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Everything posted by eveorjoy

  1. We are getting more chapters than I thought, though I was expecting Eshonai's interlude.
  2. I think this shard exists and Jackie Chan has it. Ever heard of his Drunken Master movies? Did Voldemort possess this shard when he made his Horcurxes? Okay now my Shard ideas. Shard of Alliteration. Power performs perfectly when preferred phrases are pronounced properly. Shard of Comfort. Minor aches make you weak. Major pains drain your power completely. A massage makes you able to knock a hole in the side of a mountain. Shard of Fiber. The magic to get things moving. Shard of Whinning. "I want my power, now, now, now!" And then you hold your breath until you get. Shard of Politeness. "Please" is the magic word.
  3. Crazy speculations. I think Elhokar will be the only Kholin to die and Alethkar will break apart. Most of the high princes and many civilians will die when the Parshmen rise up. This will be the Disaster Navani speaks of in her journal. Dalinar and Navani will spend book 3 trying to restore the country as well as the KR. And Wit will kill Sadeas with Nightblood when Sadeas pulls Oathbringer on him in the epilogue.
  4. I wonder if we will read the end of part one in the next batch. I heard part one ends on a cliffhanger. Maybe that is when Kaladin will see Amaram again. I also wonder if we will get any more Shallan chapters. Any later chapters would spoil the suspense created from leaving seven out of the last batch. I hope we get to see Sigzel testing Kaladin in the next batch. It would be a good teaser and I doubt it would give more of the story away than we already have. Regardless, I'm sure some big hooks are coming in the last batch. Oh the next four weeks will be tough.
  5. Slightly off topic, but an author will kill their darlings if it serves the story. Dalinar isn't safe even if Brandon thinks he is awesomeness personified. Okay, back to the topic.
  6. Brandon has said that he has no problem with doing a flashback sequence in a book published after a character has died. We know the Szeth's book is number three. Having other characters journey to discover where Szeth came from while he learn Szeth's past would be interesting. Also, we know Szeth will not run from a fight. Either his target will die or he will. I really don't think Kaladin is going to let Dalinar die. He might fail, but I think Szeth would need to kill Kaladin and Bridge Four before he could get to Dalinar. I don't think Kaladin will die and the cover of WoR shows their fight will come. So will Szeth survive book 2? How could he survive his fight with Kaladin if he will not yield?
  7. I can think of one character this might work with. If Szeth dies in book two (I hope he doesn't but if he did) and Jasnah and Shallan travelled to Shinovar to discover his past, having scenes showing Szeth's life interchanging with Shallan and Jasnah's story would work really well. This might work for other characters, but because Shinovar is such a mystery a postmortem sequence for Szeth would be intriguing. However, Sanderson is far more creative than me, so he could find a way to make it work for Dalinar or Eshonai. Okay I will not post here again, I promise.
  8. Yes and no. They must give up all worldly possessions and live in the home of another, but they are free to leave the ardentia if they choose. They are closer to monks and nuns who often make similar vows, giving all their wealth to the church. The only difference is their church is independent, where as in Vorinism the church is subject to the state. Also I doubt the Brightlords who "own" ardents beat them if they are displeased with them.
  9. Well there you are. My dream scene of Shallan drawing Syl blown out of the water. Oh well. I was hoping to read an argument between Syl and Pattern, but I guess that will only be possible from Kaladin's POV, assuming Pattern remains visible to everyone of course.
  10. Jasnah Distracted? Yes. Shallah Distracted? Yes. When she drew the men Jasnah killed. She drew a lot of those pictures without thinking. A lot of her symbol head drawing were done when Shallan wasn't distracted. The night she first soulcast and her drawings at the hospital of the symbol heads were all done with a focus mind. Maybe Ivory was somewhere else the two times she drew Jasnah, but we have no proof of her drawing hidden Nahel Spren except her own.
  11. Unless Amaram shows up and he and Dalinar are being buddy buddy. Besides, Kaladin only promised Syl to try to become a Radiant. He never promised to tell Dalinar. Kaladin is afraid of telling Dalinar. Maybe he should grow in his abilities, and gain confidence that he won't lose Syl before telling Dalinar. Now another tangent. I've been assuming that Shallan would discover Syl by drawing a picture of Kaladin. However, I realized Shallan drew several pictures of Jasnah, at least two of her soulcasting, and she never drew Ivory. Maybe my assumption was wrong. Maybe Shallan wouldn't accidentally draw Syl. Maybe she drew the symbol heads because one of them was to be her spren.
  12. Thank you. I don't know if I could do a scene of Amaram and Kaladin any justice. And any scene I've imagined with them would be long. I think it's better to wait and see what the master does on March 4th with them. I'm still hoping a scene with the two of them will show up in one of the excerpts from Tor. There is one collection of chapters left.
  13. Maybe Kaladin has just flown back from Urithiru, just in time to save the day.
  14. This scene. (Sorry I am not Sanderson. Be kind.) Their guard included the darkeyed Captain Adolin had been complaining about. Probably the reason her betrothed had moved to join his friends on the other side of the room. That was alright. She wanted to draw anyways. She took out her pad and pencil, and began sketching. Why not start with the Captain? He had an interesting jaw. "Prude!" Pattern snapped. He was rolling around the Captain's feet. The Captain, what was his name...? Kaladin. Kaladin didn't look down at Pattern, instead he seemed to be glazing at his shoulder. Pattern hissed and darted away from the Captain under one of the tables. He seemed to dislike Kaladin as much as Adolin. Shallan looked down at her sketch. That was odd. She had not only drawn Kaladin and Pattern, but also a tiny irate woman standing on the Captain's shoulder, pointing an anger finger at her spren. She looked up from her drawing and saw Kaladin whispering to his shoulder. It could happen.
