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"Sure. We'll leave for the night in a minute." Four said to El, "But first, I have some work to do with Citona." "Take your time." The reply came.

Phew! That went off rather well. She didn't even react that badly. On the other hand, she was quite calm and composed. Well, anyways, now I've got to get a perspective on the matter about our cobbler. How does a cobbler even get involved in all this? Maill really was strange. To Four atleast.




A few minutes later, Four was done talking to Citona. So, he gestured El to meet him at the door. "You have all that you wanted?" El gave a firm nod. "Let's go then."

Walking along the road, Four thought of asking how El felt about the events that had left her so shaken, but thought better of it. I'll ask her in the morning. Once she's well rested.

Finally, after a stretch of silence, they reached his 'home'. It was built on the convergence of three tall buildings. Since two of them were taller than the third, there was a nice and cozy place to live on the roof of the third building, just beneath the overhangs of the other two. Attaching cloths to the buildings almost gave it a room like feel.

"This way!" Four said to El. Together, they climbed up the sides of the buildings and reached his 'home' . Wordlessly, El laid her cloak on the ground, and went to sleep.


One of my worse RPs. I know. El, I leave the next part to you. I hope I've done a good enough job with your character.

Also, to Kipper (Citona), if Maill knows this jake of yours, then it implies that there's another seeker group, right? Unless of course, jake doesn't know that Maill knows that jake is a seeker.

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Mark, there certainly could be a second Seeker group. Right now, all we know is that Maill claims to be a proxy for a proxy. We don't have a direct link with this second Seeker. Jake knows that Maill knows Jake is a Seeker. Jake personally revealed to Maill.


Also, why is this so dead?

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Also, why is this so dead?

Nighttime. It happens every time. Granted, there is stuff to talk about this time.


I'm taking votes. Do you want me to info dump just before the end of the cycle just in case I die or not? 

Edited by Mailliw73
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I doubt you're going to die. That said, I still would like to know who this proxy of yours is.


Jake, please do Scan Mailiw.

I don't. And, I've said before, I won't give them up yet. 


I think he's heard you by now. And yet again, I'd like to request that Jake consider other options. If the Spiked know who you are Seeking, it makes it easy for them to Smoke those players. 

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Also, why is this so dead?


Apologies for my part in not participating. I've been busy all day working on setting this up. In a nutshell, I'm going to be running a Mistborn Adventure Game campaign beginning on Wednesday, 2/24 in Salt Lake City, UT. Anyone who plays in the campaign gets a free set of Mistborn Allomancy Dice or some other nifty gift. Should be a lot of fun- so if you live near Salt Lake and are interested, come check it out:D


[/blatant promotion]


EDIT: Color

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Day 7: Deadringer

Citona was having a difficult time of it. First off, she was having a very weird out-of-body type of experience. It was like she wasn’t even herself anymore. Then there was the whole situation with the Koloss and the Spiked, which would be enough to ruin anyone’s week. On top of all that, the large bell that the village used to tell time and to signal emergencies now had a huge crack running up the side of it and wouldn’t sound.

Did the Spiked have a hand in that as well or was it just unfortunate timing?

Citona had to admit, with everything that had been happening, she didn’t have as much time to travel up the 4 flights of stairs in the tower to check on, clean, and care for the bell as much as she would’ve liked, but it still shouldn’t have mattered. That was one of the things that she liked about her job; bells were pretty sturdy things.

With Kilven’s forge still in pieces it wasn’t likely that they’d be able to get the bell repaired any time soon, which was unfortunate since they might have need of it soon. Slart had come back from his last hunting trip with news that the Koloss camp was getting closer….

So, while most people went home to find their beds after putting away their pitchforks and torches, Citona climbed the steps of the tower. It had always been just a place for her and her thoughts. Her own little sanctuary. She needed a place where she could think and hopefully get her head on straight again.

When she got to the top, the first thing she noticed was the wind. What was a gentle breeze at street level didn’t have any obstacles to block it up here. It cut through her clothing and froze her to the bone within seconds. That was okay though. The stairwell was more than peaceful enough for her tastes. She had just come out to see if Sovereignty had cracked anymore and to stare off into the distance for a moment. She loved that feeling, of being able to see so much further than you could from the ground. It always seemed to help put things into perspective for her.

It didn’t help that night. Granted, she still had the same view and the houses of Tyrian Falls twinkled with lights below her, but when she looked off into the distance, even though it wasn’t actually visible, all she could see was the plume of smoke that would signal the Koloss campfires. The only thing the horizon seemed to hold for her was impending disaster.

She pulled her cloak around her a little tighter and made her way back to the stairwell.

Once she closed the latch to the top of the platform, it was already much warmer. Without the wind, it was almost tolerable considering it was the dead of night in winter. The stairs spiraled down around her, hugging the walls of the tower as they descended. They left an opening in the middle where the rope for the bell hung down to the floor.

...Except, when she looked again, the rope was missing from that picture. She didn’t have time to really wonder what had happened to it before she found it wrapped around her neck and she was pushed over the railing and into the empty void in the middle of the tower.

The bell didn’t sound. It was as dead and the bellringer would be soon. That was good. If it had sounded, it likely would have attracted the other villagers and there was only one way out of the tower. The Spiked would’ve been trapped. Luckily, Ruin was evidently still looking after them.

