probably be lurching

                                                                                                        the Spiked Coinshot from now on.


There'll most likely be a Spiked Soother/Regular by the end of this night. Converted using Maxill's corpse.

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I was thinking she was just a spiked. At least now we know who the big bad is; even if she does survive the night (short of snapping, I don't think we have any coin shots still living?), we get her in the votes tomorrow.

Aspen, I'm kind of inclined to agree with you. Cessie is going to die, one way or another; if I was in her position I'd convert someone, so my loss wouldn't drop the evil teams voting power. On the upside, though, that means after tonight, all our roles are set. It should be a bit easier to ferret out the spiked if we know what powers they have and know no re will be created.

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I just hope that Cessie doesn't have some sort of suicide ability, like converting several people at once or making someone else into a sub-Inquisitor at the expense of her own life. Then it'd be back to square one. I'm certain that she has something like Uber-Pewter, after all she has survived an attack and a lynching already, and she wouldn't have that ability unless there was purpose for it. So she will most likely have some ability that'll allow her to turn the tides if she was discovered early on. As it is, if we kill lynch her the next day and there's four spiked remaining then there's little chance that they'll be able to win.

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