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Term 1: Month 2 - Not So Forever Young


Kliin still felt ill from that tenaculum mixture from earlier. He couldn’t wait until he had an assistant to help him. Another brain to make him forever young…..yes. Yes, that would be quite grand.


Someone knocked on the door.




“Sorry to bother you, sir,” the master of the inn spoke through the door, “but there’s a young man here to see you. I had him wait at your usual table in the common room. Would you like to see him, or shall I send him away?”


Kliin opened the door. “Did he say what he was here for?”


The master nodded. “Said something about you needing an assistant and wouldn’t stop waving this paper in my face.” The master showed Kliin one of his own fliers for the assistant position, and Kliin snatched it out of his hand.


That was fast, Kliin thought. Barely had to wait a few hours. He hurried past the master, ran down the stairs, and entered the common room, looking toward his table. There he is. Kliin didn’t recognize the man, but he looked sturdy and smart, and that’s really all he needed. Muscle and brains. Good assistant material, that.


He sat at the table, placing the flier in front of the man. “You want to help me be forever young?”


“I’m interested, yes.”


“Excellent. Well, I’m Kliin, obviously. And you are?”


The man hesitated for the slightest of seconds before saying, “Ferula.”


“Perfect. Do you have any ideas for such a potion?”


“One, yes. I heard your tenaculum idea didn’t work out so well. Since you’re so set on using grass, I thought perhaps another plant would perhaps work better. Specifically a mushroom variety. I brought some along, in fact, in case you wanted to get started right on it.” He pulled out a bag and placed it on the table.


Kliin’s eyes widened. Felura--no, that wasn’t right. Kliin thought a moment. Ferula. That was it. Ferula was so eager to please him. Must be a lower class. Looks up to us Vintish Nobleman. Jolly good. He’d have to make sure the man was compensated appropriately. “Let’s head up to my little lab, shall we?”


Ferula nodded. “Sounds stellar.”


An hour later, after much mushroom-crushing, water-boiling, and grass-shredding, the mixture was ready. Kliin held it up, staring at the liquidy, greenish….goop. It looked spectacularly disgusting, but Kliin knew he’d likely tasted far worse things than whatever this tasted like. That tenaculum was pretty horrid. He brought the mug up in a “cheers” motion toward Ferula. “Here’s to youth.” He chugged it.


And nearly spat it out.


Forcing himself to swallow even the dregs, he put the mug on his desk and sat down. “That was….terrible.”


“If it works, does it matter?”


“I suppose not. We can always find a way to make the taste more bearable after all.” Kliin’s head felt heavy. And the room started to spin. “I….don’t feel so good. I think that mixture did something to my stomach.”


Ferula nodded. “I should think so. They were supposed to, after all.”


Kliin tried to look at Ferula, in shock, but the pain was too much. He fell off his chair, hitting the floor on his side. Had the man poisoned him? “What did you do to me?!”


“Worry not. The Crockery will suit you well. After all, you actually believed my name was Ferula. Do I look like a Chandrian to you? Trust me, I’m nothing like them. Enjoy your stay, my dear man.”


And Ferula left the room, as Kliin started screaming from the pain.




“No! No, no, no, no!” The Master Namer yelled at the Master Physicker, striking his hand on the table in time with his last, emphatic no. “You already let that prat of a Vint off. We’re not letting this one off too!”


The Master Physicker rubbed his temples, cringing at the volume of the Master Namer. “You needn’t yell, Ashton. I’m sitting right next to you, and my ears work perfectly well.”


“I don’t care about the state of your ears. This University needs to show discipline at this time. We had a dead student in the Crockery, for Tehlu’s sake. There are Skindancers out there! We need to show solidarity and that isn’t by letting off every accursed student who walks through here.”


The Master Linguist sighed. “Chancellor? I move for a vote.”


The Master Arithmetician nodded. “I’ll second that. Who here thinks that young Corrin here deserves punishment?”


The Master Artificer, Sympathist, Alchemist, and Namer all raised their hands as one.


