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Everything posted by SmurfAquamarineBodies

  1. Ahh, yea. I also meant being unable to get out of the system since they abandoned the Oathpact.
  2. Isn't their a WoB stating that none of the Heralds have left Roshar?
  3. So apparently at any moment my nephew could give himself a seizure if i say no to him. Drama queen. Well at least I now know that I have entertainment only one word away.
  4. Yea I don't get the either. In every instance of summoning Shardblade they open their hand and it drops into it. So to imprison them all that the prison would have to do is chain their arms above their head and bind the hands closed. If they still want to summon the Shardblade, well the cost of imprisoning them just got significantly cheaper. As they just got hit in the head by a Shardblade.
  5. I was thinking more along the lines of Surgebinding inside the Plate. I can't see Spren being perfectly okay with Shardplate if it's made from the bodies of Spren. It doesn't matter if the Spren in question are not Nahel Spren, that are still Spren.
  6. I have a theory that Shardplate is a Fabrial and that the reason it is able to do extroadinary things is that the Gemstones that power it also house the Surgebinder's, mini Spren?, ( Windrunners get Windspren etc. ). So the Windspren gets Bonded to the Plate and by extension to the Surgebinder, giving them a small amount of intelligence. By the Spren being inside the Plate it gives the Plate all of the abilities that the modern Plate does not have. Probs wrong but I think it's alright.
  7. Do we have WoB that Nohadon wrote in-world WoK or only Dalinar's word?
  8. So I have one really quick question. Why do none of the characters wear body armour? The fact that none of them do is a huge part of why I don't watch the show anymore.
  9. I remember playing WCW vs NWO ( or something like that. it was a wrestling game ) with my older brother but I was better than him so he punched me in the face, which kinda ruined ( lol ruin ) the experience for me.
  10. What color Gemstones come from Chasmfiends? Is it a specific color or random? I can't remember.
  11. Yea but now it sounds like some wannabe ganster white guy asking for his CD. "Can I have my CD yo."
  12. You are making the mistake thinking that only people in charge are a threat. Lalai has a large spy network and has access to assasins. She is a threat.
  13. I got excited for a moment thinking that Kobold the slow had come here to announce that he had written up the next section for TWTCH. But noooo he posted something about puppies and 'murica. Smh.
  14. It's obviously not an ordinary Fabrial but I still think it is one, I think it is similar to Oathgates in that it needs a Surgebinder. Why would they need Surgebinders to operate? I have one very simple explanation for this, Ishar. Ishar may have decided that ordinary people are not to have easy access to Shardplate because he understands that ordinary people are not to be trusted. He would rather that only a Surgebinder have access to them because a Surgebinders' actions are controlled through their Nahel-bond. He was ultimately wrong about the Surgebinders but he couldn't know what he and they were going to do.
  15. When you nickname your nephew Ati because whenever you build something with building blocks he will come along and slowly, meticulously and deliberately take apart what you have built reducing it to singular blocks.
  16. Well so I'm rereading WoR because reasons, and I noticed that my 1 year old nephew was packing a spaz at the dog. No idea what it was about but I found myself thinking, "stupid airsick lowlander." I blame you Natc.
  17. Well obviously she is getting freaky with another Surgebinder on the side.
  18. Oh, well if I'm around kids then I just say whatever I happen to see. Like if I stub my toe I'll just start yelling things like 'Oh towel feces' or 'Ow you stupid chair on a highway.'
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