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S. Stormy

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Everything posted by S. Stormy

  1. Hey! I understood that reference.
  2. So. A while ago, I made a note at the end of Chapter 9 of Way of Kings, which ended with, "And for the first time in a year, Kaladin found himself crying." I was reading a random part for the umpteenth time. Since I was on Kindle, I made a note. This was that note: "He hasn't cried in a year? What about the day Amaram betrayed him and he killed Helaran? It SAID there were tears on his cheeks." And Kaladin think to himself it's been about 2 or 3 weeks. This is inconsistent. Later. Like... I have no idea how long later, I opened up good 'ol Way of Kings, and on that same chapter, it now said "And for the first time in over eight months, Kaladin found himself crying." What happened here? Other than this, there are other changes such as two instances of me noting "typo" and then later looking back and there being no typo, as well as "Kaladin's eyes snapped open, and they leaked light, faintly glowing amber." (or something like this) being changed to "Kaladin's eyes snapped open, and they leaked light too." I also made a note on this, "Amber?! AMBER?! They turn BLUE!!!" And now it's different! What's up here? Is Isaac Stewart reading my notes? (i certainly hope not, cause some of those are a little... odd. also i don't really think that's happening.) I'm just curious, does anyone know? also, is it just the typo thread thing, still happening? but I didn't see any mention of any of these things on there. This might be a wee bit dumb but I don't know
  3. "oh no I killed my ___" cracked me up in a dark way Oh and also! I'm trying to write a Taravangian villain song but it ain't happening, mostly because I have no way of writing music and I don't know any music theory. Also don't know what to do.
  4. When you're singing Something's Coming from West Side Story in Choir and you get into character to sound excited by thinking about Wind and Truth
  5. Oh! Hehe, I do, I am super slow(literally the slowest on the team during the season but that's okay!), but yes, I do sometimes!
  6. I showed it to a friend who hadn't read Stormlight. She was extra confused cause she didn't know memes.
  7. When listening to Way of Kings(specifically the Bridge Four and Droplets chapters) motivates you to run longer and more often with your friend. @IheartKaladin4eva
  8. Not really a Swiftie... but looking at some of the lyrics and saying ...are you okay, Taylor???
  9. When you wear all your Sanderson shirts when you're in public to maybe meet a fellow fan.
  10. I keep hearing this phrase and I am confuzzled.
  11. Whoops. Not you Stormfather. Other Stormfather.
  12. Actually it's just Cricut vinyl cut into shape and stuck to my phone Edit: Whoops I meant to quote @Through The Living Glass
  13. When your teacher starts talking about cattle branding and you uncomfortably turn your shash phone case over to hide it
  14. We had to make a poem imitating the rhyming scheme and rhythm of The Raven. I made mine about the Cosmere. Also I got to go on The Coppermind for homework. Which was fun.
  15. Every time I'm mentioned here I realize I'm not forgotten And it makes me happy So you have FAILED in your goal.
  16. HAHA!! I'm pretty sure that I did that exact same thing. YKYASW you misread Seth as Szeth.
  17. RoW, RoW, RoW, your boat, gently down the stream....
  18. Over hill and under tree, through lands where never light has shown By silver streams that run down to the sea This... isn't easy for me. Just like cheese isn't easy for me to digest.
  19. you have disappointed me

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Immortal Platypus

      Immortal Platypus

      i don't know who this is

    3. S. Stormy

      S. Stormy

      He's just a friend of mine IRL

      I thought he'd do stuff here

      But he didn't

    4. Immortal Platypus
  20. WAIT I HAVE THIS WITH SOME OF MY FRIENDS Oh my gosh it's SO HUGE. I love it.
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