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Long Game 26: Cognitive Dissonance


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LG26: Night One - Sudden Death

Magestar, the first to join the crowd of Worldhoppers exploring the newly linked worlds, strolled through the Cognitive near an entrance to the world he had been staying on. The roiling chaos of the knotted realms swirled around him, and he smiled. He liked it here, where it was chaotic, yet peaceful, like a small, placid lake that just had a boulder thrown in. "I wonder who we should kill first, if anyone," he mused to himself, "Perhaps Odin? Others seem to want to kill him, and I might as well stick to what other people want. No need to make waves. Besides, he really isn't being very helpful."

"Not helpful? Not helpful?!" shouted a voice. "How about you? How helpful are you being?"

That's Aralis, thought Magestar, first time he speaks and it's to shout at me.

"Let's kill him!" Aralis added over his shoulder, "Let's show him how helpful we think he is!"

"Yeah!" shouted another voice, "How dare you vote for someone because other people are voting for them! C'mon everyone, show of hands, who wants to lynch him right here and now?"

Magestar held up his hands in protest, "Wait, wait, hold on now, there's no reason to kill me. I'm neutral in whatever disputes you all have, I was just trying to help..." his voice trailed off as he waited for the mob to respond, inching his way back toward the nearby Perpendicularity.

A murmur went through the crowd. One voice rose over the rest, "Hold on, if he's just a harmless neutral player, that means he's not working with me, right? So, why should I care if he lives or dies?"

“Yeah!” says Magestar, still backing away. “Why not kill… that guy instead?” he points at Ecthelion. “He’s totally a better person to kill!”

“I have another idea,” says Lily, stepping forward. “How about, instead of murder, we don’t kill anyone at all? We’ve had a lovely discussion over tea, and it didn’t even involve murder a little bit! That’s not how things normally go around here.”

Victor stepped forward to stand beside her. “I agree, we shouldn’t kill just for the sake of killing. Magestar may not be on our side, but that’s no reason to kill him. Let’s all work together instead and agree to disagree with words and not swords.”

"That means you'll let me live?" Magestar asked, now very close to escaping.

The crowd calmed down, the angry mob turning into just a gathering of folks who happen to be carrying weapons. They murmured their assent and turned to leave. Magestar, relieved to be alive, turned to the glowing pool, his way away from the people who nearly murdered him. As he stepped into it, he felt a sudden sharp pain. Looking down, he saw the tip of a blade sticking from his chest.

“I changed my mind,” said The Young Bard while cleaning the now bloody sword. “Sorry! If it’s any help, I feel really bad about this, but I wanted to examine a body, and, well, now I can. I’m sure you’d understand if you weren’t, you know, dead.”



A bloody body fell into the Perpendicularity as The Young Bard left, but Magestar found himself standing where he had been, still in the Cognitive. A figure appeared next to him with a serene look within ageless eyes.

"Am I dead?" Magestar asked the figure.

"I am afraid that is the case," the voice said. "Be at peace."

And Magestar allowed himself to stretch into the distance, following the pull of the Beyond.


Final Vote tally

  • Magestar (7): Araris, The Only Joe, AliasSheep, Stink, Straw, Ecthelion, The Young Bard

  • Ecthelion (5): Doctor12, Magestar, Paranoid King, Luckat, Arraenae

  • The Only Joe (1): Silverblade

  • Silverblade (1): Little Wilson

  • Amanuensis (1): Darkness Ascendant

  • Stink (1): Elenion

Magestar has been lynched!

Night One has begun and will last 47 hours.



You now each have three actions to spend.

Due to real world commitments, Elenion has decided that he really doesn't have time for an LG right now and is dropping out. Burnt will be replacing him and taking over his role.


Remember that most end of turn passive effects trigger before Worldhop. However, because there has been some confusion about this, I would like to remind everyone that unlike most end of turn effects, Spheres check for recharge after Worldhop. This means that to recharge a Dun Sphere, you can wait until Night Two to travel to Roshar, or you can travel there tonight and not leave tomorrow. If you Worldhop away from Roshar on Night Two, your Spheres will not recharge.

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We stopped relying on the Lynch much -- it ended up more a tool for the Eliminators than for us. Luckily, there were a number of investigative powers available to us. I'm not sure how to handle it here.

Edited by Wonko the Sane
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I have a night action that allows me to learn a target's homeworld the first time, role the second, and alignment the third. Problems are that targets are informed when it's used, and even if I can use it three times on the same target, I don't believe most of you currently have much reason to trust what I say.

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11 minutes ago, Silverblade5 said:

It just occurred to me that we're in a similar situation to the one we were in in LG 18, in that we don't get any information from the lynch. Does anyone with a better memory than mine remember how we solved this problem then?

The good news? You'll all get the result of the scan tonight, because Mage was on my world. So, we'll get the results of the lynch eventually, but not immediately.

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Oh come on! I told people not to use lynch redirects. Gosh, you can't trust anyone around here.

Welcome, Burnt, goodbye, Elenion, [generic useless nighttime chatter]

14 minutes ago, Silverblade5 said:

It just occurred to me that we're in a similar situation to the one we were in in LG 18, in that we don't get any information from the lynch. Does anyone with a better memory than mine remember how we solved this problem then?

If I recall, I publicly revealed as a scholar and scanned one of the deads every cycle. And then I waited for the other scholars to die so I could set up my inevitable betrayal. Not sure how much help that is here, but if people publicly reveal themselves as scholars, they just turn themselves into targets.

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17 minutes ago, Paranoid King said:

Oh come on! I told people not to use lynch redirects. Gosh, you can't trust anyone around here.

There was no manipulation. Just Bard changing his vote from Ecthelion to Magestar mere seconds before the sun descended beyond the horizon.

Edited by Amanuensis
Purple prose
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14 minutes ago, Paranoid King said:

If I recall, I publicly revealed as a scholar and scanned one of the deads every cycle. And then I waited for the other scholars to die so I could set up my inevitable betrayal. Not sure how much help that is here, but if people publicly reveal themselves as scholars, they just turn themselves into targets.

I don't remember that. Maybe you're thinking of a different game? Lynch victims didn't die in LG18, they just got expelled. It was actually still possible to communicate with them. We just didn't get their alignments.

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Just now, Wonko the Sane said:

I don't remember that. Maybe you're thinking of a different game? Lynch victims didn't die in LG18, they just got expelled. It was actually still possible to communicate with them. We just didn't get their alignments.

He was referring to MR10. Good times, good times...

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42 minutes ago, STINK said:

Oi whoever gave me rep don't give me rep but post in the thread instead

Or give me his rep. If he doesn't want it, then I'll take it.

Also, rep seems to usually be used when people find something funny, or at least mildly amusing, or when they really do like something that was posted, and less used for showing agreement. So I'm not entirely sure that was their goal.

1 minute ago, Straw said:

Magestar dropped a Silver dagger and Vial of poison. Possible people: Silence or Nazh?

Assassin? O_O Did not see that coming. About how common is it for people to start with items?

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In a attempt to help myself I am opening a shop. Please PM me if interested. Here is a list of various goods:


Items: A random item from me or a list of every item I have heard of.

Info: Everything I know about a player/faction/role of your choice.

Favors: A single action, vote, or help completing a goal.



Edited by Straw
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