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S. Stormy

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Everything posted by S. Stormy

  1. I want your 50 question LotR quiz that may or may not exist, @SymphonianBookworm.
  2. I have a friend who reads SUPER fast and so I got her to read Reckoners, and when I found out she was on Calamity(the day I found out was the day she started, I think*), I told her I'd lend her my copy at school the next day(she had the ebook), only to find out she'd already finished it, and so did not need my copy. *hehe Sazed vibes there
  3. Yeah, she's cool. Or should I say
  4. Weeell, this is a Mistborn joke but... whatever. What do you say to get an atium misting's attention?
  5. Weeeell, I am a Shalladin(kinda retired cause Adolin and Shallan are good together, mostly I just want someone to be with Kaladin) fan, but also since married women don't take their husband's surname in Roshar, I just combined the two names. Cause why not? Also I didn't know that there was already a thread for this... oops!
  6. Oof, that's going to be a rude awakening. Anyway, my friend recently said that it's not her style and she got distracted... BUT it's still on hold, and she only got to the prologue. She'll keep reading. She has to...
  7. Hey y'all! So, there are quite a few of you whose usernames I don't understand and have been wondering about... so, here's a place you can explain them to a poor lost circus performer confused young child! If they're obvious, like mine, then you don't really have much of a reason to post, unless, of course, you want to! *cough cough* @WindjoggerTriggerhappy
  8. TOUCHDOWN FOR THE COUGARS! When your master's prisoners with jobs have armed themselves. (who gets the reference?)
  9. I don't know. I think they go well together... but Hoid is... really really really really really really really really really really really REALLY old. We don't even know how old he is. And that makes me weird.* *(yes I know that doesn't make sense, but my family says "that makes me (weird)" instead of "that's (weird)")
  10. Hmm. I'm not sure what I think of KOTLC. It was enjoyable while I read it, but I kinda got tired of them being defeated by the Neverseen. I mean, can't we get one victory? I still enjoyed them, though. Sorry(ish) about that annoyednesss.
  11. TWO WEEKS? Storms! That's really impressive. It took me a week to read RoW alone!
  12. Okay, thanks! This is good to know.
  13. I present: We Don't Talk About Moash! Any suggestions for fixing the struggling rhythm are welcome. MAJOR RoW spoilers follow:
  14. Hello, since this is a slightly less experienced person thread, I'm going to ask: what exactly counts as a necro of a thread? Yes I made a thread about this but nobody was answering so I got impatient...
  15. It's okay! All I need to do is stop trying. When you suddenly realize you just set your best friends house on fire.
  16. About what counts as necro-ing a thread? How long, I mean?
  17. Okay...


    Not to brag or anything...

    but I became a popular contributor on 7/1/22

    and joined on 6/18/22.

    This is strange.

    1. Shining Silhouette

      Shining Silhouette

      Congratulations! You've risen fast :P

    2. S. Stormy

      S. Stormy

      I got a bunch of reputation for a YKYASW post, which surprised me.

  18. I reeeeaaally don't like the idea of Mraize bonding a spren, corrupted or otherwise. He's too slimy!
  19. Aww, but he's so loveable! I mean Sanderson himself has said Kelsier's a psychopath... but he's still so loveable! Okay, but seriously. I liked him in Mistborn and but then I read Secret History and my respect/love for him went EEEEeeeeooooosplat* If you get my meaning. *Translation: My respect level went down.
  20. When you go to your school's Fun Friday and face painting is an option and everyone else is getting to be cats and stuff and your friend is painting so you ask her to paint a shash brand on your forehead.
  21. I'm not saying Kaladin's a more interesting character. I'm saying, just as people, Kaladin is better than Kelsier. 1. Selfless... or not? Kaladin is far more selfless than Kelsier. In Rhythm of War, he gives up the possibility of peace to save his friend. He is very willing to give up his own well-being for others. But it seems like everything Kelsier does is to be THE AWESOMEST and to be seen as THE AWESOMEST. Which is a very different motivation. 2. Intentionally Starting Followings Kelsier made a kandra imitate him to intentionally start a cult/religion. All Kaladin had to do was be his awesome self-- and boom! Shash brands painted on foreheads galore! He wasn't even trying to start a cult. Which isn't the same thing, I know. But Bridge Four sorta worship him a little, which he did not intend. So Kelsier worked to make people worship him, where as Kaladin just did his thing and oops, he (kind of) started a cult. 3. Grudges Well, in the first couple books, Kaladin hates lighteyes. All. Of. Them. Well, in all of Kelsier's books, he. Hates. Nobles. He will kill nobles just for existing. And even when Kaladin was at the worst of hating lighteyes, he didn't indiscriminately murder them. And he slowly learns to get over his grudge. I see that most nobles were actually evil in Mistborn, whereas not as much so in Stormlight. But still, Kelsier takes his hate to a disturbing level. And he basically refuses to see that any nobles could be good. Whereas by Words of Radiance, Kaladin is willing to see that lighteyes(Shallan, Dalinar) can be good people. Even when Kelsier saves Elend's life, he does it because of Vin, not because he thinks Elend is a worthwhile person. Whereas Kaladin uses what he thinks are his last breaths to try and protect a lighteyes(in WoR). Honorary Mention: 4. The Ghostbloods??? Okay, this one is less supported and less reasoned out. <---(is that a thing people say?) But I don't know, the Ghostbloods seem pretty shady. And... yeah. Kelsier... is...(beware, weird Cosmerian spoilers follow...) Thaidakar! Leader of the Ghostbloods! And if that's not fishy, I don't know what is. Disclaimer: I have not read Mistborn Era 2.(haha almost spelled Era as Ear) But yeah! Feel free to argue discuss to your heart's content! I will see if anyone changes my mind...(do I know what that emoji means exactly...? not really. oh well.)
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