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Potato's Wit

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Everything posted by Potato's Wit

  1. An Awakened Object. Yay. Now I have no will of my own & I'm not even alive. Oh well.
  2. So, a couple days ago I stumbled apon a realization. (Many of you have probably already realized this.) Pain is what makes life worth living. It makes it interesting. You would much rather read a story about someone who feels pain and struggles than someone who has a perfect life. So, like Wayne, we should become good friends with pain. Not that we should enjoy it, but we should get used to it, as everyone experiences it. It is there to perfect us. That's why god put us on this Earth.
  3. Yes, I am! I'm reading stuff made by me! TPBM is not having a good day.
  4. You get a sense of extreme disappointment! *Inserts clip*
  5. So... you're on the winning side, right Rabbit? Speaking of winning, I WIN!! HAHAHAHA!
  6. Yea? Well, I'm revived by my potato family using Black Magic. Don't make me make The Ancient Dark One, Mother Of Rabbits come back and kill you again. I make a strawful pun* to distract you, and steal the sandwich. * For all you people who don't know what a pun is, it's when you say one thing but mean a mother. Edit: All those puns are from Alcatraz. Strawsome, right?
  7. But I'm not alive. I summon the Ancient Dark One, Mother Of Rabbits. She asks Rabbit to give the sandwich to me. Rabbit, being stubborn, says No. The Ancient Dark One, Mother Of Rabbits then gets mad and destroys all of Jupiter. (Yes, we're all still there.) The smaller rabbits follow The Ancient Dark One, Mother Of Rabbits away to the Rabbitverse. I take the sandwich from the ruins of Jupiter. (Yes, Rabbit died. She was on the planet when it was destroyed. Cool way to die, though.)
  8. I steal and sell some pugs on the black market. I take the pugs I did not sell and use them to break into the bedrock room. I steal the sandwich from Rabbit while she is surprised. (Pugs are the only known things to ever be able to break/mine bedrock. Why else would I be selling them on the black market?) Who said French? And WHHYYYY??????
  9. The potato is stuck in a pipe. She squeaks. She wiggles. All of this to no avail. She waits for someone to use her as a weapon.
  10. Ha! The Second child group will be much better than this! We will plan wars together! We will make plots together! We will be generally better than you guys!!!!
  11. How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?
  12. Eww... I would probably barf if I did that. My mom has, though. NHIE burned/destroyed a book.
  13. I enter the cognitive relm. I put some human hair on telrao just to bug her, then go back to the party.
  14. A potato rolls into view. She sees the cats, panics, and rolls far, far away, never to come back.
  15. I would give it away, maybe? IDK what they really are. What would you do if you found a baby chasmfiend in your pocket?
  16. Yes, I once was awake/asleep and I thought I saw Hoid. TPBM has listened to the song 'Particle man' by They Might Be Giants. (It's sooo good, but sooo dumb. In a good way.)
  17. I run out, take out all my inner anger at trick-or-treaters who are over the age of 13 on Eluvianii, and walk away with the sandwich. Lift and I resume our party. You all have invites.
  18. *Jumps in for a look.* *looks.* *Jumps right out.*
  19. I like KOTLC, but it does have some holes. And Fitz is a terrible person. You will never change my mind. I also recently found out that Shannon spent a year world building. Hahaha. The Stormlight Archive is waaaaay better. But maybe I'm just annoyed at the cliff hanger in the last book. Man, that was terrible.
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