“Four for punishment.”


The Master Namer cleared his throat. “Five, actually. Martin here is voting too. See?” he said, pointing to his own hand he was trying to pretend was the Master Physicker’s.


The Master Phsyicker shook his head and said nothing.


Four,” the Master Arithmetician repeated, “and let it be noted that Master Namer is persistent. Who votes against?”


The other Masters voted slowly, but one by one, vote they did.


The Master Arithmetician finally looked down at Corrin. “Congratulations. The charges have been dropped.”


Corrin breathed a sigh of relief. He still had no idea what he’d even been taken On the Horns for, and as much as he wanted to ask, he didn’t want to press his luck at all. Best to leave while things were still a little in his favor.


“If you could send in Silverblade, that will be all. Thank you, Corrin.”


He nodded and hurried out of the room. “Your turn,” he muttered to Silverblade as he passed. He had more investigating to do. Time to really figure out what was happening to his family. No time to waste, particularly if what just happened was to be a regular occurrence….




Kliin (Clanky) has gone insane! He is now in The Crockery.

Corrin (The Mighty Lopen) was brought On the Horns but the charges were dropped!

Silverblade (Silverblade5) was brought On the Horns and was charged with Undignified Mischief! He needs to apologize this turn.


PMs are being sent out right now.  Everyone should have their PMs now.




Player List

  • Wilem (Mailliw73) - Aturan Nobleman
  • Kipper (Kipper) - Cealdish Commoner
  • Touka Kirishima (DeathClutch19) - Yllish Commoner
  • Acaelus Starfire (Kynedath) - Cealdish Commoner - Bookworm who rarely leaves his room or the Archives
  • Amari (Araris Valerian) - Yllish Commoner
  • Ashad (Mashadar Mistborn) - Cealdish Commoner - lazy student drifting through the University on his father's money
  • Varda Elentari (Elbereth) - Edema Ruh - a mediocre student
  • Haelbarde (Haelbarde) - Cealdish Commoner
  • Pyra Ghetti (Burnt Spaghetti) - Edema Ruh
  • Reader (The Only Joe) - Cealdish Commoner
  • Mind of Akasha (Bridge Boy) - Aturan Nobleman
  • Delta (Paranoid King) - Yllish Commoner
  • Marcos Mayweather (Mark IV) - Yllish Commoner - a scholarly student who avoid the arcane
  • Corrin (TheMightyLopen) - Aturan Nobleman - a young man with large ambitions
  • Klin (Clanky) - Vintish Nobleman - a large man who seeks eternal youth
  • Aeaieis (ostrichofevil) - Aturan Nobleman
  • [name withheld] (irulelikeSTINK) - Vintish Nobleman - a man convinced he's the last of the Amyr
  • Sasuke Uchia (Weaving Webs) - Yllish Commoner
  • Sev (Wonko the Sane) - Vintish Nobleman
  • Mac n Cheese (Thisismyusername) - Cealdish Commoner
  • Danosaur (Danosaur) - Cealdish Commoner
  • Neo (Neodymium) - Aturan Nobleman
  • Dow (Dowanx) - Yllish Commoner
  • Silverblade (Silverblade5) - Aturan Nobleman

Edited by little wilson
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Oh, wow. I forgot that insanity doesn't reveal alignment, only death. That's going to make things interesting.

Also, Wonko? A+ joke there. Perfect.

The young man stepped forward gallantly and pulled her hair from her dress. His fingers slid across her shoulders, and she shivered slightly at the touch.

"You wouldn't be imposing," he said graciously. "Not at all. In fact I would enjoy your company immensely." He smiled. "Come, you can tell me your name, and the story of how you ended up here with no clothes on the way there."

She felt his hand on her lower back, gently leading her towards the door off of the roof.

"Well..." Hmmm. How do I say this without sounding crazy and scaring him away? she thought. Appearing naked on a roof isn't really explainable. Next time I mortalize myself, I'm definitely going to make clothes first. And also preferably not put myself on a roof!

