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Everything posted by Fatebreaker

  1. When Nothing exists, Everything is possible.

  2. Is that the magical Rasta Blade? The one spoken of in legends? Awoken with the command, "Chill out mon." If so it is truly a fearsome blade you carry...
  3. We mostly frequent the intro threads and the odd Hemalurgy related thread. As for alternate universes, we're huge proponents of both real and non-real Bioverses, Paraverses, and all other abstract constructs of theoretical existence. I'd be happy to give you a tour of our dimension lab and archcreation facilities, but you might want to bring a pair of rubbers. We'd be happy to offer you a place here in our humble community dedicated to Science. I'd be honored to have a moderator working with us, especially one who's not squeamish about the shadier aspects of Scientific research.
  4. The Stranger nodded in agreement as he listened to the short address Voidus gave. He made a mental note to, discuss, Alley security protocol with the acolytes responsible for this blunder. Unfortunately the Thoughtswoggler he was carrying in one of his pockets immediately reached up with it's long trunk and snatched the mental note he'd just made. After a brief but intensely multi-syllabic struggle, the Stranger gave up and instead simply resolved to remember it. When he looked up again the denizens, lurkers, and acolytes were dispersing. He made his way over to Voidus and pulled him aside into a separate dimension with a small study, a warm fire, and an assortment of beakers and flasks one a table. The Stranger chose two beakers off the table and handed one to Voidus. The liquid smelled of polished spoons and tasted of minty fennel. "Excellent pontification old bean, worrying without being distressing. Should get the lot cracking. We, one the other hand, have a different issue to deal with." He reached into his grey lab coat and pulled out a scroll, made of parchment and covered in many dark stains. Stains that tasted of iron and last words. He handed the scroll to Voidus and took a long swig from his beaker. The fluid melted his insides, but left a pleasant peppermint aftertaste as the organs regenerated. He nodded as Voidus unrolled the scroll and too another swig "Experiment B700-xMx has regained sentience again, despite our countermeasures. And it's completely consumed all the neurolimiters we've used on it. It shredded containment dimension Deus. The one used for holding deities." He paused and thought of a sandwich, which he fed to the Thoughtswoggler in his pocket. It chewed happily on the idea of food as he continued, "I have it's central identity contained, but outward flourishes are bound to pop up throughout dimensions. Perceptions large and small will begin to materialize, wreaking havoc with the cosmic realms, real and nonreal alike. And these Perceptions can take any shape. Newcago might be attacked by vengeful ptarmigans, while the Herd could be infiltrated by spoon cultists. The variations are endless. Just this week I dealt with a Cybercrustaioniod Megalith, the personification of Remorse, and a melon made out of rubber." The Stranger grinned as he stared into the fire and adjusted the light level to Dramatic without Pretension, a favorite among the DA for one on one conferences. "Now the data we've gathered has been most wonderful, and we continue to gather more from each new Occurence, as we've taken to calling them. And I want more. We could crack foundational concepts of the Multiplicative Bioverses at the rate we're going! But we need to make sure of several things. Firstly, the Alley must continue to gather data, regardless of the cost. We've never had anything like Experiment B700-xMx, and it looks like we never will again. Unless we're okay with the replication of the Titanivore Singularity, and last time I checked we'd voted down that possibility. Second, we personally need to make sure we steer the chain of events in ways that result in minimal disruption to the containment facility. I have five seperate Aspects of myself maintaining it and quite frankly it's exhausting. I've never had to use so many before, and frankly the side effects are worrisome. I've never been so..." his lone eye glowed with a fire that that made the hearth pale in comparison "...hungry." Suddenly a soft tune came from his pocket. He reached in and pulled out a broken clock, nailed to a stone eye with a single luminous spike. The hands of the clock were each spinning in different directions and the spike pulsed gently. The Stranger's grin widened "We have an Occurrence. Someone's about to meet a monster and they're not gonna like it. But hey, it's just Science." The Thoughtswoggler climbed out of his pocket and up his arm, using it's long trunk and prehensile tail. It sat on his shoulder and nibbled his anticipation as the grin turned into a soft chuckle, followed by a laugh that lacked the softness of it's predecessor. The Stanger turned to Voidus "You can have this one, I have data to process from the last one. And I want to make sure you have equal opportunity to enjoy at least one Occurrence before the rest of the guilds get all up in arms, as they're wont to do. I recommend taking and umBRella, they've come in handy more often than not."
  5. Or perhaps it silently feeds on the subconscious dreams of those with whom you converse? Welcome to the Madness
  6. I see you've already accepted the complimentary Welcome Cookie, so I'll just give you an upvote. And for the record, we of the Dark Alley offer real cookies. What's in them is another matter entirely, but they are most definitely cookies. AS for joining the illustrious Dark Alley, head on over the the guilds section and introduce yourself. at our front desk. Welcome to the Madness
  7. All of the look like normal people. The appearance is random. Regulars are just normal humans in good shape, equivalent to a member of the armed forces. Enhanced are equivalent to professional all around athletes. They're fast, strong, agile with fast reflexes, but nothing outside the bounds of a normal human capability. Avatars have moderate super strength, not enough to throw a car, but greater than normal human capability. They have enhanced durability and reflexes, and surprisingly well developed social skills. And they're fast. Frighteningly fast. Warlord (or I might just keep him as Platoon) can assume direct control of them at will, but they mostly remain completely autonomous. When they are killed or reabsorbed he gains any knowledge they acquired. They also have any skills Platoon has, so if he learns judo, they'll all learn judo.
  8. He can mix and match some, but if he makes one of one kind it lessens the amount he can make of another. I had it mapped out like this: 2 regulars equal one enhanced, 10 enhanced equal one Avatar. His limit for each group still stands, on if he made all 20 enhanced, he'd only be able to make 10 regulars. If he made 1 Avatar he'd only be able to make 10 enhanced or 30 regulars. Turns out Edward is an epic whose only powers are maintaining a crazy writing schedule and hair that is always perfectly combed.
  9. Ask just about anyone on the forum about the Dark Alley and see for yourself. Our PR division is really top class.
  10. I was hoping you'd like that one, I thought the concept was interesting. Are we cool with changing it to the blood clone dude?
  11. Alright, I get it. As the saying goes, "Too many clones spoils the soup." Lets come up with an alternative then. I need an Epic who can produce at least 20 humans outta nowhere, or a decent substitute. Here are some ideas: (I'm sure most of these are already suggested or used by someone, so let me know if that's the case) Warlord: Can create people by cutting himself. When the minion dies, the cut heals itself. The larger the cut, the more powerful the individual he creates. Small cuts create regular people, large gashes create enhanced individuals who are stronger and faster. Can also create an Avatar, a super enhanced individual that could almost be an Epic, but requires a huge wound Limited to 50 regular people, 20 enhanced, and 1 Avatar Man in the Mirror: can change his physical appearance to perfectly match anyone he sees. He can then continue to operate as that person, or turn it into a clone of that person. Clones have no abilities. Limit of 50. More to come...
  12. To be fair I had Platoon set as a character before the Australia RP was even an idea. I made him a bio in the Epics of Oregon page and everything, I just hadn't used him (I had his name as Cannon Fodder, but changed it because Platoon was less of a mouthfull). And he is kinda important to the Slivers as they currently are. In order to maintain a low profile they've kept their team relatively small. Platoon is able to provide the expendable manpower/bodies necessary for certain operations.
  13. Ooh, another brave new guild, rising to "fight the evil darkness that smothered the land." I'll get the popcorn. Who wants to get the drinks? Best of luck boyos. I hope your new guild does well if you need any tips with "recruiting", don't hesitate to ask. We of the Dark Alley are quite skilled in that particular area. That and snacks. We pride ourselves on our snacks.
  14. I have Platoon's limit at 20 copies of himself, identical to him but lacking abilities of any kind. Enjoyed that Arsenal post Kobold. It felt like he was saying, "I'd rather blow up the video feeds than share! Nya-nya!"
  15. Ooh, that could be problematic. I've not read Mitosis, so my mistake was out of ignorance. Does it help that his clones are vanilla copies, with no real powers?
  16. But the risk is what makes it exciting. Just like how on people's birthdays the cake is lit on fire.
  17. I support the raising of Busdriver's limit. How else are we supposed to have the big musical finale where the entire cast of the Dalles does a song and dance atop a fleet of psychadelic party busses? I'm already working on the lyrics. What rhymes with bottle opener of death?
  18. It won't be until the end of the chase, and it shouldn't take too long.
  19. Experiment H729: Subject reacts poorly to light, and shows an aversion to spoons, goat-derived fertilizer, and taupe. Further testing required.

