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I PMed it to the village group. I didn't want to share the exact details with the eliminators, and I'm absolutely certain I can trust every single person in that group implicitly.

Only a Sith deals in absolutes. Nyali=Eliminator confirmed!

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Around 2 hours left to go until Day 1 starts and PMs and Roles get sent out!

And I'll decide to not be a super troll GM and I'll go ahead and let you know about this before the game begins...


You have unlocked the Secret Hidden Role, The Ta'veren!


Ta'veren: The Wheel Weaves as the Wheel Wills. Except when you're involved, as people have always told you how the Pattern of the Wheel seems to bend around you, either forcing you or those near you to take different actions and choices they wouldn't have otherwise. Once per night you can target a player and re-direct their actions to another player of your choice (Not yourself)


Edit: OPs updated with new Roles/Rules, and an updated player list.

Edited by Gamma Fiend
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Alright, close enough! Sign-ups are officially closed!

The Cycle will Start at 8pm and I'll work on getting out PMs and Docs as quickly as possible after the game begins! Remember that PMs can only be made during Night Cycles, and only while a Dreamwalker lives. When any PMs are created make sure I am included in them as well. 

Thank you and good luck! Dovie'andi se tovya sagain! ;)


Edit: 8PM EST. So ~15mins. Or when I get the write-up finished. :P

Edited by Gamma Fiend
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*Eagerly awaits PM that should come any second now (hopefully)*

Oh, and I think Gamma is Eastern time, it was mentioned in the doc for the MR that just ended (15?)

Edit: Oh, just saw Gamma's edit. Yep, it's EST

Edited by Bugsy6912
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Around 2 hours left to go until Day 1 starts and PMs and Roles get sent out!

And I'll decide to not be a super troll GM and I'll go ahead and let you know about this before the game begins...


You have unlocked the Secret Hidden Role, The Ta'veren!


Ta'veren: The Wheel Weaves as the Wheel Wills. Except when you're involved, as people have always told you how the Pattern of the Wheel seems to bend around you, either forcing you or those near you to take different actions and choices they wouldn't have otherwise. Once per night you can target a player and re-direct their actions to another player of your choice (Not yourself)



Edit: OPs updated with new Roles/Rules, and an updated player list.

skeptical.png (to be clear, that's my "I'm skeptical" face)

Edited by Haelbarde
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All PMs should be out! Let me know if there are any errors! Also...


The Ta'veren can not redirect actions to themselves, or have the player target themselves.

Padan Fain's ability goes on The Stack after Roleblocks, but before Kills take place

Thief-taker and Wolfbrother are indeed Village-only roles, but can be Corrupted by Padan Fain

One action is submitted per player, per cycle

If you are not placing an action during the Night, still let me know with 'No Action' (if you have actions to submit, that is)
Submitting a Dragon's Fang does count as an action and a target (For thief-taker and roleblocks)

Mayors can be voted in with 1 vote if there isn't anyone else with a Vote for them.
And Mayor votes can be placed in Orange. (I will not count any that aren't, as I won't be able to see them when tallying up votes)

You aren't notified if targeted by a Ta'veren

Ta'veren redirects all actions, including any channeler weaves, forsaken kills, and corruption choices. Pending no roleblocks, of course.

Since thief-takers and whitecloaks send in actions during the day, they can not be redirected by Ta'veren

And yes, the Dragon Fang can be redirected by Ta'veren.


Player List:

  1. Mailliw73 - Amaiya Mavenil
  2. Seonid - Cenn al'Idrius
  3. Elbereth - Lomion
  4. Amanuensis - Nikel Fain, Padan's son, on a quest to stop his father
  5. Nyali - Eryn, a Cairhienin 'Maiden of the Sword', lost from her society on her journey
  6. AliasSheep - Llewella Rhysdaughter, an Andoran scholar studying history
  7. Conquestor - Lorien, the town guard, likes boring patrols
  8. Master Elodin - Ba'Alzamon, on the run from Whitecloaks
  9. Phattemer - Ana-alline
  10. Haelbarde - M'Hael, a False Dragon
  11. Little Wilson - Keland, Owner of The Golden Dagger, Witless' half-brother
  12. The Young Bard - Ruon, 15 year old, wants to be a gleeman and leave the town for adventure
  13. Hellscythe - Tazrim Maim
  14. ThatTinyStrawMan - Gladium Dei
  15. Sart - Sarah Tea, a recent widow
  16. Metacognition - Mezal Althara, a foul-mouthed, ill tempered blacksmith
  17. WinterCloud - Lexa & Heaven
  18. Bugsy - The aging town librarian
  19. Deathclutch19 - Trafalgar Law
  20. TheMightyLopen - Jak (Of the Shadows?)
  21. GunshyMink74 - Gunshy, an entrepreneurial dirt salesman
  22. ArarisValerian - Alain Stern, a lumberjack
  23. RubiksCube - Cubik Rube
  24. IrulelikeStink - ???
  25. jaimeleecee - Birgitte, serving girl at the Inn, named after the Hero of Legends
  26. OrlokTsubodai - Locke, silent stranger
  27. Twelfthrootoftwo - Douza, with his hammer
Edited by Gamma Fiend
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What about the person we lynched pre-game? 

That was awesome. 

