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J. Magi

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J. Magi last won the day on June 5

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About J. Magi

  • Birthday April 7

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    @jam.magi on instagram

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    May be more inactive due to The Curse
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    Inside the Moon
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    Creating nigh incomprehensible lore for HG

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  1. I finally finished The Sunlit Man, which means I've read all of the current Cosmere stuff which is pretty cool. (It took me two years . . . .)

    I'm looking for some new stuff to read, and I was wondering if you guys had anything to request? I do have some things in reading list to get to, but I'm not in the mood to read them yet (lol) and I thought it might be exciting to read something I haven't had on my shelf for years already.

    Specifically I'm looking for clean fantasy (I have a one track mind) that's on the shorter side, maybe a stand alone or trilogy. 


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      I said above I'm looking for fantasy specifically


      also bookwyrm . . .


      I've read enders game (i had to for an English class)


       . . . 


       . . . It was the most awful book I've ever read . . .


      so . . . I probably won't read the sequel






    3. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue


      Nope, what's it about?

      Okay, if I try to describe it it’ll sound terrible, so here’s the actual summary: “"The Night Circus" weaves a tale of love, destiny, and the clash between two magical worlds, all set against the backdrop of a bewitching and ever-changing circus. The novel explores themes of creativity, sacrifice, and the enduring power of love in a beautifully crafted and atmospheric narrative.”

      I’ll add that I love the characters, LOVE LOVE LOVE the writing style, and keep it on a shelf with 4 of my other favorite books where it’s accessible at any moment that I need it. 

    4. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      @justice magician

      Wait wait wait



      Don't give up on a masterpiece.


      First, could you tell me what was wrong with Ender's Game? Because, at least in my eyes, it's one of the best books written. Such an interesting character, situation...I can kind of understand why people don't like it, but I also want to know better.

      Am I being defensive? Probably. Should I drop this? Probably.

      Also, even if you hated Ender's Game, the sequel feels completely different. Almost like it's part of a separate series. It happens 3000 years after Ender's Game, and the only reason Ender is still alive is because of time dilation due to space travel. The story is completely different, the setting is completely different, the characters are completely different...the "vibe", for lack of a better word, is completely different.

      It centers around the discovery of a second intelligent race besides the Buggers, and humanity (and Ender specifically) trying to redeem their previous xenocide of an entire race. It's a story of wounded people, and a story of healing.

      It's beautiful.

      And, to be fair, I like it more than Ender's Game. So maybe you would too.

      Because Speaker for the Dead is the story Orson Scott Card wanted to write. Ender's Game started as a short story to set the backstory for the protagonist of Speaker, and his publisher was just like "turn that into a novel instead," so he did. But Speaker is his magnum opus, essentially.

      And I also love the sequels to Speaker, even if they get a little weird.


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