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J. Magi

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Everything posted by J. Magi

  1. Sharp tries his tactic that worked on the other vines, relaxing, then slipping away.
  2. Cloud narrowed his eyes. "This won't end well," he muttered.
  3. Sharp stops trying to move the statue, realizing its far to big. (I thought it was small indiana jones style lol). He uses his metal file to file a large amount of flakes off the statue for later use, and gathers them in his bag.
  4. Sharp tries to pick up/ move the statue (assuming it's small enough he can do that).
  5. I could probably do something like that, but I'm at school right now, so maybe I'll try in a few hours?
  6. Sharp goes to investigate the fountain with the allomantic symbol for aluminum. He moves slowly and quietly, trying not alert the wolves.
  7. After taking a short rest, and filling his coin metal mind with a little health, Sharp decides to venture out of his hideout. Above ground, he once again continues searching for anything made of gold he could file down, doing his best to avoid the areas of the city he knew had wolves.
  8. 6500a449a2e67_Screenshot2023-09-129_53_30AM.png.b1b94690ac4bee3b52283973f8fdd237.png

    It's changed already, but for a brief moment I know the sweet taste of glorious fame

    1. Wittles


      Just make sure to not let it go to your head!


      Just kidding! LET IT ALL GO TO YOUR HEAD!!


    2. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      I shall rival megamind with the diameter of my skull!!

  9. Unpopular RoW opinion: Lirrin was a much more aggravating character to read about than Moash could ever dream of being. I literally hate him so much, probably on an irrational level. (I know Moash murdered people but this has nothing to do with characters morals/ crimes, reading about Lirrin just filled me with a pure rage when Moash was just kinda . . . there). I actually don't even hate Moash, I find him kind of boring if I'm being honest. He is essential to RoW's plot though, so I don't think it's bad writing or anything, he's just not the kind of villain I love to hate.
  10. I guess I heard you had to do an interview and assumed it would be similar lol I will definitely fast! that's a great idea, I hadn't thought about it! Thanks everyone!
  11. I really really want to get my patriarchal (did I spell that right?) blessing soon, and I was wondering if anyone had ideas on how I should prepare? My dad gave me a really short book about it to read, and I've been doing scripture study more regularly (mostly because of seminary but-). What did you guys do to prepare? Also, are the interview questions the same ones used for temple recommends?
  12. Welcome to the Shard!!! Who's your favorite character so far?
  13. Cloud pointedly ignored him. Krarik's words seemed wise, but he had a hard time trusting anything someone like him would say. He'd made that mistake once.
  14. *Ahsoka spoilers maybe, I tired to keep it vague*

    Me watching that one scene in Ahsoka episode 4, knowing full well that the rest of my family will complain about it (having not scene rebels) and dying a little bit inside.

    My dad the next day: I hate her so much-

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. J. Magi

      J. Magi



      I heard she's apparently revealed to be force sensitive. I'm fine with that, but apparently that's not the common opinion and I don't get it


      that's . . . not exactly what happened (and I'll tell you this because it's discussed in like, the second episode, so its not really spoiler)

      basically: Ahsoka tried to take Sabine on as a padawan, probably more because she already understands combat a good deal, and Ahsoka doesn't have access to a whole lot of other people she could train. 

      {mild mild mild spoilers, like I said above}

      the show discusses how they tried this apprenticeship, but butted heads a lot, and Ahsoka ended up calling it quits because things weren't working very well, (and in my opinion, I'm sure there were more important things taking her attention at the time), and because Sabine struggles to access the force

      time passes blah blah, Ahsoka finds the map to Ezra/Thrawn, this is the premise of the show as I'm sure you know.

      Sabine and Ahsoka decide to resume her training because they'll be working together to find Ezra anyway, and Sabine wants to be stronger etc. etc. they make up mostly and etc.

      But they make it clear that Sabine struggles to access the force. Shes not naturally gifted with it the way our general Jedi character would be. She's shown attempting to move simple objects and failing, attempting to use it in fights and failing. We haven't seen her use it on screen at all yet.

      Now, Ahsoka insists (correctly) that the force is inside everyone, and with enough discipline Sabine can use it. I think a good analogy for this would be Princess Lea, who really wasn't obviously gifted in the force and never used in the movies she's present in. But that didn't stop her from training as a Jedi and making a lightsaber because she did have a slight inclination to the force. 

      So, suffice it to say, yes Sabine will probably use the force. But (in my a opinion)i n a way that will be believable, and small scale enough to make sense. It's a bit out of pocket but I can see honestly see it working and it didn't really surprise me, especially since we've seen her use the dark saber to some effectiveness (which could hint at slight force sensitivity)

      sorry that ended up being super long.

    3. Wittles



      I actually really like how that works, that's cool.


    4. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      Yeah, I personally think it fits her character

  15. Sharp makes it into the tunnels, making for his hideout nook. Once there, he stashes most the food he got from the feast in its own corner. He sits down and starts tapping his new coin metalmind to fill it with health. But only enough to give him cold-like symptoms, so it will fill slowly, but at least he will have a backup if needed.
  16. Sharp keeps running, leaving the buildings and moving down a street to get away from the rumbles. He moves in the direction of one of the tunnel entrances.
  17. Sharp uses the same tactic again, relaxing so the vines stop tightening, then slipping away best he can, and finally filing away any remaining clingers. He decides this building sucks, so he leaves and enters the next one over.
  18. Sharp moves to take cover in a nearby building. He begins searching for anything made of gold he could possibly file down and swallow.
  19. Sharp runs to the nearest fountain and starts washing his mouth out, then he does his best to wash the parts of him that touched the plant, in an attempt to counteract the spores.
  20. Sharp pulls out his metal file and starts hacking away.
  21. Sharp does his best to carefully slip free of the vines, moving as slowly as he can.
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