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Weaver of Lies

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Status Updates posted by Weaver of Lies

  1. My brain is funny. That can be both good and bad. And every time I think I’ve got it figured out it decides to flip the tables.

    1. Just a Silvereye

      Just a Silvereye

      I feel you so much


      *more hugs*

    2. Weaver of Lies

      Weaver of Lies

      Thank you! The table flipping was good this time, which is nice.

  2. 600 words. Not a ton, but a significant amount, especially compared to what I’ve been writing almost every day these last few months (nothing). It feels nice to have gotten some stuff done.

    Anyway, for anyone interested, I put this in my writing thread too but I’ve started writing some again, and I’ll be getting a new chapter from my novel out pretty soon. I hope some of you will read it!

  3. I don’t think people will understand how much a small compliment can mean to people.

    I need to be less afraid to give them. Because if it means a lot to me then it’s probably the same for others.

  4. @Wierdo @Edema Rue @SmilingPanda19 @Lunamor @Anguished_One @The Aspiring Archivist @RoyalBeeMage @Random Bystander @Lego Mistborn @Cash67

    Hopefully that's everyone.

    This isn't a "good bye" SU. It's more of me saying that I'm taking a step back from the shard, especially in regards to RP. I have very much enjoyed the RP I've done, but it's taking up my time and energy. I'm hoping that I can get back to doing the things I need and want to do by removing myself completely, or, at least almost completely, from RP. I know this inconveniences you, and I'm sorry for that, but it's something I feel needs to happen.

    @Lunamor and all others in Percy Jackson RP,

    I can either have Edgar gent sent back to camp because of his injuries or he can die. I don't really have a preference.

    @Anguished_One @The Aspiring Archivist, in regards to My Turn

    I'm not sure what to do here, sorry. I guess Freja could die trying to avenge her sister or something.

    @Edema Rue @SmilingPanda19

    I know I said I was going to participate in Hunger Games, but I'm going to have to take that back.


    I think I or the RP itself is already inactive for the other one's I am in.

    Sorry again for the inconvenience this causes any of you. If anyone ever wants to talk to me, my PMs are open and I enjoy talking to people.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Lego Mistborn

      Lego Mistborn

      Good luck, take care, and once more, no worries.

    3. RoyalBeeMage


      Farewell weaver. We will always welcome you back when you’re ready 

    4. Anguished_One
  5. Am I the only one that sometimes feels an underlying depression? Like unless there’s something actively making me feel something else I just feel depressed.

     This has been going on for…a week? Something like that.

    1. Experience


      All the time

    2. The Aspiring Archivist

      The Aspiring Archivist

      Honestly, I think that's kind of what depression is. It doesn't mean you never feel anything else, it just means that you return to those feelings persistently for a long time. 

      *hugs* I'm here to talk if you need it

    3. Lego Mistborn

      Lego Mistborn

      That's called depression.

      You're already on the path to keep yourself healthy by opening up. We're here for you, we'll listen, and I promise we don't judge.

      (We're all messed up somehow)

  6. I just absolutely love when my day finally starts being a good day…then everything comes crashing down.

     So much fun.

    1. Lego Mistborn

      Lego Mistborn

      Life sucks for real man.

      I don't know what you're facing, but I feel you.

      If you wanna talk about it, open up, I'll always listen.

      Otherwise, just remember that God is forging you into he wants you to be. And, because we're mortal, we can't grasp his plan yet, but that doesn't mean it's not there. When you feel down, remember that you will receive blessings for your trials, that your Heavenly Father loves you, and that you are not ever alone.

  7. Happy by NF hits really hard when I realize I relate to almost every line.

     Today has been a long day.

  8. Happy birthday!

  9. I feel so broken.

    I don’t know if I can be fixed.

    I don’t know if I want to be fixed.

     Everything seems so wrong with me.

    1. Lunamor


      I’m so sorry you’re feeling like this. I know how it feels. It really sucks. I’ve got some advice/encouragement if you want it, but I know that sometimes that’s not very helpful in the moment.


