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Everything posted by Fatebreaker

  1. Greetings and Salutations Esteemed Patrons of the Cosmere We here at Cosmere U have an exciting anouncement. The next school session is rapidly approaching, and with it an exciting new opportunity. We are in need of suggestions for our curiculum for this arbitrary measurement of time. This includes classes, instructors, required texts, new school clubs, and anything else that you think would better the experience of our students. Here are a list of a few of our current options: Math 150 Intro to Statistics and Probabilities - Professor Steris Criminal Science 100 Intro to Modern Crime-fighting - Professor Marasi Criminal Science 400 REAL Allomantically-Enhanced Crime-fighting - Professor Waxillium Political Science 350 Modern Monarchy - Professor Gavilar Elhokar Rashek Iadon TBD Art 450 Intro to Forging - Professor Shai Religious Studies 240 Shu-Dereth - Professor Hrathen Art 300 Portraiture - Professor Shallan Biology 500 Chickens of Roshar - TBD History 370 Scadrial through the Ages - Professor MeLaan Philosophy 900 Is Chouta People - Professors Lopen and Jasnah With many more. We are excited to anounce several new clubs and sports this year: Our Varsity Dueling Team, coached by Professors Adolin and Zahel Our track and field teams include the Cross country pewter draggers, our Feruchemical steel Sprinters, and our Allomantic steel high jumpers Headmaster Hoid has cancelled our noninterference club, due to it being, "Even more stupid than Professor Kalladin. More Announcements to follow, but in the meantime please suggest away! Now to see if this Necro-spike works...
  2. We're not a cult, we're just humble purveyors of baked goods. Now please step inside this Alley for a free re-education cookie...
  3. *Surfaces from the depths of forgotten seas* Hello again guys, it's been awhile. Between recording music, travelling abroad, applying to become a firefighter, and trying to kill myself through sheer amount of classes at college, I had all but abandoned hope of ever being able to post again. But the storyteller that I enveloped in an act of dark science cannot let a story go unfinished, so I have returned to try and contribute once more, if you'll let me. As far as the Dalles goes, it seems like the whole Quicksilver situation hasn't progressed since the last Edgerunner post. Is there anything else I should be aware of while writing the next Quicksilver scene?
  4. This is excellent.The legal side of things is often overlooked by those denizens with an aptitude for science and not law. This, combined with our official disclaimer makes us more legitimate than ever. Granted, legitimacy is a figment of the limited consciousness possessed by mortals, but it's helpful all the same. Well done McMatt, well done. Also, the fanfare was a nice touch.
  5. You mean the best thing, right? Cause you're about to receive wondrous powers through a tried and true field of science? What holiday do worldhoppers celebrate? Khrissmas What happens when you a give a worldhopper a ring forged by Sauron? They become a Nazhgul
  6. Welcome, welcome. The Shard is happy to host anyone with a love for Sanderson's Writings. Here, have a complimentary upvote and a welcome cookie, courtesy of the Dark Alley. Both are free of cost or consequence, despite what others may try to tell you. Enjoy your time here and happy theorizing!
  7. Welcome to the Madness Enjoy your time here at the Shard! Theorize to your hearts content among like minded theorists. Here, have a complimentary welcome cookie and an upvote.
  8. Welcome to the Enlightened Darkness of the Alley, There are supplies a-plenty space to research, sell, and lurk to your heart's content. Forget consequence and heed only achievement, use the Alley to it's fullest potential. Good luck, and happy spiking!
  9. The Stranger felt an odd sound in the back of his knee as he sat at a worktable meddling with the unmeddleable. On impulse he glanced at a seeing stone and was greeted with the sight of a new face. He grinned, new faces were always nice. But then he heard it speak. It called itself the Stranger. "How odd, that was my name when last I checked..." He pondered this strange occurrence. "Did my doppelganger clone me again? Storms, you think he'd learn from the last time. And the Dragonquisitors." Well, things would sort themselves out. The Stranger had no doubt that this new comer would do wonderful things for the Alley. He grinned once more, the spike gleaming in his left eye socket. He turned back to his work and meddled with the fabric of the dimensions once more.
  10. As are Banettes, which build power by sticking pins in their bodies. Also, the Dark Alley would like to officially announce a new contest in which all applicants try to adequately define Time. What even is it anyways? The reply that best defines Time, thus allowing us to capture and experiment on it in our dark and mysterious laboratories will be awarded with the tears of a red dwarf star and a batch of our classic Soul-Enriching Not-really-Nilla Wafers! For questions, comments, or rants about the impossibility of pseudo-cognitive implementation in SoulGolems, just ask me or any of the menacing gargoyles lurking in the Alley.