She realized she was drifting again. Her godly memories were still too close to the surface, probably making her pause too much and be weird. I don't want to be weird! Let's not scare off the nice man, shall we? Oh, and now I'm talking to myself. Not like that's a sign of craziness or anything...

No drifting! So, amnesia or mystery? I like him. I don't want to lie. "My name is Varda Elentarí," she said quietly. "It means 'starry'. Yours?"

(It actually means Sublime and Queen of the Stars, respectively. Just so y'all don't go around thinking my mistranslation is correct. It was bugging me.)

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What Wonko said.

Wil walked with the girl as she took a long time to answer. An embarrassing story, perhaps? A fanciful escapade gone wrong? She finally answered as they climbed back into the building. "My name is Varda Elentarí. It means starry. Yours?" Varda. Interesting. Where did that come from? Wilem wondered. 
"That's quite the pretty name, I have to say," he answered. "Mine is nothing so unique, just Wilem Lianar, son of the Baron of Darolir. I'm . . . not entirely sure what it means. Probably just some kraem about kings or war." Wil noticed that Varda hadn't explained her nudity or her position on the roof. Fine. He wouldn't push. 
As they left the building, Aeaieis, a fellow noble from Atur, came up to them. "How is Manwë doing today?" the boy asked. Wil looked at him, confused.
"Aeaieis, what kind of kraem are you spouting now?" Wil steered himself and Varda around the slightly cracked noble. He didn't know how exactly Aeaieis hadn't landed himself in the crockery yet. "Farewell," Wilem called back, giving Aeaieis a dirty glare as they left. 


As they left the building, Wil noticed Varda looking around in awe at the University, as if it were her first time here. Strange. "As I was saying before that fool so rudely interrupted," Wilem began again, "my name isn't anything special. But you can call me Wil."


The Horse and Four wasn't too far. After a few turns, they arrived. They entered and Wil pointed up the stairs to the second floor. "My room is just up there." He began to head up the stairs. 

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WGG. Someone had to say it. It would be an awfully clever strat in the endgame to have a "clear" person who turns out to be a Skindancer. I'm not that paranoid.


Kipper almost chuckled when he heard the news of Kliin's insanity. If not for the spoonful of soup in his mouth, he probably would have. The rumor (of course) was that Skindancers, of all things, had caused the insanity, but Kipper was havng none of that superstitious babble. No, it was more likely that Kliin's excessive use of sympathy had finally cracked him open like an egg. And to the crock pot he goes...The Noblemen's fetishes for Sympathy and all those more arcane fields never failed to amuse Kipper. They claimed to want power, but never even tried to network. They were obsessed with idea of power, thinking that it could be bought with talents. Nope. Though talent certainly buys power, thought Kipper, cringing inwardly at his horrible wordplay.

Kipper knocked back the rest of the broth and set his bowl down on the table. Leaning forward, he noticed the sun glinting off the spires of the University in the distance. He drummed his fingers on the table and looked down at his instrument case, seeming to suck the light out of the midday sun.

"So you can get me into the Eolian," he said.

"Of course," the man responded.

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It's not worth it. You get a 1-in-20 chance per turn to come back. It's effectively death. I expect two, maybe three people to come back the entire game. (NOTE: I haven't run the numbers; those guesses just sound about right.)

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It has been an interesting month at school thus far. Danosaur placed himself in a strict routine. After all he was shy, and wasn’t all that great at interacting with others. He simply considered his good buddies those he talked to during dinner at the inn. Recently, there had been quite a bit of talk about Kliin. Either rumours spread fast or someone actually knows him well. Well, he had been the most interesting topic that had recently been brought up. He seemed like an interesting fellow. I’m sure he had good intentions. Just seems strange…very strange. Anyway, everyone has their quirks. Danosaur was a good listener but didn’t want to cause trouble and spread rumours. Danosaur wondered why eternal youth… why be around when the ones you care for are disappearing as time goes on. These thoughts haunted him.

