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Everything posted by AltonicKeys

  1. I don't care about the McRib, we're going to Taco Bell! It's because you're ugly-
  2. Keys waited for Jay to disintegrate. "...Yeah, it's probably safe."He said after a while, and strode onto the platform.
  3. "Quick, what's the plural of 'octopus'?" There are three, but I said "The". You are confused as to whether to name them all or just one, and I take the sandwich using the power of my hand.
  4. Yeah, Hoid could just be joking, and calling a human a lizard as an insult. He's played with words often.
  5. In SP3, Yumi and the Nightmare Painter, Hoid was with Design on a different shardworld. So he found a way to keep the bond somehow. But yeah, he may have just lost it.
  6. I hold out a wet rag. "Hey, does this smell like chloroform to you?" As it doesn't, I hit you with a frying pan.
  7. Keys understood that nothing about that was fine. "Well you always seem... downcast, and your spirit kinda isn't. I don't know much about ghosts or magic or whatever, but I do know about people." He didn't actually know if this was true, but decided to go with it. "So, what's really going on, if it isn't too personal?"
  8. Keys slowed down to meet up with Eliira. "Hey man, you don't look so great. Does your spirit feed off your suffering or something?."
  9. My day be so fine - Then boom. Sad. Love the implied story, as always!
  10. I stab a straw through Bookwyrm's lungs, allowing air through. Because that's how breathing works. Ignoring the hollow whistling, I trip Platypus and take the sandwich.
  11. "Oi!" I shout. Surprised by my use of a common British exclamation, you drop the real sandwich and I pick it up.
  12. You never can fall asleep, but your body still needs it. I wish that Shaquille o' neil was my real life big brother.
  13. Keys stomped on the road for the last time, groaned, and ran to catch up. Why and how is he so much faster?
  14. You get a Type B American electrical socket cord. Both ends are male. I wish for some musical ability.
  15. "Jay, I don't think you can go to a tavern yet. Or whatever it'd be called here." Keys walked lightly on the bridge, still suspicious.
  16. Keys stared into the light-bridge and stamped on it a few times. "What." He realized there's more to the new place than a fancy impossible road, and looked around in confusion.
  17. Hey, just washed the dishes. Next wednesday it's your turn, aight? By the way are you the owner of this house That would probably hurt real bad, but I can't be sure
  18. Okay, so in the second to last sentence, you forgot the d in "...running and you can...", so that would- ...I fail to see your point.
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