  20. Got a short Quicksilver post up, because it seems university has trained me to only be productive after midnight. Happy Second day of the Next Year, in which the Future continues to evade us.
  21. "Sir, our men our under attack!" Surveilance's voice was panicked over the com. Quicksilver turned to the screen on the wall "Eyes." he barked, his mask instantly forming over his face. The screen flickered to life with multiple camera feeds from different locations. It showed Busdriver and several of the other Slivers in a bus, rocketing down the street. Cars were in pursuit, but that wasn't what he was worried about. A shadow flew past one of the hidden cameras. Deathwish, everyone's least favorite epic. What an asset he could've been, had Vondra not snapped him up first. Quicksilver activated his com and spoke to the Slivers on the bus, " Deathwish onsite. Shatterblast engage other hostiles, Fritz jam all Dalles communications, Platoon, have one of your Replicas drive the bus in case Deathwish tries to get him self run over. Keep on the look out for reinforcements, destructive measures fully authorized, but remember to avoid shooting Deathwish at all costs. wing him if absolutely necessary." He watched the bus move from one feed to another, frequently going into blind spots. His view was limited, as too many cameras would attract Aresnal's attention, so they made do with a sparse network spread out in areas to maximize coverage. Surveilance also sent a few covert drones high above the city to give them a better idea of the big picture. All combined it gave his a good enough picture of the city, but left out just enough to be frustrating. His attention was suddenly directed to a feed on which he watched the new Epic they'd recruited transform into a cloud of mist and throw Deathwish into a building. Most surprising of all, she didn't appear to instantly die as a result of her actions. Either she hadn't broken the skin, or the or Hawk's power couldn't affect someone without corporeal form. The second was tantalizing, opening up several interesting possibilities. He raised his com, "Fritz, have the girl stab Deathwish in a non lethal area and get back to me on the result. Platoon, throw some grenades in passing buildings and large vehicles, try and cause mayhem to help divide the guard's attention. A fire or two if you pass any stores or barracks. I want you out of the city. Access one of the tunnels in the surrounding area and collapse it behind you." Quicksilver looked a a map showing every checkpoint and roadblock in the city, as well as barracks and armory locations. Finding the fastest route wasn't a matter of which was was the shortest, but the safest. Minimal time spent in the city was optimal, but there were checkpoints at every exit and entrance. A larger diversion was in order. Something big enough to make people turn away from a bus full of rampaging Epics, if only for a moment. His eyes flicked back and forth between the screen and the map, cold and calculating. Suddenly they stopped, locked on to a single point on the map. Quicksilver smiled. Bingo.
  22. oh, yeah that'd be a tad awkward... How about Fido instead?
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