Danosaur was just glad it was the weekend and a chance to get away for a while. Imre was an interesting place, but what caught his eye were the musicians around. He was drawn to them, but was particularly excited to see someone playing the kazoo. Such a silly little thing, but one Danosaur also loved so much. He thought he was pretty good if he did say so himself. A talent he developed over the years. Maybe if he played the kazoo around the inn someone would be drawn to it’s beautiful sound just like Danosaur? Maybe he’d make a new friend? He was determined to find out.

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Delta leaned back in his chair, brow furrowed. Skindancers were certainly real, no doubt about it. He had found far too much evidence proving their existence to easily dismiss them. And they were definitely in the school. Perhaps he should lay aside his studies about other Things to focus on the more immediate threat.

The Things probably hadn't infiltrated this area. After all, no vortexes had opened up to realms of madness. In fact, now that he thought about it, he hadn't found any factual evidence for Things at all. Could his previous studies have been a lie? ...But if he accepted that, then he would be forced to accept that he had spent his life chasing after a nightmare in an attempt to be important.

He made his decision. His studies would have to wait. He had a mission now, one that he knew was important. That being said, he would return to his previous research after the immediate threat was over. After all, he couldn't just dismiss his top two sources about Things, Creepy Chapters for Children, and Fiends from Forgotten Lore.

Edited by Paranoid King
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Guys, we do need a bit more discussion. Was anyone in a PM with Clanky? Did he giv any indication as to why he might have died?

Aeaieis walked up to the Vala.  It was strange what you could find in a dream; he had only read the Silmarillion once, but he still remembered each of the Valar.


"Good morning," Aeaieis greeted the deity.  "How is Manwë doing today?"

Oh, you awesome person, you. This is fun.

The man led her down the stairs and outside into the commons area where she'd looked down briefly before. She looked around, fascinated by this new world. The architecture was so different, and the clothing. Everyone seemed to be the same race, too, and they were Men, not Elves. So strange. She barely heard Wilem introduce himself.

Her observations were interrupted by a male voice, not Wilem's. "Good morning. How is Manwë doing today?"

That grabbed her attention. She gaped at the other man. I thought this world had no knowledge of Arda! Well, it seems I was wrong. Um. Right.

Meanwhile, Wilem was talking. "Ay-ay-iss, what kind of crem are you spouting now?" he asked in annoyance. He pushed her past the man quickly, though not before she managed to look back at him and memorize his face. I'll find you later, she thought.

Wilem went on talking as if nothing had happened. "As I was saying before that fool so rudely interrupted, my name isn't anything special. But you can call me Wil." Varda felt honored. Names were special, and to be given a personal form? That was like giving her a piece of his soul.

"Okay. Wil," she smiled up at him.

"My room is just up there," said Wilem as they arrived in a quiet inn, full of students eating or studying. He started heading up the stairs.

Varda slowed to a stop. "I don't want to impose upon you any further," she repeated. "I only need to find the evil here and root it out. So I need... Basic human necessities, I guess. Somewhere to sleep... I wouldn't dream of sleeping in your room. Can you recommend somewhere? Preferably cheap." Money. How am I going to get money?

Wil replied with a pleasant smile, "My room is absolutely free. My bed is the most comfortable one you'll find. Definitely more comfortable than a roof, though I'm hoping you'll be in the same state of dress."

Varda looked at him in shock. "W-What? Did you just say... what I thought you said?" Suddenly his smile seemed much less pleasant. "You were so kind to me because you wanted me naked in your room? I thought you were generous! I thought you cared!" Her voice rose until the whole inn was staring.

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I don't think that there's a whole lot of useful discussion that can be gleaned from Clanky's sabotage, and this has always been my policy on C1 deaths. Especially in this game, where nobody has a role at present, it's unlikely that Clanky was killed for some useful ability or information, and far more likely that he was killed simply because he is

1. An experienced player who provides useful analysis

2. A Vintish Nobleman with heaps of money


Imre is great, you guys, and assassins are on the cheap! Come visit anytime!

