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Everything posted by SmurfAquamarineBodies

  1. just caught up on Highschool DxD, it's a good anime but it has more boobs than GoT. I've now started on FMA: Brotherhood.
  2. So some random person who is apparently female wants to add me on skype and exchange photos. Which I'm 30% sure means nudes, ( her description of herself was small with large attributes, assuming she is female. ) but fortunately for her that sounds like way to much effort so I'm going to have to ignore her.
  3. If you do make it to New Zealand and travel to Christchurch, contact me and we could meet up and do something. Eat most probably. I like eating.
  4. You might as well remove Scadrial from that list as they were created by their Shards. Edit: Scadrial not Sacadrial.
  5. I think it is a little simpler than that. So land is a bunch of beads because dirt is composed of lots and lots of different elements and compounds. Where as water is composed of water. ( There are of course trace amounts of other things but mainly its H2O ) So using your vibration theory because such a large amount of the ocean is vibrating to the same 'tune', I suppose, it is interpreted by the mind to be solid. I'll need a quote but I'm pretty sure that the fish were represented by lights under the surface of the ocean?
  6. What do you mean 'I fear for myself if he does'. Are you afraid that he would get physical? Or is he more inclined towards emotional abuse?
  7. Counter point. Honorblades. Honorblades consume Investiture at around the same rate as Nightblood.
  8. Progression. Easy. Do you know the damage that could be done with progression to any city? ( pretty sure it can be used to grow plants. ) I would also go to the rain forests of the world and restore them. Any logger that was unfortunate to be in my way would find thorn bushes instantly surrounding them, They wouldn't die, well not immediately, I wouldn't allow that, but the pain. Oh god the pain that they would feel. I would then leave them like that. To let them think about what they have done. Oh and suppose I might go feed some people but only if they made it worth my time.
  9. I recently re-read the books and I just read each character arc before moving onto the next character. Reading it that way i liked book 4 and 5 much better.
  10. It split her shadow, it worked because Zane blocked the wrong one.
  11. Who do we think is gonna strike the killing blow?
  12. I'll upvote you because you tried to answer the question but know that I'm going to more or less completely disregard your answer until we get some kind of Stormlight to Divine Breath ratio ( you'll note that I didn't say normal Breath because I personally think they are two vastly different things ).
  13. So we get two people, give one of then enough Breath for the third Heightening, leaving the other with only one Breath. Break both of their arms to roughly the same degree. Who heals first?
  14. Is there a limit to the amount of physical damage a Divine Breath can heal? For example a 'scientist' grabbed a random person and cut out their eyes, removed their tongue. Skinned them, removed their limbs, cut off their genitals and removed their stomach, big and small intestines, 1 lung and 1 kidney. Would a Divine Breath fully heal them? What if he stitched his arms to his hips and legs to his shoulder? Would he be returned to normal or...?
  15. Killing in the name of - Rise Against Oh and I also rock out to the soundtrack to the best movie. The Lion King.
  16. Then for my guess I'm going to guess it has something to do with Hoid.
  17. Maybe. About it being against the ideals. If Aluminum could keep a Spren out of a room then I think you could keep it a secret, so long as your emotional state doesn't change too much whilst torturing someone.
  18. I think its like riding a bike. A bit difficult to start doing it but as soon as you have learnt then its pretty meh on the difficulty level.
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