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Long Game 26: Cognitive Dissonance


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7 minutes ago, Paranoid King said:

Oh, Odium! Yes, for sure! Odium is indeed trustworthy, and we know because he has been telling us all game! And odium will not kill us, because he said so himself! Too bad it is night so that I can not vote for Bugsy yet!

Because of this. You imply, through the use of heavy handed sarcasm, that I'm not trustworthy, and a liar. That I will break my promises. I do not Lie.

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*see previous post*

I know that if it was me, I would lie my face off to survive a little longer in the game, and if it came down to it, I would at least try to either complete my factions objective (not that I have one) or just mess with people. Nothing quite like leaving everyone confused around your dead body. Or paranoid. I'd settle for that one too, honestly.

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Just now, The Only Joe said:

Because of this. You imply, through the use of heavy handed sarcasm, that I'm not trustworthy, and a liar. That I will break my promises. I do not Lie.

I'll see if I can remedy that, then

Joe is not a liar in SE games. He keeps his word, and will not break his promises.

In this game, though, I don't trust him. Just because he doesn't lie doesn't mean he's good.

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1 minute ago, Bugsy6912 said:

Correct. Rae died approximately 2 hours ago, and can't talk in the thread or in PMs anymore, cuz she's dead. 

So my doubt about this arises because the logistics of that are stupid.  Nyali and/or El was online at the same time you wanted to have Rae killed?  Sounds reliable.

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Just now, AliasSheep said:

So my doubt about this arises because the logistics of that are stupid.  Nyali and/or El was online at the same time you wanted to have Rae killed?  Sounds reliable.

No, we tried to kill Rae ~5 hours ago. It took awhile to be confirmed

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I'm not entirely sure what to make of this desperation play. If I'm understanding this correctly, Joe is saying if he can't win then neither can we... 

In my particular situation that is correct because I need to save people who have been wounded/ protect them from being killed. That becomes very difficult when there is no eliminator faction. However, I doubt everyone has a similar goal to what I have. I still think we kill Joe tomorrow, but there might be more to this than meets the eye. At the very least I hope there is. Otherwise we may need to be satisfied with the partial win.

Also, my condolences Arraenae. If you really were a traitor to Gods own Hate then you died nobly.

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20 minutes ago, livinglegend said:

Also, my condolences Arraenae. If you really were a traitor to Gods own Hate then you died nobly.

Nobly? She was, as you say, a traitor. Where is the nobility in that, if I may beg the question?

14 minutes ago, Amanuensis said:

I'm 99% sure that there's more than just Rayse and Lady Sequence in God's Own Hate. This is Joe just trying to delay the inevitable :P

Joe had the opportunity to recruit who he wanted from a specific list at the beginning of the game. He chose to take a path akin to sleeper agents, where he kept the others alive and hidden so they wouldn't garner suspicion until he needed to activate them. I don't even know of anyone other than Rae who was recruitable by him. He now doesn't have the investiture he would need to activate his sleeper agents, unfortunately, so at the moment it is restricted to us.

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1 minute ago, Bugsy6912 said:

Joe had the opportunity to recruit who he wanted from a specific list at the beginning of the game. He chose to take a path akin to sleeper agents, where he kept the others alive and hidden so they wouldn't garner suspicion until he needed to activate them. I don't even know of anyone other than Rae who was recruitable by him. He now doesn't have the investiture he would need to activate his sleeper agents, unfortunately, so at the moment it is restricted to us.

Well if this is true, that's even more incentive to get rid of Joe with the next lynch, imo. Last thing I want is more Haters running around.

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Day 4 - The Crowded Room

She had promised. She would turn them in, turn them all in, the man thought as he walked through the inn's halls. In his hand, he held a piece of paper that read, simply, "Meet me at first light. Room 204, 'The Broken Spear' - N." The inn had been easy enough to find, though it was located in a particularly seedy part of town. The rest of the patrons glared at him as he entered with his fine clothes and wide hat, but they went back to their drinks and conversation quickly enough. No need to cause trouble, their posture said. Leave us be, and we'll let you live. The man had hurried up the stairs, leaving behind the murderers and thieves. There was only one murderer here he was interested in, and she had information.

He found the room, but halted outside. Something felt wrong about all this. It was too easy. The woman had offered so much information on so dangerous a foe, a foe who always knew more than he should, a nebulous foe that everyone seemed to know, but no one had ever met. Yet, this woman's claims... He mulled it all over as he knocked on the door. After a moment, he knocked again. He heard nothing within. Silence as still as...

