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S. Stormy

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Everything posted by S. Stormy

  1. *sighs tearfully* Me too, friend. Me too.
  2. A... meme? But also warm fuzzy?
  3. You are loved. Seriously. You are, you are, you are. I would miss each of you! So much. I would, and you're all awesome, no matter what you think. The world is scary... but there is love in it. And don't force yourself to be happy. But remember, you are loved.
  4. Hm! I don't know that song, but good job anyway! You could help revive this thread:
  5. Once my family had the flu so we just started watching this Name The Movie Soundtrack video and the prologue for BatB came on and I was like, "I'd know that anywhere."
  6. That moment you realize Matthew's actually pretty hot:
  7. I recently realized the first three lines of Windrunner are a reflection of the First Ideal. 

    That's... so storming awesome.

    Such a cool detail.

  8. But the actor is me. And Hairspray sounds fun! I don't actually know much about Broadway musicals. But I somehow won the Broadway musical Kahoot! I have no idea how.
  9. Hehe. I'm doing Annie. (There ain't no Sandy dog. It's just an actor.)
  10. I wanna switch profile pictures with someone and be confusing.

  11. Gone looked at him, and lifted his hat off his head, then put it back on. "Okay. Now I have all my things."
  12. I love them! They're soooo cool! And Leshwi's neck just looks like a stylistic choice, not like a mistake. (And it's true! I'm not just saying that!)
  13. Out of curiousity, what was the commission?
  14. "Oh gosh. I just wrote myself into a pickle." -@Shallan Stormblessed (Me.)
  15. Oh, That's... sad. Not that there's anything wrong with him! Other than the fact he's dead.
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