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S. Stormy

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Everything posted by S. Stormy

  1. Is that a Fablehaven reference I sense in your member title?

    1. Mat


      Yeah :P 

      My little brother was reading it and I saw the line and got a burst of nostalgia right around the end of Ookla Season (and the time to replace the member title). It’s stayed because idk what else would go there 

    2. S. Stormy

      S. Stormy

      I love those books. And Seth's messages on the walls are legendary in my family.

      Welcome to Seth's House.

      Seth rocks!

      Seth is the man.

      You're in a Turkish prison!

      Enjoy the food!

      If you're reading this, you can read.

      Is it still dripping?

      Use the meal mats as toilet paper.

      And so forth.

      (typed from memory. I probably missed some, and they're out of order.)

  2. I don't know what to say, other than just... you're such a good guy as far as I can tell, and you will be warm again. And you 10000% deserve help and community, even if your problems seem like they aren't as... problematic(words?) as other people's are. You deserve to have joy! Maybe, suggesting a random idea that I 10000% cannot guarantee would do anything, maybe read a book that you love while listening to music and maybe try to lose yourself in it, and relax and just be in that world for a little while? Maybe? Ideas? *hugs* I really hope that helped, and if it didn't, that's okay too.
  3. Wait a minute what are you doing here? Just kidding, glad to have you here.
  4. "Uh no I don’t think Kelloggs actually makes an illegal sheet music flavor Pop tart." -@dannnnnex
  6. As if I need a reason to jump up and down and make weird noises.
  7. Last SU for a while...

    I'm going to be limiting my time on the Shard. I won't be gone completely, but it's become a bit of a not-good habit, and I'm going to limit it.

    It's not that y'all aren't awesome, because you ARE! It's just that you're too awesome, and I spend too much time with y'all, instead of doing more... productive things.


    PS If I'm failing to limit my time on here, please yell at me.

    I'll still respond to this thing, and I think I'll still do some stuff on here. But less often.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood


      What counts as too much time, however?

    3. IheartKaladin4eva


      Bu-But!!! Nooooooo!!! I'll miss youuuuu!!!!! :(


    4. Telrao




      *throws farewell muffins*

  8. Well... um... why is it on this thread...?
  9. Oooh, yay, I'm Truthless!

    *tucks stone with crystal vein behind back*

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Shining Silhouette

      Shining Silhouette

      It's been said that throughout my life I will learn to cast a large shadow

    3. Telrao


      *cringes harder* Dude, ow. My funny bone almost broke.

    4. Shining Silhouette

      Shining Silhouette

      did you know it's impossible to lick your elbow

  10. Welcome, Blue! @Robin Sedai and I are confusing everyone because we switched profile pictures. Glad to have thine brain working at theories with us!
  11. When the specific inflection your math teacher uses reminds you of a random and obscure thing Lirin says. "We don't know that." -my teacher "You don't know that!" -Lirin* edit: *it's actually Kaladin I think it's because that italicization pattern always bugged me because it didn't seem right to me, so it stuck in my brain.
  12. Aww, thanks! I'm planning to. *blinks* *rubs eyes* Good question. The funny thing is that on my document, where I have another chapter begun, I accidentally skipped chapter four.
  13. Me no know plays or musicals. (slight exaggeration, in case you didn't catch that) Except Phantom of the Opera. That's like the only thing I know, because my mom had the soundtrack as a... kid? Teenager? Not actually sure. But I didn't think about it very often, until my friend and I did a project on it, and I was like, bro, this is pretty awesome. And so I listened to all the soundtrack. (I was designing a book cover for a school assignment, which took a while) Notes/Twisted Every Way... is so great. It's just a really fun song.
  14. If anyone wants to read a tiny bit of fantasy written by me...

    *smiles awkwardly and sheepishly*

    1. Telrao



    2. Cinnamon


      It’s awesome!!!! The first line gave me Dragonfly Song vibes but then that grew into more. I really love the idea with Night and Day personified and the torch. I’m not much of a writer so I can’t give you any technical feedback but perhaps the Night changing her mind could come directly after it sets Nya on her quest and she keeps trying to reach her? Idk. It’s really good though!

  15. Kiss Mistborn Era One, marry The Stormlight Archive, kill Mistborn Era Two. Bunsen burner, firepit, oven.
  16. I think you're the only one who can tell us that... What did you just write?
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