At that thought, he rammed the door open with his shoulder. It banged open with a loud crash, and shouts of alarm arose from the common room downstairs. He rushed in and slipped on something, falling to the ground with a loud thump. He looked at his hands - hands that were red and dripping with blood. Noises on the stairs - he didn't have much time before questions would be asked, questions he did not have the answer to. Quickly, he surveyed the room and found the woman he had been expecting to meet. Or, rather, he found a pile of human bones floating in a pool of blood.

He scrambled to his feet as he heard footsteps coming down the hall. He left by the only exit remaining to him - the window. He held his cloak about his face to shield it from the glass as he crashed through the window and onto the inn's awning, and from there to the ground, and he was away, his feet leaving a trail of bloody footprints as he retreated into the night.

Jonly stood at a window, one rather familiar to him by now. He stood there upon the precipice and gazed out upon the world, and contemplated eternity. What would happen, should he die here and now? Who would take up his legacy? Would his desires still yet be fulfilled? He didn't think so. If he did, he would not be standing here, in front of this window. He knew his legacy would not die with him, but he also didn't think it would outlive him long. There was so much yet to do, but... He shook his head. It was not to be. He put one foot upon the windowsill, leaned out, and ...

And a hand grabbed the back of his shirt and yanked him back. "You shall kill no one else!" shouted a voice behind him. He whirled around to see a figure, features shrouded in a heavy cloak, standing before him. The figure threw Jonly away from the window, slamming him to the ground. Jonly scrambled to his feet and put distance between himself and the mysterious figure.

"No!" he shouted, "Don't you understand? Don't any of you understand? I hate you, for this and so many other things, but I will not be stopped. Not tonight! Tonight I have a very special person in mind to throw out a window, and you will not stop me!"

"I beg to differ," said the figure as it swept Jonly's feet out from under him and planted a boot on his neck.

"So do I," said a new voice, and a second figure wrapped in mystery barreled into the room, shoving the person off of Jonly.

"You're protecting him?" the figure said while regaining their footing.

"No, I'm killing him!" and a glowing weapon appeared in the newcomer's hands. With an awkward swing, the attacker swiped the sword toward Jonly, who rolled to the side.

If I could only make it to the window... Jonly thought as he lurched to his feet. He ran for it. The figure was faster. Standing between him and the window, the figure swung the sword toward him, and... And another man blocked it.

"What's going on here?" he bellowed in a loud voice. "Can't you see I was trying to sleep?"

"Get out of the way!" the figure cried, "Don't protect him!"

"I'll protect whomever I want, now leave!" he returned, still standing in the figure's way.

The window. Just need to get... Jonly thought as his attacker was briefly distracted. He stood up and tried to barrel through the sword-wielding figure, but that turned out to be a bad move. The figure's sword cleaved straight through the would-be defender's and caught Jonly in the side.


Just as the glowing sword cleaved into his spine, a sudden light flashed outside the room. The sword pushed his body right into the path of whatever it is that came screaming into the room, and the momentum threw Jonly right out the window.

Finally free of the chaos, his body falls to the ground below.

Elsewhere, Aralis, while walking alongside a cliff, suddenly slips on something and falls several stories. "Not again!" he shouts as he plummets. On the ground, surprised to be alive, Aralis realizes that he has still been injured grievously.


Arraenae has died!

The Only Joe has died!

Science is being done on Sel!

Araris has been injured!


Day 4 has begun and will last 46 hours.



It is very, very likely I made mistakes. Please PM me asap with any mistakes that I made that are obvious to you.


Player List

Magestar (Magestar)

The Healer (Doctor12)

Iohn (Iohn)

Lorien the Rithmatist (Conquestor)

Stick (I_am_a_Stick)

Jonly the Terrisman (The Only Joe)

NeLaar (Arraenae)

Spike (Paranoid King)

Ryth (Silverblade5)

Riza (Frozen Mint)

Ecthelion (Ecthelion III)

Kyla (Little Wilson)

The Young Bard (The Young Bard)

Ashton & Ashlyn (Burnt Spaghetti)

Brandon Sanderson (Darkness Ascendant)

Aralis (Araris Valerian)

Dr. Idem Occulta (Wonko the Sane)

Kelen Taldar (AliasSheep)

Gladium Paleas (Straw)

Victor (Amanuensis)

Bugsy (Bugsy6912)

Locke (OrlokTsubodai)

Dowanx (Dowanx)

Tom (Sart)

Kaloo (TheMightyLopen)

Unknown (Mark IV)

mmhmmnmhmm (LivingLegend)

Cy Lon (Clanky)

Emrys Morge (Bridge Boy)

Reginald Canuck (Dalinar Kholin)

Orik Ironfist (Haelbarde)

Lily (Luckat)

Odin (Stink)

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