Like, objectively awesome. 

Anyway, here's some Lexaven being cute. 


Lexa and Heaven walked around, basically ignoring everything. 

"SOMEONE'S DEAD!" someone yelled. 

"Another person?" Lexa said. "damnation. Everywhere we go, somebody's dead." 

"We didn't actually kill them this time!" 

"Oh yeah, that was fun. Though rather confusing and we didn't even stab them at all! They totally did that for us." 

"Amiright?" Heaven ran her fingers over the scar on Lexa's throat. Gone, only a memory left. When they'd changed realities, it was as if it had never happened. It was like their death was automatically moving them. "Are we going to get to kill someone here?" 

"Not sure," Lexa shrugged. "Anyway, let's go." 

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Eryn sat at a table in the Golden Dagger, yawning widely as she sleepily poked at her meal. She heard a commotion begin all around her, but her eyes simply refused to focus. She was so exhausted from her trek through the forest, one night's sleep would hardly cut it.

Shouting began, but she couldn't make it out either. Something about the mayor? Local politics hardly concerned her - she'd be gone once she had finished resting up, but she supposed that could take a few days. Maybe she should listen after all? But she was so tired.

She leaned back and stretched while another massive yawn took her attention away from the crowd. As she did, something wooshed over her head. She heard a crash follow. A bar fight? she thought, were things do idyllic here they had time and energy to waste on bar fights?

She stood up from the table just as a large man crashed into it, shattering the table into splinters and throwing the rest of her meal into the air. Okay, time to go, she thought as she retreated back toward her rooms. She drew her sword, just in case. Sure, she might not be the best swordswoman in the world, but maybe it would at least intimidate someone into thinking twice before they...

As she drew her sword, she accidentally moved the scabbard between her legs and tripped herself, sending her sprawling. She landed in a painful heap on the floor against the side of the inn, her sword somehow managing to slide all the way to the wall opposite the one she lay beside. This day was not looking to be getting any better.

Well, at least I didn't set the inn on fire this time, she thought, remembering the last town she'd passed through and the results of her legendary clumsiness. Well, maybe "legendary" was stretching it a little, but then again, there was that incident last year with the pig and the apple tree...

She heard more shouting and looked out the window to see some men outside grabbing torches and farming implements. They were shouting about how they're going to lynch "the culprit." I suppose today is yet young, she thought with a mournful sigh and readied herself to escape the inn the first time she saw an opening in the crowd.

Edited by Nyali
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Just before the break of dawn a man named Nik breached the southern edge of Braem’s Wood. His was a long journey - one that transcended two decades and a dozen countries’ borders - that until now was more akin to a wild goose chase than a quest for vengeance. Nonetheless he could sense that, one way or another, it would come to an end, and a horrific one at that. He knew it by the eager ache that lingered in the marrow of his bones; by the strange intermingling of hatred, fear and relief that flared with every beat of his heart.


Corenne al’Daishar, he thought in the Old Tongue, remembering the last words of the Darkfriend he ran down and tortured in the Black Hills. In another life perhaps Nik would have regretted the atrocities he was forced to inflict upon that cursed Kandori, but in this life his body was hollowed of every emotion other than a cold, undying anger. Even thinking of him as the Kandori rather than the name he sobbed - along with the names of his wife and seven kids for whom he swore allegiance to Shai’tan to protect - again and again while Nik flayed each and every inch of his flesh had no ill effect on his spirit. Just as he no longer cared to count how many men and women (and sometimes even children) he’s had to kill to get to this moment, he no longer bothered to remember, let alone learn, the names of his victims. Only one name mattered to him; would ever matter to him. 


In the distance Nik made out the faint outline of Drell’s Crossing, no more than a few hour’s worth of walking. There he would find the man who his hands yearned to to choke the life from. Who his nails craved to rip and tear into, whose blood his knives thirsted for, whose limbs they lusted to dismember, whose face they dreamed to disfigure. According to the Kandori he would not be alone, either. An entire cell of Darkfriends would be gathering there, to fulfill some nefarious plot for the Dark One. If it came down to it Nik would not hesitate to decimate the lot of them, to burn down the entire village if it was required, in order to get to that man.


“Padan Fain,” Nik hissed the name, venom dripping off every syllable, as if speaking it aloud might allow his father to hear it despite the league's between them. “Can you feel it, father!?” he yelled as loud as his rage, and lungs, would allow, though no one was around to hear it. “A bloody battle is brewing, and I promise you- no, promise Sightblinder Himself, that you will not escape it unscathed...”

Edited by Amanuensis
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It's good to be back in the swing of things.


This is probably a dead horse, but we should discuss the pros and cons of a day one lynch.



  • Potentially killing an eliminator.
  • Generating useful discussion.


  • Investigative roles haven't had a chance to act yet.
  • Possibility of lynching a villager.

In my opinion, a day one lynch is fairly random. However, we still need to put votes out. Without them, we practically waste a day that could have been productive. The ideal day one is a day with lots of discussion, but in the end, no one is lynched. A tie is the best result. This puts several suspicious people into the spotlight for viewers to invest, and it doesn't lead to a villager death.


With that out of the way, I might as well do a poke vote to say hi to the new players. RubiksCube, what do you think about day one lynches?

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