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Everything posted by Fatebreaker

  1. We should advertise this club with some advertisements.
  2. Our lack of structure IS our structure. Our intangibility is what makes us so formidable. You can't seize that which is incorporeal. However an RP does sound entertaining. It will certainly be different from other RPs. You have my go ahead on the project, not that it means anything. Everyone knows words are simply the daydreams of our eyes anyhow.
  3. Welcome new Denizens, feel free to experiment to your multiple hearts content, as well as distribute out goods on the Welcome forum. Happy Baking!
  4. You can never tell if the Denizens you meet are simple npc's or Dungeon Bosses. Sometimes they're both. Cookies let you boost your character stats, but weaken your sanity and morality traits.
  5. Welcome to the Madness Here have a complimentary cookie and an upvote Favorite Sanderson Novel?
  6. I'll try and get a Quicksilver post up, maybe with a short bus scene as well, but it'll take time since I'll be gone this weekend. However there are other characters that could go, perhaps someone on the bus? perhaps a viewpoint from a guard who's following the bus? But I'll get to work soon as possible.
  7. Oh, you must've gone to the other storage. Yeah, that place is a mess, defective spikes will do that. I recommend testing those before you use them, the side effects could be quite memorable. And this morality thing again. Last time I check staling was wrong, and you're still benefiting from hemalurgy. You are indirectly benefiting from the demise of another individual. Welcome to the Dark Side, enjoy the cookies. After all, you're practically one of us.
  8. We don't spike moderators, bad form that. Besides, Voidus is already a moderator, so he's been in charge of testing admin spiking tests. Assistance is always welcome! Welcome to the most entertaining and intriguing of walkways. Mind the gap, and the abyss and the unfathomable darkness of the void. other than that have fun!
  9. I'm afraid you didn't meet a single one of the requirements, and even my dead uncle knows that no one wants half of a gonzo gulp. Each denizen has their own price. Things I will accept include: Spoons(metal, wood, bone) Stolen dreams Pieces of the Moon (the real moon, not the replacement that's currently floating in the sky) Live tree frogs The Hungarian Revolution 1000 books with nothing written in them A cool fish The last memory of a dead man Sandwiches. Always sandwiches. And more!
  10. Sometimes we hypothesize, sometimes we fraternize, sometimes tear apart the very fabric of reality simply to replace it with a sock-puppet made from the hands of the deities we have slain, sometimes we socialize. But in a word, SCIENCE happens here.
  11. A Feruchemical gold spike will cost you three souls, an abscract concept, and a melon.
  12. Welcome to the Madness Here have an upvote and a cookie, both are complimentary. Favorite Sanderson Series?
  13. I have bottled the concept of "Burning", and it smells of remembrance. Taste-testing to follow.

  14. That wouldn't be as much of a concern, since Arsenal would want to keep them in the air as long as possible. And it wouldn't be as destructive as a combat missile.
  15. They would've started evacuating as soon as Quicksilver blew the lid of of his office. As for the shielding, Reflection can create forcefields that reflect anything that hits them with force equivalent to the objects force applied. They are completely flat, he can't contour them, and he can't slice through things with them. He's also already had several posts he's been in. I thought of the missile trick as soon as I read the word missile. I've put a decent amount of thought into Quicksilver's abilities and I think it's something he would have done as well. As for the remote detonation, I read it as the non-champ missiles were simply an afterthought to distract Quicksilver so the EMPs. He would've also had to create a detonater to trigger them and that wasn't mentioned in the post.
  16. I personally welcome the era of cookies and spikes, but I tend to be an outlier. Here's to the first thread of the new year!
  17. Well, lets hope he doesn't sneeze in the middle of the process then. But if any random person with a computer can learn about them now, it wouldn't be crazy for the criminal underworld to be familiar with at least the concept of the technology. But I can edit it out if you want. I think it makes for a more interesting scene he has has time to react before the just completely destroy everything, but that's just me. And I appreciate the feedback. Nah, it's the same.
  18. He would just have to touch them with a tendril and then redirect them, using their momentum. CHAMPs already exist today, and once he saw it's flight path it would have given itself away. Hmm, that is quite fast. The only thing I can think of is that normally ground based missiles are launched at a great distance from their targets, so it would most likely still have to go up and then turn, which take a bit when they're going that fast. But I was just writing what I thought would make a good scene, we can change it if people think it's necessary.
  19. Surveilance and Reflection, so they should be fine. Once Reflection sees Quicksilver has left the base, he and Surveilance would have evacuated. And once Surveilance spotted the initial missiles Reflection would have shielded them while they left. Maybe after Quicksilver starts controlling the first few. It wouldn't make sense for them to start off with that because they've never seen him use his power on something like that. Catching bullets is one thing, catching missiles is another.
