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Everything posted by SmurfAquamarineBodies

  1. When your mother hands you a freshly baked cookie and you look at it in suspicion for a second, just in case.
  2. My whole body aches. I have a headache that goes from a dull throb to sharp shooting pains for no readily apparent reason. My back aches all the way down my spine, my hips are throbbing, with spikes of pain when I twist to fast. My thighs are tired, I have limited time to walk before they just collapse and my knees and ankles send sharp shooting pains all the way up my body when I dare walk. Oh and all my teeth hurt so stormin' bad. This is getting quite tiresome. I would go to the doctor but I can't get to a hospital where it would be free and I don't trust my local GP, far too many people sent home with broken bones for my taste. I would normally be high by this point but I can't find any. Not that getting high alleviates the pain but it allows me to better immerse myself in other things allowing me to ignore the pain better.
  3. Kobold that was very informative, thank you. Yea, pretty much that was the general consensus.
  4. Yea, let's be ghosts together. EDIT: It's doing the thing again.
  5. So whenever I'm viewing a page and I go to the bottom where it says the number of people who are viewing it. If no-one else is viewing it with me then it says no-one is viewing it, even though I am logged in and posting on the page.
  6. Oh, do what you want. I was merely joking when I said that. I should have added those face thingies but I'm still not entirely sure what means what in the face thingy world. You did not offend me, I was trying to protect elephants from the ponification I see around me. If you ponify them you will have won the quasi-battle and I would immediately bow down to your superiority.
  7. I'm always willing to eat baking. To check if it's poisoned obviously, well in this case Spiked.
  8. Have you seen the Dino Gnar skin? So freakin cute. Oh we have to name something now? Um... Ahhhh... Name 20 A song of Ice and Fire characters.
  9. Yes. I would mind. These are supposed to be noble elephants not the annoying rat of the equine world.
  10. I was meaning how are we going to get them there. They are elephant so I doubt that any old vehicle would do.
  11. Yes. Ground strike with lethal weapons, ( though I don't think Mel Gibson and Danny Glover would want to go in ) i at all possible we will need to take hostages. How would we contain them?
  12. If we are sending people in with a weapon then only volunteer military personnel can go. If they are taken we need people who are tough enough to stand, potentially, a little torture. If we are able to take live hostages I second that we take them. We don't even need them as hostages but as a source of valuable information. If needs be we can take them apart to see what makes them tick, ascertain any and all strengths and weaknesses. We will need to know these things if we are to have any hope of winning this war. Also if we are sending in a weapon all countries must immediately be informed that we are truly about to be at war with an alien culture. Any information we can gather about their weaknesses is to be immediately shared with everyone. Also wow 141 posts and we are only on the first scenario.
  13. Alistar, Annie, anivia, akali, azir, brand, blitzcrank, teemo, vi, caitlyn, malphite, twitch.
  14. Yea, definitely send them in. If one of the military personnel is willing to wait behind when the team leaves he will need to try and get into that barn. The noises that are coming out of their are, ah, not good. He shouldn't try and grab Kyle but instead give a device that allows us to hear and see what he hears and sees. The soldier may die but that kinda is his job, soooo we may as well send him. Even if he is only able to plant a visual feed that would be great.
  15. So we are all in agreeance that some people should be sent in? If so should they be armed or not. I vote not.
  16. If we are sending in a 'peace' team then they must be unarmed. We can't state that we have peaceful intentions and then just open fire on them at the slightest provocation. If we send in armed men they may take that as a sign of war and kill all the hostages. Making all this effort null and void.
  17. A chemist purely for their perspective on what they see. They may see something of interest that we do not, remember that we have no real idea of what is in there. The vehicle specialist again for their perspective and because we have no real idea of what is in there. I wouldn't suggest sending all the world's navies there just what can get there in a week. ( it only takes a cargo ship 2 weeks to get from New Zealand to china. If you are unsure how fast boats are nowadays Kobold. That's a distance of 11,160 km or 6934 miles. ) We should also set up video conferences with all governing bodies of the planet, including north Korea, if you think they wouldn't be involved in this fair enough because I don't think they would, but we must at least try and include them. If not video conference then at least keep them apprised of all we do and give them all the information we gain. By that I mean everything. All video and audio feeds and everything we may learn from any samples taken from them. We can assume that they are unable to tap into our communications because surely they would skip us and go straight to the general public if that was the case.
  18. You have my vote as well. How soon could we actually get people with the proper training to be able clearly recite what they see and what it could possibly mean? By that I mean at least 2 military personnel and 3 scientists from 3 different fields. We should send in an engineer, any kind but preferably one in military vehicle design, a zoologist, preferably an expert in elephant anatomy and an another of some other calling. I don't know a chemist perhaps. Are we able to send in some doctors to get a medical for the hostages, taking particular interest in Kyle, they may have done something to him so he is able to hear their frequency and understand their language.
  19. I don't claim to be morally superior I just object to using animals as a way to lessen human casualties. Fine if we are going to attack them then we must get at least 1 live elephant. We will then use that specimen to find any potential weaknesses that we can exploit. More would be better. I will also require dead specimens as well. What resources to we actually have at our disposal? Can we commandeer any countries army for our use? If we can every warship and airship carrier that an get to Florida within a week is to immediately start going there, the rest are to go and patrol the shore lines where any major cities are. I want every space agency to start loading up their space ships with explosives. All air forces in the world are to stand on guard ready to move at a moments notice. We will need to start getting ready to ship planes to countries that may not have a large air force, we are in this together, let's at like it. I also want every country to start conscripting people for the military, if open war hits then all prisoners who participate will get a reduction on their sentences even rapists and murderers. Are we even certain that they will attack another city in America? Yes, we should definitely start telling the world about this, some will panic and a lot of them won't believe us but that doesn't matter. Oh and all public flights are to be immediately canceled, they now belong to us. Every single air craft is ours now.
  20. No no no no, we let them destroy the first city and gauge how quickly it takes them to do it. I suggest evacuating all 4 of the nearest cities and changing satellite courses so that we have constant surveillance of the area. This way we only lose a city which will happen regardless and we gain valuable information of their numbers and weapons. If we charge in half cocked we will more than likely lose and they will start killing everyone they encounter.
  21. How can any intelligent creature sit there and say that one member of a species is worth more than the entirety of another? What standards are you using to measure this 'worth'. I have never down-voted anyone, except accidentally, but that one comment has me tempted to down-vote any and all posts you make on this site. I aware that this is a game but never joke about this, these sorts of opinions make me deeply ashamed of the human race.
  22. No. If we are sending in something to explode we will NOT be using innocent elephants. That you would even suggest this is somewhat disgusting. How about if we do this we use a remote droid car or as someone suggested a airstrike.
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