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J. Magi

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Everything posted by J. Magi

  1. Sharp died to death, the several metal minds he had found were entombed with him.
  2. Sharp decides to just, let them take him.
  3. hmmm

    I need help developing an (extremely over complicated) magic system for the world building I've been doing, and I'm debating making a world building thread for it . . .

    I've never shared this stuff with anybody (other than my mom) before so it might not be very good.

    What do ya'll think?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wittles



      That's like my favorite thing!! You should totally share!

    3. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      yaaay okay! I'll try and work on it today

    4. Channelknight Fadran

      Channelknight Fadran

      There is no such thing as an Extremely Overcomplicated magic system.

      There are only Unnecessarily Complex magic systems and Tastefully Ambitious magic systems.

  4. whoops, I know I said I would work on this, but then I completely forgot (school sucks). sorry about that!
  5. Welcome to the Shard!!! What's your favorite character?
  6. "Form one?" Cloud asked pulling out his lightsaber. He fell into a basic sword fighting stance, hoping that would be close enough. Would the cult people have made up their own forms?
  7. Sharp starts carefully poking through the vines in the center looking for anything really.
  8. Wanna hear a long and stupid rant? No? Too bad.

    Soooo basically I'm taking AP Art rn

    Basically it's like, the advanced college level (ish) art class you can take after you've taken most of the other art classes (Drawing, Painting, etc.). 

    For AP Art you have to make a portfolio over the course of the school year consisting of 15 pieces. Which is a bit much, and a bit overwhelming, but I can be pretty prolific when it comes to art, so I'm not extremely worried about it.

    the part I am worried about is the fact that we have to choose a theme to base our entire portfolio on.

    and I'm indecisive as heck. 

    we're 4 weeks into the school year and I have no idea what I'm doing. 

    Okay maybe not no idea, I have explored a few ideas, and written out some thoughts but . . . well . . .

    -Idea No. 1: "Dreams." 

    I really like this idea for the few days it lasted, I did quite a few thumbnails, I even told my teacher about this one. But after the initial inspo died down I just felt kinda "meh" about it. Not only that but I realized I didn't have enough ideas to cover 15 pieces. I do still kinda like this idea, it was meant to cover all definitions of dreams, like actual dreams, aspirations, daydreams, etc. It just wasn't broad enough. Plus a friend of mine is doing something similar, and I want to do my own thing sooooo

    -Idea No. 2 "Harmony,"

    This idea was perfect. In the sense that it checked all the boxes I needed it too. "Harmony" would be a much broader theme idea than "dreams", and I even have a list of 15 prompts for all of my pieces. As of last class, this is what I was going with. The idea was to explore the diff. definitions of harmony. And it was basically cheating hehe . . .

    Because "harmony" often applies to elements of an art, as well as just visually pleasing things, I could basically paint anything that looks pretty cool, slap on how the piece is harmonious, and move on. Perfect right?


    It's boring.

    In that, most of what I would paint would be still lifes and landscapes with nice composition or contrast or whatever. So while this theme could work, and I could make myself do it and everything would be fine, I just find myself not wanting to. It doesn't inspire me, I'm not excited about it or passionate about it.

    sooo what do I do??

    My teacher gave me three pieces of advice when coming up with a theme, and they've helped a little I guess:

    -Base your theme around what you already draw all the time, to make things easier.

    -Choose a broad theme that you can fit 15 pieces into, something you won't run out of ideas for.

    -No anime

    uuuuuuuugh why can't I just pick something bro ;-;

    I was gonna rant some more but this is already really long and I'm tired.

    Also guess where I am while writing this?

    AP art.

    I'm procrastinating. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wittles


      This is your profile where you can say whatever the heckity heck you want, don't feel bad for ranting here.


      I don't really have any idea how to help, lol (sorry)


    3. Channelknight Fadran

      Channelknight Fadran

      Look up "Synonyms for Vague" and pick an adjective

    4. J. Magi

      J. Magi


      This is your profile where you can say whatever the heckity heck you want, don't feel bad for ranting here.

      thanks lol, I just don't want to seem whiny


      Look up "Synonyms for Vague" and pick an adjective

      kinda brilliant actually . . . but then my paintings would have to be about being vague

      it's interesting though

  9. Cloud still up a little too fast, moving closer to Miss Witch juuust in case the Sith guy decided he wasn't friendly anymore. "What's the plan?"
  10. Cloud winced, feeling darkness emulate from the Sith man. He wanted to run away even more now then ever, but for some reason he felt like he had to stay. He fought with his mind, pushing against the darkness. It was not unlike using Mind Tricks, though it was much harder.
  11. Cloud didn't move. "I'm fine right here actually" He did start reaching out with his mind though, trying to find the Balance.
  12. Cloud shifted nervously. It wasn't his place to interject, but he couldn't believe Rukk was just doing what Red Blade said. He could so easily be tricking them . . .
  13. Well crap. Sharp sits down to wait, thinking the vines will be come through another tunnel with more stolen metalminds, and that he could use that to escape.
  14. Sharp searches around the vines, looking for other tunnels they might be connected to.
  15. You are in good company my friend!
  16. He first reaches for his gold bracers. He uses the stored health inside them to heal his back. Then he starts to slowly put the rest of the metalminds (including his gold coin) into his bag.
  17. Sharp moves into the cavern slowly, trying not to touch or stimulate the planets around him in any way. He makes his way towards the metal minds. @Edema Ruh
  18. Sharp crawls as fast as he can while wounded, he tries to grab onto the specific vine holding the metalminds.
  19. Sharp jumps into the hole after the vines, if he just get his hands on one of his metalminds, he could heal himself.
  20. Sharp makes a dive for his bracers, trying to get a firm grip on them.
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