The Spiked waited until Citona stopped struggling, making sure the job was done, before once again disappearing into the night.

Thank you for your patience guys! We’re back on track and Day 7 begins now! You have 48 hours until the end of the turn.

Citona was a Regular Villager!

Current Player List


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Player List:

1.-Mailliw73 - Maill (The Cobbler)

2. Haelbarde - Edrab Leah (Author)

3. Seonid - Senn Conrad (Minor Nobleman) Village Regular 

4. IrulelikeSTINK - STINK (Glitched AI in the Shape of a Horse) Village Tineye

5. Herowannabe - Herwynbe (Terris Steward)

6. OrlokTsubodai - Locke Tekiel (Estranged Son of a Noble House)

7. Kasimir - Kassien Estvaril (Apothecary) Village Smoker

8. Bort - Bartholomew the Blind (Knight Awkward)

9. Wyrmhero - The Surprisingly Mediocre Amazing Wyrm (Traveling Magician) Village Tineye

10. Ripplegylf - Clara Lepinceau (Former Noblewoman)

11. Venture Mistborn - Alexander Venture (Mute Beggar) Village Regular

12. Mark IV - Unknown (Amnesiac)

13. WeiryWriter - Riew (Skaa Courier)

14. Hellscythe - Hellscythe (Madman who thinks he's a ghost) Village Smoker

15. Adavantos - Gidomara Grae (Professional Procrastinator) Village Smoker

16. Araris Valerian - Aralis (Skeptical Elderly Grump) Village Regular

17. Phattemer - Exisa (Small and Paranoid)

18. Madashar Mistborn - Kilven (Blacksmith)

19. Creccio - Inor Haze (Mortician/Taxidermist)

20. Shallan / Kipper - Citona Vinid (Bellringer) Village Regular

21. Alvron - Vron (Alchemist and all around resurrected guy)

22. Lightsworn Panda - Jain (Panda, of course)

23. Sart - Slart (Quiet Hunter)

24. TheMightyLopen - Lippen (Head of the Sewing Circle) Spiked Lurcher

25. Elkanah - Kane (Florist)

26. Elbereth - El (Apprentice Apothecary)

27. Luckat - Lu (Town Busybody)

Seems to me that the Spiked don't like people who claimed to have been Seeked...

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I'd be inclined to disagree. Hael does this every game, and because he does it when he is an Eliminator and when he is Village, it's impossible to draw any conclusions from his posting of the quicklinks.

I'll also vote for Maill, because I think he should have been lynched earlier and for that vote.

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Did we get a read on whether Maill was good or bad? I haven't been suspicious of Hael at all, but that's probably because he's posted just enough to be above my inactivity radar.

also, the Quick broWn fox Jumped oVer The lAzy doG

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Mailliw what are you implying here? Are you saying that Hael is a Seeker, or that he normally has more suspicions at this point. If it's the former, then that's a dangerous move to play, and if it's the latter, why bring it up now? Yesterday, you switched from voting early in the cycle, citing that if Hael was guilty, then Alvron was. Can you please explain that line of logic? I still think you're an Eliminator, but I want to squeeze as much information as I can get from you, regardless of your alignment.

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Sigh, well I guess that's out of the bag.

Hi everyone. I'm 'Jake', village seeker. I did scan Mail last night, but he was smoked, so no read. I know of one village smoker still alive, but I don't think they would have Smoked Mail. So we have confirmation of an active Spiked Smoker.

Yes, I've made 7 scans now, and no Spiked, but in a game with 27 players so maybe 4-5 spiked? Sure, it's unlucky to have not scanned a Spiked yet, but it's hardly surprising. Last time I was a Seeker (QF7), I managed to find all the roleless (or Koloss-blooded, who looked the same to a scan). So I've hardly been known to have much luck. Anyhow, what about this other 'supposed' Seeker. I do find it highly improbable that they could have scanned 7 players not in my group but still have no Spiked. So I would very much like to hear who this proxy is.

As for who I've scanned, I've just told you Mail was scanned (not verified, mind you). Kipper and Ada were both my scans, and I had scanned Wyrm. What I'm not sure of is if I should reveal the names of the others. I'll let the 2 who know I scanned them decide for themselves. The third living player who is verified, but doesn't know it yet, is Orlok (He was my scan the night Wyrm died, so I wasn't able to PM him).

So, if Meta deigned to give us a Lurcher, I would ask that you protect me, going forwards.

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Hael. Thank you Hael. This I need to think about, and would caution everyone that it is possible for the seeker to be evil, but certainly his lynch would require greater certainty on my behalf.

Mailliw, for now, and subject to change once I've had a night's sleep.

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Okay, if Hael is evil, next go for Hero and then Elbereth and then Luckat.

If you're going to kill me, screw it, but if I've known about Hael since cycle 2 or 3, why wouldn't I have killed him? Or Kipper or Alv, who I've known about for a few cycles too? At this point, we need to kill Hael and find out if his scans can be trusted or not. Orlok, weren't you yourself the one advocating Kill the Cop with Burnt in LG15?

We already had 3 Village Smokers, so Spiked having the only Seeker isn't that outlandish.

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