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(Kill Wil Kill Wil Kill WIl Kill Wil.) or at least the crockery.


After hearing the outburst, the MoA decided that he had more paperwork to fill out. Even if he couldn't directly kill the fool, due to his constraints, he would certainly do his best to make his life miserable. Before he left, he pointed in the direction where the shout had come from, and calmly stated "Break," while fixing his target in mind. Hopefully the idiot would step onto the now broken stair, and break his leg. One could only hope. The MoA sighed, resigned to his fate. Some times he would rather be the sword rather than the mind, but he had his duty, to sniff out the skindancers and kill them. He leapt from the roof, murmuring under his breath as wind gusted in a powerful wave, first slowing his fall, and then pushing him up and outwards, propelling him to another roof, where he repeated the process. He thought as he soared through the air, avoiding busy sections attempting to avoid being spotted as he traveled in low arcs across the campus. He had followed several different students so far, but had seen no sign of a drop-off, whispered muttering with another student, or anything of the like. Either he was picking the wrong targets, or the skindancers had a method of doing things that was abnormal. Says the guy flying through the sky to save time like it was nothing, he thought sarcastically. He couldn't rule out telepathy as an option, and nobody really knew the full capabilities of skindancers. Akasha had chosen to keep that information hidden. Sometimes, he really despised that repository of knowledge. "Go on and kill these things before they take over the planet, they are very dangerous and will kill without a second thought! What, tell you who they are? Or what they can do? or how they do it? Or any information besides the fact that they exist? But that would take all the fun out of it! This is your first job, and it has to be exciting, thrilling, and action-packed. I want to be glued to the edge of my seat as I stuff popcorn into my mouth! Now go forth, and save the world!"




he really despised Akasha sometimes. Apparently one world was only worth entertainment to her. Well, even if he failed, he though, she can probably send someone else. But that might end up being a lot more... deadly... to the people of the area, so the MoA would do this job to the best of his ability.

So that no one else here would have to die again.

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Meanwhile, Wilem was talking. "Ay-ay-iss, what kind of crem are you spouting now?" he asked in annoyance. He pushed her past the man quickly, though not before she managed to look back at him and memorize his face. I'll find you later, she thought.

Crem? In the commonwealth? I didn't know there were highstorms in the "Four corners of civilisation"... but, I do see Stormwal Mountains, so, might be a thing there... :ph34r:

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. .Silverblade was pissed. While he was waiting for the masters to finish with Kliin, he stood outside the door, fuming.

. . What could I have possibly done to warrant being put on the horns? he thought, starting to pace. I can understand if someone finds my reclusiveness during the first half of the month to be suspicious. Sudden change in lodging right after coming out? Completely reasonable! But, if someone has a problem with me or with what I'm doing, the least they could was say it to my face. That way, we'd all be able to avoid wasting precious time beating around the bush and actually find a solution! Everyone wins!

. .Hmph. I bet it was that Stinky Vintish guy. Would be just like them. Lazy cowards the lot of them. I hadn't bothered learning many names because those weren't currently relevant to his studies. However, if this was going to become a regular thing, it would probably be a good idea to learn a few, at least enough to know who to avoid in the future to prevent this from happening again.

. . When Corrin came out, Silverblade was so focused on his thoughts that he didn't notice the masters calling him until Kliin tapped him on the shoulder, saying "your turn."

. . After he walked in, he was addressed by the master of logic and rhetoric. "Silverblade," he began, "we've received complaints about you stating mischievous conduct in the library. Do you know why this is?"

"I honestly have no clue. Did I look at someone the wrong way on my way there? Did I take the only copy of someone's favorite book?"

"The report states that you were making disturbances in the library, including randomly knocking people over at damaging school property."