  11. Quite humerous, but I was referring to hemalurgic specialties. For example zoohemalurgy, cognitive hemalurgic, temporal hemalurgic, etc. And the correct answer is one baby and one trashcan spread across the quasiverses. We can Spike anything. ANYTHING. However, it's much more practical to simply spike you with Feruchemical copper and have you store the cognitive information in a coppermind. Then it can be burned or accessed at a later date. Or we could just spoke out your sense of humor, whichever you prefer.
  12. No problem, harvesting the souls of the Archaic crepuscular Archdeities is quite time consuming and I had some experiments I wanted to perform on one anyways. As for the Dalles, it would be one of the group either reacting to the fact that Taylor is an epic or initiating the fight with Quicksilver.
  13. Always sad to lose an Epic as awe-inspiring as Busdriver. Good luck Mail, remember to leave your notice if leave at the Alley. Congratulations on completing the Pseudotransfomativetemporalsacrifice part of the ritual. I'm glad your progeny will never be limited by the bonds of a rigid dimensional identity. Many happy returns!
  14. All who seek the enlightenment of the Dark Alley may join. Welcome to the Alley, mind the Cursed Creeping Cranivorians, they'll slurp up your cognition in a heartbeat. Any specialization?
  15. Without warning there was a loud bang and an explosion of smoke that filled the court room, followed by what sounded like ghosts whispering afterthoughts. The smoke cleared revealing the unmistakable form of the Stranger. His crocodile-like grin gleamed, as did the spike in his left eye. He pulled a notepad and pen from the confines of his grey lab coat. "I heard something about a looming darkness?"
  16. Our activity is dependant on members who are willing to further the cause of Science and spread the baked goods we produce far and wide. So please, make the Alley as active as you wish! Sell cookies, theorize about Hemalurgy, and lurk near and far on the Shard. Us old timers will do our best, but the incarnational element of the Alley is what will allow it to survive if we're ever consumed by nameless voids.
  17. Everyone is welcome, even Theory Weaver's. We just keep an eye on new acolytes.
  18. Technically, nothing has to happen. Often we just let them go about their daily business. But sometimes we extract certain aspects of their, "accounts", for use in research and experiments. Most of the time they are completely unaware, but we know. And we wait.
  19. Fear not Denizens! The Alley may slumber from time to time, or even take a power nap, but it shall never truly die. Unless it dies, which would be unfortunate. I cannot speak for the others, but I haven't been very present recently as I was in Thailand on an adventure. Yes, but it's buried in the arch-files and no one ever comes back from there, so it makes it difficult to keep track of. But we recently sent an acolyte to check and his disembodied spirit returned to tell us everything was in order, at least related to the permit that is. As for the rest of you, please continue to make, "sales". Every contribution helps, no matter how boring of a soul the customer has. Remember, this is not just for us... It's for Science.
  20. Ah, sorry about that. I just got back from a adventure in Thailand, and I've had work since the day I've returned. I'll try to get something up soon. Anything else I missed?
  21. (Ah yes, I guess the return of Winter means the return of to. Well, here we go again) The Stranger smiled as his favorite rebellious child tried to bully the new member. She sure had a strange sense of community, but instability was a common side effect of the procedure she'd gone through. "Now now, aggressive allomancy on guests is frowned upon Winter. Please use some manners or we'll have to reprimand you and you've never enjoyed that process." He turned towards the new member "Winter here was a member a while back who wanted to test out a new theory the Alleys had developed using Zoohemalurgy. The experiment was successful, but the side effects were unexpected. The girl became bitter and resentful and since then has acted in an antagonist manner towards our benevolent Society, despite continuing to use and benefit from the gifts we gave her." He grinned at both of them "But there's no reason we can't all be friends."
  22. Welcome to our Allied Association of Alleys. Zoohemalurgy is a favorite subject of ours. Feel free to research to your heart's content, sell like mad in the intro threads, and search sincerely for Science!
  23. Ugh, another round of Finals survived. And it seems like alot is happening. Firstly: Welcome back Winter, We've kept Mistwraith alive and kicking. Glad to have you back. 2ndly: For the following Quicksilver battle, we should probably start a pm, to minimize confusion. 3rdly: I'm going to finally get back to my Portland characters, so they don't get added to the unused list. Thanks for your patience. And lastly: Any of the Slivers are up for grabs if someone wants them. Reflection, Surveillance, Platoon, Shatterblast, they can be used if someone wants to. I already have plans for most of them, so check in with me if you want one.
  24. Just visit one of the reservoir Alleys, you'll find everything you need. Watch out for the Sleepless Sentinels though, they have a habit of temporally eviscerating intruders.
  25. Currently riding out a plague of finals, won't really be reachable till next week. If you have an important quicksilver question, pm me, otherwise I'll be busy tunneling through this mountain of notes, homework, and top ramen.
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