  20. Yes, things are about to get iffy for him, but he doesn't have to do it forever. He just needs to hold on until the bus gets outta town, then he'll enact his gettaway plan. Plus he has one key advantage in this conflict. Missiles have metal shells. He just needs to touch one and he can control it. It's not going to be easy, especially while he's fighting epics, but it'll give him an edge.
  21. As far as bases go, he can make a new one fairly easily, and he'll destroy the old one before Arsenal can spend too much time snooping. Plus he has more than one base. As far as current location, well, he's more concerned about the missiles.
  22. Then Vondra puts Arsenal in timeout and sends Quicksilver home, ending the playdate.
  23. Got a Dalles post up, in which Quicksilver makes fun of Arsenal and breaks his toys because Arsenal tried to break his first. Coupla big toddlers if you ask me.
  24. The chase was going well. Quicksilver watched as it progressed, ripping it's way down the streets of the once peaceful town. Shatterblast and Busdriver worked in tandem, launching bus fragments at the pursuing guards. Guns blazed, tires squealed, people screamed. Pandemonium reigned supreme. Through it all, Quicksilver remained impassive. Arsenal would move soon, and they would have to be ready. Vondra's leash was growing longer and longer, causing Arsenal to grow bolder and bolder. He would not sit idly by, he would retaliate and retaliate hard. It was only a matter of... "Sir, I have a missile launching from the Guard's Central Command post!" Quicksilver's head snapped up. He'd been ready for drones, armored vehicles, even tanks, not a kamikaze act! There was no time to organize defensive maneuvers, he had to deal with this now, personally. This time pawns wouldn't be sufficient, it was time to bring out the King. The room warped, the metal walls liquidizing around him, entombing Quicksilver completely. The ceiling opened, revealing a passage to the surface. The mass of silver stilled, then exploded upward. A pillar of metal surging towards the sky, tapping into large caches of metal on the way. Quicksilver emerged at the top as the pillar cleared the skyline and slowed. His gaze darted back and forth till he spotted the first missile. It shot into the air as it gained velocity, rocketing towards the sun. Then it turned, arcing back until it was heading straight for the city. Quicksilver sent a jagged bolt of metal towards it, timing his attack to perfectly intersect with the missile's path. But it didn't connect. The missile changed paths once more and began flying horizontally over the city. Quicksilver's eyes narrowed as he realized what it was. A CHAMP missile, a high-speed EMP that caused no collateral damage. His years in the criminal underworld pre-Calamity had made him familiar with all variety of weaponry, and the behavior of the missile made it unmistakable. Arsenal was trying to eliminate the largest advantage he had, Preparation. Quicksilver instantly curved his attack and bisected the missile. The pieces left a trail of smoke as they fell to the earth. Quicksilver furrowed his brow and turned his gaze back to the city. Arsenal had been able to draw him out with a single attack, one that would have been devastating if not stopped. One missile could've wreaked havoc with the Slivers surveillance network. Quicksilver’s thoughts were interrupted by repeated loud rumbling. He realized in shock that Arsenal hadn’t launched a single EMP. He had launched a volley. A dozen missiles rose from the Guard’s Central Command with a deafening roar. This wasn’t a desperate attempt at a counter, this was a deadly parry. Quicksilver allowed himself a brief smirk behind his featureless mask. It was about time you stepped up your game Arsenal. I was beginning to get bored. From his body shining arms of silver grew, shooting impossibly fast towards their targets. Quicksilver simply floated, arms spread wide as his blades of silver destroyed the missiles with unerring precision. Swirling through the air like snakes of mercury, they eviscerated their targets with the slightest touch. In under a moment the entire volley was destroyed, the smoldering wreckage falling back to earth. Quicksilver turned back to the Central Command. He shaped the metal to amplify his voice, “Is that your best effort Dewhickey? Vondra has finally given you some real breathing room and all you can do is fire off a few missiles? You have grown complacent, licking the scraps from your master’s table. You are a Moses content to never leave Egypt. You are a slave to the powerless man who holds your leash. At least he has self respect.” As he spoke the last words he formed a torpedo of solid metal, increasing it's density and aerodynamics. He punctuated his final sentence by launching it towards the missile rig. Check.
  25. What'll probably happen is that eventually people will want to enstate mandatory registration of individuals who can use allomancy. Once it's been proven that allomancy was used in the murder, they'll be able to check the database and then use that as a starting place for suspects. While they're clearing people on the list they can also begin looking for unregistered allomancers. Professional allomantic assassins are essentially the same as specialists among the criminal community today, so there would be ways to track them down. Specific MO's, certain information brokers who keep tabs on allomancers, etc. One tricky scenario is when you have a regular civilian with allomantic abilities who isn't registered commit a crime. Then you'd just have to catch him like a normal criminal, surveillance footage from the area, door to door, people with possible ties, etc.
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