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J. Magi

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Everything posted by J. Magi

  1. Pen lounged and caught the teacup that Sleeper had dropped just before it hit the ground. "I believe they stated their business as needing help," he said, standing. "Will you tell us, fine gentlemen, what it is you need help from?" Pen called into the darkness.
  2. "Very true, but if you can use the benefit wisely, and time the downfall, I believe it can still be of use."
  3. "Ah, a wise choice," Penn said. He then proceeded to put 5 lumps in his own cup. "However I would argue for it's energizing properties."
  4. Penn sits next to him, cross legged in the grass. "Fortunately for you, I have taken the liberty to bring both." He handed Sleeper a teacup, and then pulled a flowery teapot out of his coat and filled the cup. "One lumps, or two?"
  5. "Oh . . ." Penn said, "This is rather awkward, forgive me, I thought you were a friend of mine. I believe it's the similar choice in fashion." He glanced between them. "Perhaps we could to sit down and talk this out? I find disputations much easier to settle over a nice glass of orange juice." He reached into his coat and began pulling out tea cups.
  6. "The Grim Reaper?" Penn asked. He hurriedly moved through the trees, holding his yellow hat in place. Soon he was right up next to the dark figure. "Could it really be you my old friend? It's been a while since we talked last." @Ancient Elantrian
  7. The smashing and blasting of sudden light knocked Penn over. "Good Heavens," He said lightly, standing and brushing off his lemon yellow suit coat. He glanced at Alitila. "You, my friend, appear to be from the heavens."
  8. Exactly. I also felt that it was meant to sort of mirror when he ran away and "joined" the neverseen. Running away the first time was a terrible decision, and it showed keefes relative immaturity. So having him run away the second time would be a great way to show how his character has developed, because this time he's running away because of his maturity. But then it just completely canceled out by him coming home immediately, and whatever thematic point was supposed to be there is completely lost. hehe I really do enjoy KOTLC but so many parts of it just passionately annoy me
  9. I am the only one who thought that (book 9 spoilers)
  10. Penn was watching from the blackness of the woods. The trees cast spindly shadows that looked like spider legs. It was emo that way, he guessed. The man on the porch with a flashlight and sword had stood up, sensing someone. Hopefully not August, for now he just wanted to watch.
  11. He could sense her next move, a quick jab Cloud dodged out of the way of her blade, but as he did so, something felt wrong. The realization came a little too late. The tip of Feisydd's blade nicked his cheek as he tried to doge away from her real attack: a slash at his face.
  12. things I could be doing rn:



    -Drawing but on the computer

    -Playing video games

    -Watching that show I promised my friend I would watch

    there are so many things I could do so I just end up doing nothing brooo

    Why is it so hard to get myself to do the stuff I like doing and definity want to do????

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      I sat on the couch for 3 hours.

    3. J. Magi

      J. Magi


      me too

      that's were I watched the memes lol

    4. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      I didn’t even have energy for memes lol

      I just listened to a rpg podcast and didn’t think about anything :) 

  13. Cloud moved directly out of the way of the jab. His sense of it was more complete this time, better then just a vague sense of danger. Cloud used the momentum from his dodge to move around her, and make a slice at her back.
  14. This is awesome! I really enjoyed reading what you have so far! Also the chapters go 1, 2, 4, is that an accident or . . .?
  15. "Okay," he said, deflecting the blade a little late. This time he focused all of his Sense on Miss Witch, watching for her next move.
  16. So today is bringing all of your stuff in anything but a backpack day . . .

    I brought a laundry basket 

    10/10 backpack my fingers do not hurt from carrying it at all.

    Update on the magic system thing:

    I have not made any progress at all since the last SU, (I'm lazy, Youtube is an addiction), but I did decide on just explaining the lore

    Also I'm now realizing how basic and unoriginal it is but that's sure as heck not gonna stop me : /

    I need to revise some bits and add a lot more stuff but this is where we're at:


    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      Last year, a kid brought a 12-foot long canoe, so they had to make a few more rules this year lol

    3. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      I want a day like that!

    4. Wittles


      I am so confused, but that's absolutely hilarious

  17. Me trying to write out this magic system thing:



    Anyways, I've got most of my ideas down, I just have to finish writing the actual explanations. 

    Also I'm struggling with writing out the lore section so I thought I'd get your input. I need to explain some of the world's basic lore so you can understand the magic system better. My problem is I'm not sure how to write that out.

    Would it be better for me to write it like I'm explaining it to you?

    Ex. "Hi this is what happened in the lore"

    Or would it be better to tell it like a story"

    Ex. "A long time ago in a galaxy far far away . . ."

    what do you think?

    1. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      If you’re just explaining the magic system, I would explain it. If just explaining it isn’t working, you can always do it in the form of like…a scholarly letter to someone who lives far far away. I do that sometimes when I don’t know how to explain certain world building things.

    2. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      hmm that's an interesting option, I don't think it would work very well in this case though.

      I also want to figure this out for later additions of world building that would be only lore . . .

      explaining it is probably best though huh

  18. Cloud got a vague feeling of danger, moving out in one direction from Feisyyd. He dodged past it, hoping he would avoid her blade. As he moved down into the dodge he made another strike at her stomach.
  19. Focusing best he can, Cloud decided to go for it. He makes a slash at Feisyyd's arm.
  20. Guys this magic system is taking a lot longer to type out then I anticipated 


    uuuumm it's also really long

    It's still coming though! Just prepare yourself 'kay?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      ;-; I'm only half way done

    3. Channelknight Fadran

      Channelknight Fadran

      You should send it to me anyway I swear I'm good at streamlining these things

    4. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      no but like I legitimately haven't even finished typing out the barest of bare bones.

      It's a bullet point list with not context lol

  21. 6509a2a5172f2_Screenshot2023-09-197_29_54AM.thumb.png.e4e8e15e6a845d1700fb1e1033765a55.png


    I broke the shard lol

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Channelknight Fadran

      Channelknight Fadran

      The site loads HTML elements before the custom stuff, so if your internet is spotty and your browser is crem it'll sometimes just give up and give you the bare minimum

    3. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      Oh yeah, everything looks so ugly without css.

    4. J. Magi
  22. Cloud nodded, and reached out with his mind, feeling everything around him. Did it have to be so blasting disorienting? He did his best to focus on Miss Witch, trying to sense her next move.
  23. "Okay," He fell in beside her, shifting his stance. Then he tried his best to open his mind to everything around him at the same time.
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