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Everything posted by SymphonianBookworm

  1. Symph promptly walked in on the scene, the proceeded to magically summon deadly hippos which quenched out the fire.
  2. This is not the today that it was before, but... whatever. 1. tired. 2. There are three that I like to use together. >:} Does this count as punctuation? If not, then "-". If not, then... "...". 3. 6. And only that high because of the Shard. And school. 4. HSR. And the sights. And the food. And the cleanliness. I have heard many good things about Japan. 5. Uh... pancakes? 6. English, and lawyer/author. 7. Ah, you knew not to put the Jasnahoid. Okay, here I go. *deep breath* Kaz and Inej, Biana and Tam, Jesper and Wylan, Artemis and Holly, Raoden and Sarene, Vivenna and Vasher (and maybe a bit Denth??), and I could go on and on but i'll stop there. After I add Steris and Wax, and Wayne and MeLaan.
  3. Sarian coughed. "'Young woman'? Really?" More seriously, she added, "What i'm trying to say is..." she paused. She had always been one to choose her words carefully, to convey the utmost of her message. "Okay. Obviously one would be the main character in their own story, but what about in everyone's stories? You always think of yourself as the main character, but everyone does. It's not fair to think of yourself as the only one that matters, so your actions affect others and you have to take that into account. There's no such things as collateral damage. There is only damage. As a main character, you... forget things." She shivered. "Like... who you are. Why you are, if that makes sense. So... after all i've been through..." her voice softened and quieted. For the first time, she seemed almost... vulnerable. "I'm trying---present tense---to find out why I am, and... what in the Stormfather's name i'm going to do with my life. I wouldn't say i'm... completely sane. Maybe sanity isn't the question here, but... i'm not as... whole as others, even Radiants. I understand that. I understood that, for a while, but I didn't care. But know that all's been done... I wish I had thought, just for a single second, that... maybe I'm wrong. Maybe killing someone, destroying something, isn't the way my entire life should be. Maybe things would be different, then." She turned and stared straight at Orodal with her clear, bright purple eyes. "In my opinion, your purpose should be to figure out not only who you are, but why you are. And... to figure out who and why everyone else is, too. Do what you think will add, instead of subtract. Some things you forget. Some things you remember. But the most important thing to know, consciously or subconsciously, is that... everything in any planet, world, universe, everything, is... important. Don't go down the path you're going down, Orodal. Step away. Turn back. Leave before it's too late to... reverse your actions. And you will make actions. And after it's over, the only thing left is regret. So CHANGE! FIND A NEW PURPOSE! DON'T FOLLOW SOMETHING YOU KNOW, DEEP DOWN, IS WRONG! "Have you forgotten, Orodal? Life before death. Strength before weakness. Journey before destination."
  4. Symph randomly popped up while eat a pineapple, and casually produced 1739 more pineapples, which [insert my pronoun here] placed in various hats, then wore the hats, and then juggled the remaining pineapples. Of course, that was impossible.
  5. You aren’t asking me, but I think it’s from Six of Crows.
  6. You. Are. SO CLOSE. To two of the best scenes In the book. Well, at least from a Jasnahoid shipper’s perspective. I KNOW! NAVANI IS WONDERING IF THEY’RE TOGETHER-
  7. Yech, couldn't say it better myself. okay, maybe I should say something related to the topic title. Ah yes. I've been to many dances. I have not danced. I mean, i've danced with friends, but... not anyone else. We don't talk about my track record with crushes. Are you supposed to confess to your crush if they're your friend? Or do you stand in terror of ruining your relationship? Heads up, I chose no. Not sure if that was the right decision. The worst thing (or one of) that's happened to me in my life is confessing to my crush, having them say they also liked me, and then a bit later, coming back and saying not in that way. Okay. Maybe not the worst thing. But it still hurt. A lot.
  8. I've had friends talk about me behind my back. In front of another friend of mine. And then expect them to also make fun of me. Why, though? I've always been nice...
  9. Why do people say, by the way? Just... By. The. Way. What is the way? It makes me think of Star Wars. Also, when people say, What's up, the most common response is nothing. But that's impossible, isn't it? Not only is the sky and other things up, even if you are referring to emotion-wise, there's not way nothing is going on. How's it going? How does one know what the it is referring to? If this isn't where I can ask these questions... Well, I don't know where else i'd ask questions.
  10. I support all of these. I looked up Tom Hiddleston and my thought process was: Wait. That’s Loki. How is this not Wit already?
  11. Nice to meet you! Welcome to the Shard! Ive been a fan but only after a while of reading Sanderson have I finally made this account. It’s definitely worth it!
  12. Clanda walked off the boat, behind the siblings. She wasn’t really sure where she was supposed to go, so she just followed the older, mature one, since she seemed to know where she was going. She walked a bit faster and caught up. “Hey, my name’s Clanda. I saw you and your sister on the barge. What’s your name? Where are you from?” She supposed it was awfully forward of her to just run up and introduce herself to someone, but if one wanted to meet knew people, that’s what one must do.
  13. The SA (well, it’s not three years but after a book is published it takes about three years for the next to come out).
  14. Upvoted. It happens too often where if there just so happens to be two protagonists of opposite sex, they fall in love 97% of the time in fantasy books. It gets really annoying, especially when the main character (usually a girl) thinks about how she’s so ugly and how she has a crush on someone and even though he hugs and has interesting moments with her, there’s just no way he could like her back. It makes me want to pull my hair out. It’s so cliche and happens in so many books. Why is it so impossible for a main character to be single? To be fair, I might not be the best to talk about on this topic, because my solution is make two main characters fall in love, have one of them betray then other (they were evil the whole time), and to have the other fall into deep depression as the other laughs evilly at them and insults their sensibilities. I think I’ve taken this conversation a bit off topic. Sorry
  15. I hated Vivenna at the beginning—I thought she was somehow jealous of Siri for going and being the God King’s bride. Then as the story progressed, I liked her more and more as she became less... ignorant. Overall it was a really good book. Up to my very high standards of a Branderson book. That was a lot of spoilers.
  16. Clanda gripped the railing of the barge, leaning over as far as she could to see the bright blue water surrounding her. The light danced on top of it, laughing and tinkling. She smiled. Finally, she broke away from the trance and looked around. There were a couple other passengers. A pair of which looked to be siblings stood out to her the most. Should I go over and introduce myself? Ah well, I can do that later. We’re arriving. She’d Always wanted to see Center City, with its bustling people. And now she was here. Taking a deep breath, she reached into her tiny pouch and pulled out her pen. She twirled it in her fingers. It had always helped release stress; a weird habit of hers. Why am I nervous? I shouldn’t be nervous. I’m sure everyone there is... nice. She shook her head and let out a small laugh. Who am I kidding, in big cities no one is ever nice. But I can deal with it. She stared up at the sky, eyes focusing on the sun. For some reason she was never blinded when she saw the bright star. Guide me, she beckoned. Taking another breath, she smiled. It’s time.
  17. When you wear too-small shoes that push your toes together. *shivers* Also, When you start reading a book series and realize the next book isn’t out and will only be out after three years. *cough cough cough*
  18. SarChasmFiend *looks at username* *starts cackling* This is absolutely amazing. *wipes away tears* Welcome to the Shard!
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