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Mr. Misting

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Everything posted by Mr. Misting

  1. Ah. I've only stolen my souls through some creative writing and hollow knight. (Though is that really stealing Soul? Hmm, this requires further deliberation)
  2. What even is this conversation? Also I currently have 3 backup souls stored in a toaster in case of theft. Don't even think about it.
  3. Dave discarded his spoledy over his shoulder with a yawn. And then he got to the dirty work. And by that I mean he perched atop a pile of trash and occasionally flicked out a chain and thoroughly mutilated a kleever.
  4. Miyako ignored the urge. She had several other more pressing ones. "I, ah, sorry Viney." Miyako blinked. "Wait, no. I don't have to be sorry about anything!" Miyako jabbed Hyron with a finger. "What kind of person just kisses someone?"
  5. *Quickly searches google* Ummmm, should I have an opinion upon this? I thought the combination would be interesting and potent without picking metals like steel or pewter that get picked all the time. The idea of being able to gather an overload of information and then getting the time to process it sounded cool to me. It would also be really helpful in situations other then combat.
  6. Miyako froze, face turning bright scarlet. She hopelessly glanced between Mariel and Hyron, as her hand drifting to her sword.
  7. Miyako blushed furiously. She then hit Hyron with something that landed somewhere between a smack and a swat. "Ya can't just kiss people Hyron!" Miyako shrieked.
  8. Miyako rolled her eyes. "There were Queen Guard's who were gonna take us to the Queen and you idiots wanted to get captured. I touched my Shadow and murdered them for ya. Clean cut."
  9. Miyako hunched over, holding her knees with her hands. She glanced up and glared at Hyron. "You carried me yesterday, that was it."
  10. "That was one time." Miyako grumbled. With much effort she was able to slow to a walk. Miyako barely refrained from throwing up. Tides, her use of her Shadow the other day and taken a lot out of her.
  11. I don't know if one opinion is conclusive evidence. If we want empirical results I think we could either ask xino because he actually knows the characters or make a survey and give people zero context. Both options would amuse me.
  12. Mhmmm, good point. I'm still leaning to Hiykao but Myron has some solid merit.
  13. Dave eyed his splodey with a curious eye. He began to toss it into the air and casually catching it. "Do we have a limited supply?"
  14. I know! Season one was awesome and in theory a second season should also be quality. I'm quite excited.
  15. I would say its a tie between Guardians 3 and Secret Project 3. Hmm, or maybe Breath of the Wild: Tears of the Kindgom? WAIT HOLD UP. After a quick google I have been reminded that Spiderverse 2 is coming out this year. If it is anything like the original that movie will be incredible. Edit: I remembered about Silksong and a possible Cradle 12. Heck, this is going to be a good year.
  16. "Viney," Miyako quietly huffed out in between breathes. "I don't know if I'm going to throw up or collapse first, but whatever happens it won't be pretty."
  17. Dave nodded speculatively, looking out across the vast array of trash. He turned back to the group. "It does indeed smell quite awful." He concluded.
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