  15. Sweet foods tend to be comfort foods, something to eat while relaxing and contemplating scholarly pursuits. Spicy food cause pain and can leave a person energized. So maybe that has something to do with sweet food for women and spicy for men. Personally I love spicy foods, so I think I would need to become ardent on Roshar. I want my hot wings.
  16. Maybe, but the humans just don't fit with the rest of the planet. I have a feeling this issue will not be answered until book ten. In fact we know from Dalinar's visions other things besides Parshendi attacked during Desolutions. So it will come whether Genocide is committed or not.
  17. If the Parshendi cannot prevent being taken over, then I think they would rather die they become Odium's slaves. They may have killed Galivar for that very reason. But Jasnah is not at the point yet where she can prove they parshmen are voidbringers. I agree with much of her evidence, but before planning genocide I would hope she would go to Urthihu first and confirm that their was no other way. The Parshendi are people and the Parshmen might have potential to return to being like them. Also, there might be a way to prevent Odium from taking them over. In the end, if the Parshmen are taken over by Odium then what they do is not their choice. Kaladin said it best when he said the only thing lower than a bridgemen is a parshmen bridgemen. They are the lowest victims in Roshar and killing them all of would be so tragic. If it is absolutely the only way to defeat Odium then yes it should be done. However, without solid proof or unless they actually turn on the humans killing them is going too far.
  18. I think Jasnah is missing some important information. In fact, if the choice was between humans and parshendi, I'd be on parshendi's side. (Here me out, though I admit this is wild speculation and if I am wrong I am not surprised.) I don't think the humans are from Roshar. Their myth talks about them being kicked out of "heaven" and being banished to Roshar. What if the humans and Tanavast were from another planet and chased to Roshar by Odium? What if Cultivation was the original and only God of Roshar? What if Tanavast came to her and said, please make room for my humans on your planet, we have lost our home? And Cultivation allowed it because she liked Tanavast. He was an honorable God after all. Why do I think the humans are not from Roshar? Because they are nothing like any other species on that planet, except in Shenovar, but that is one small corner of the Roshar. That might be where the original humans settled.The Parshendi can go out in a Highstorm without any problems. They are shelled beings just like many other species on that planet. I contest that they are the original natives of Roshar and the humans are at best invited colonists and at worst invaders. I think something happened to the Parshmen that made them into slaves. Maybe Odium did something to them, I don't know. I think if they were Parshendi they would be reasonable people. I think killing the Parshmen would be wrong and if the humans want to commit that genocide then back to Damnation with them all, because it maybe where they came from in the first place.
  19. Since three people have commented on my earlier, admittedly not well thought out, statement about sending the Parshmen away instead of killing them, I will reply. So yes if Jasnah convinces the Alethi to ditch the Parshmen they will most likely kill them all. It is the simplest solution. I just don't like it. Such a genocide feels wrong. I don't think the Parshendi are the Voidbringers, or at least not originally. Every time a point of view character interacts with one, they come across as dignified, honorable and respectful. Even when they plan to have someone killed they dress their assassin in white to let the victim know they are coming. The Parshendi seem to be the most honorable race we have seen in Roshar thus far. I think the Parshmen are a threat, but killing them all off is not the answer. I liked Moogles suggestion of giving them all back to the Parahendi to take care of. We don't know why the Parshmen are they way they are, but I think Jasnah is on the wrong track. She seems to assume the Parshendi are Parshmen who have been changed, but I think it is the other way around. What if Odium made the Parshendi into Parshmen? Another thread suggests Odium will take over them and attack the people of Roshar. What if that is what happened in the past? What is all the Parshmen are brainwashed victims of Odium stealing their spren or giving them voidspren. I've thought of starting a thread about this myself, but it really is just my speculations. Still, the thought of killing all the Parshmen sickens me. I would have a lot less respect for Jasnah or Dalinar if they promoted such a course of action. Do you think Kaladin or any of Bridge Four would stand by and let Shen be executed?
  20. Teleporting might take a lot of stormlight and she might not be very good at it yet. She could teleport to the middle of nowhere and have to walk back to civilization.
  21. Jasnah could transport out and appear again at the end of the book. Shallan and everyone else in the book doesn't know Jasnah can do that, so everyone might think she is lost at sea.
  22. Does the new Kaladin have scars on his forehead? I can't see them on my computer.
  23. Lightweavers are a bloodthirsty bunch. I agree, I still think a Parshmen (Shen? A servant in Dalinar's rooms?) could have done it. Still, Dalinar writing the message would work for the narrative, because it suggests something is wrong with him.
  24. Yeah Moiraine didn't "die" until it fit the story, There are too many unanswered questions about her and the Elsecallers. If she died now it would be worse than tragic. A tragic death might be good for the story. Her death now would be unsatisfying. There are still a lot of things only she can do. The Elsecaller transportation surge for starters. Now if Sanderson showed us what is going on with her and Amaram and her Elsecaller abilities, then killed her off later in the book that would work.
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