"That wasn't even my fault! I'd been gathering my things, about to leave, when I saw Kliin running in my direction full speed. I tried to get out of the way and failed. We collided, both lost out books, and the suddenly change in momentum caused him to fall. Assuming it had been an accident, I said nothing, gathered up my things, and left. I am sorry for any damages that may have occurred to property or to his ego. Can I go now? I'm tired of wasting time."

"Yes," the logic master said, "you're free to go. Try to be more careful in the future."

Edited by Silverblade5
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Crem? In the commonwealth? I didn't know there were highstorms in the "Four corners of civilisation"... but, I do see Stormwal Mountains, so, might be a thing there... :ph34r:

Hey, I said Kraem, not crem. :P

I'll do Wil's RP after classes. But for now, I understand that everyone wants tuition reductions, but only posting RP doesn't help us find the skin dancers. I know I've been part of it too.

I'd like to reiterate El's question: was anyone in a PM with Clanky? I wasn't. I've only had 4 PMs so far.

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Hey, I said Kraem, not crem. :P

I'll do Wil's RP after classes. But for now, I understand that everyone wants tuition reductions, but only posting RP doesn't help us find the skin dancers. I know I've been part of it too.

I'd like to reiterate El's question: was anyone in a PM with Clanky? I wasn't. I've only had 4 PMs so far.

Varda isn't familiar with the word, so she heard it as the simplest spelling. Not my fault if that also happens to be something from a Sanderson book... :ph34r:

I should answer my own question, shouldn't I? I had no PMs with Clanky.

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I don't think that there's a whole lot of useful discussion that can be gleaned from Clanky's sabotage, and this has always been my policy on C1 deaths. Especially in this game, where nobody has a role at present, it's unlikely that Clanky was killed for some useful ability or information, and far more likely that he was killed simply because he is

1. An experienced player who provides useful analysis

2. A Vintish Nobleman with heaps of money


Imre is great, you guys, and assassins are on the cheap! Come visit anytime!

I know that we can't learn much from Clanky's death. I just wanted something to ask so people can start discussing. Hopefully that leads to more discussion. (Preferably without any less RP, because that should never go down.)
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. .Silverblade was pissed. While he was waiting for the masters to finish with Kliin, he stood outside the door, fuming.

. . What could I have possibly done to warrant being put on the horns? he thought, starting to pace. I can understand if someone finds my reclusiveness during the first half of the month to be suspicious. Sudden change in lodging right after coming out? Completely reasonable! But, if someone has a problem with me or with what I'm doing, the least they could was say it to my face. That way, we'd all be able to avoid wasting precious time beating around the bush and actually find a solution! Everyone wins!

. .Hmph. I bet it was that Stinky Vintish guy. Would be just like them. Lazy cowards the lot of them. I hadn't bothered learning many names because those weren't currently relevant to his studies. However, if this was going to become a regular thing, it would probably be a good idea to learn a few, at least enough to know who to avoid in the future to prevent this from happening again.

. . When Kliin came out, Silverblade was so focused on his thoughts that he didn't notice the masters calling him until Kliin tapped him on the shoulder, saying "your turn."

. . After he walked in, he was addressed by the master of logic and rhetoric. "Silverblade," he began, "we've received complaints about you stating mischievous conduct in the library. Do you know why this is?"

"I honestly have no clue. Did I look at someone the wrong way on my way there? Did I take the only copy of someone's favorite book?"

"The report states that you were making disturbances in the library, including randomly knocking people over at damaging school property."

"That wasn't even my fault! I'd been gathering my things, about to leave, when I saw kipper running in my direction full speed. I tried to get out of the way and failed. We collided, both lost out books, and the suddenly change in momentum caused him to fall. Assuming it had been an accident, I said nothing, gathered up my things, and left. I am sorry for any damages that may have occurred to property or to his ego. Can I go now? I'm tired of wasting time."

"Yes," the logic master said, "you're free to go. Try to be more careful in the future."

Not entirely sure that counts as an apology. Also, you were kinda getting upset with the masters of the university. Good luck getting elevated. And something I forgot in my last post: Wilem and Mailliw. (Yep, two votes on the same guy.)

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