      What’s helped me is focusing on the fact that while I can’t necessarily “fix” the parts of me that feel broken, I can learn to stop them from controlling me. It’s not easy, and for a while I didn’t think it was possible. But things do get better. I know that’s really cliche, but it’s still true. It wasn’t an overnight thing, it was a long series of steps. After a while I looked back and realized how far I’d come. Along the way it had felt like nothing was getting better, and that was really discouraging, but I had been actually making progress. Everything’s not perfect, but I don’t think perfection is possible for anyone. And while I don’t know you too well, from what I’ve seen, you’re an amazing person.


    2. Spark of Hope

      Spark of Hope

      If you ever need anyone to talk to, you can always reach out to me ❤️

  10. Yesterday was state esports. I play MarioKart, and we took  first in that. Overall, my esports team also placed first. It was age is amazing.

     Less amazing is the 4+ hour drive back, getting home after 2:00. I’m still not home yet.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cash67


      You drove in game now drive in real life 

    3. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Oof. That’s rough.

    4. RoyalBeeMage


      well done on the win. hey 4 hours ain't that bad...

  11. Happy birthday!

    1. SmilingPanda19


      *chomp* AnD A hAppY bIrTHDay tO YoU

  12. This is my rant for tonight:


    I’m storming tired. So why won’t I let myself go to sleep? I’m not going to do anything tonight, no matter how much I should. I know I should get some sleep, I know I need it. So why won’t I, why can’t I?

    I think it’s maybe to prolong the inevitable. I’m going to have to wake up early tomorrow, like almost every school day. My day will be filled with boring, yet exhausting, school, then I’ll get physically tired at track. I’ll be dealing with the stresses of things I know I need to do but don’t. I’m going to have to try to interact with people, which I’m terrible at. I’m going to try to plan for prom after a wrench got thrown into my previous plans because of past mistakes I’d almost thought I had moved passed, that I was finally starting to make peace with.

    So I stay awake late into the night, trying to stop all this. But I can’t. It’s going to come.

    I guess I might as well try to be a little better rested then. We’ll see if I can make myself try to sleep.

    Goodnight, hopefully.

    1. WhyEverNot_8


      Dude, I feel ya. I couldn’t sleep last night either.

      Let us know if you need something.

    2. Silver Phantom

      Silver Phantom

      Hope things work out man

  13. Uh…I should probably say this somewhere other than a quickly forgotten reply to an earlier SU.

    Spoilers for length and probably being boring:


    I compete in a program called National History Day. It is extremely competitive, and my school is one of the best in the nation for this competition. This is my third year competing. There are 4 levels of competition you can advance to: regionals, state, nationals, then finals in nationals. There are 5 categories of project, and I chose documentary. This year, at the regional level I placed poorly, bad enough that usually I wouldn’t advance to state, but because of Covid things are still a little weird. Regardless, I advanced and was given the push I needed to greatly improve my project. At state, my project placed first of seven (I think that’s how many there were), and so I advanced to the national level. My goal is to make finals, which is  the top ten projects from each category, choosing from projects mostly in the US but some around the world as well. I would really love to get top 3 in the nation, and I’m going to be working towards it.

     Also, going to nationals means I get to spend over a week in Washington DC with the others from my school who made  it. There are 13 of us.

     I’m the only boy.

    Most of my good friends didn’t make it (largely a result of poor judging). The trip will be interesting.

    Uhh…what am I forgetting…

    I think that’s it.

    Anyway, basically I’m the only boy (other than my teachers) going to a 7+ day trip in June. Hopefully it’s fun.

    Oh yeah, if anyone wants to see my project, a ten minute long documentary on Toy Story, PM me, and I think I’ll need your email and I can send it to you.

  14. So…

    apparently running a track meet, then working on a school project, then packing for a school trip (to compete with said project), getting 3ish hours of sleep, then leaving on the trip can make a guy tired. Plus all the other stresses.

     Point being, I’m tired.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Weaver of Lies

      Weaver of Lies

      Thank you! I placed first in my division, I’m going to nationals! Late nights pay off sometimes!

    3. RoyalBeeMage


      congratulations! sometimes they do pay off.

    4. Lego Mistborn

      Lego Mistborn


  15. There’s something amazing about listening to the How to Train Your Dragon soundtrack. The music is wonderful.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      That soundtrack is amazing.

    3. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue





      uh I mean what’s how to train your dragon? Never heard of it

    4. Wierdo
  16. Post count!

    1. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      WOAH thanks I completely missed that!!

    2. RoyalBeeMage


      Well done Eddie 

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