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Everything posted by SymphonianBookworm

  1. wow lotus on the shard in class i see.

  2. you know what would be really nice? letting me win
  3. Happy Birthday, Silho :).

  4. Help.

    Big debate tournament. 

    First round starts soon. 


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      …how’s it going? What event(s) are you in?

    3. SymphonianBookworm


      I'm in the digital TOC tournament in varsity. And we won our first two rounds today!!

    4. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      Oo, nice job!!

      I…don’t know what TOC is (sorry I’m mostly a speech kid)

  5. Aria zoomed past, jamming her foot on the accelerator and going as fast as she could. She gritted her teeth. "I can see that."
  6. Arian nodded. "Affirmative." She did as he asked, maneuvering her bulky ship horizontally.
  7. Aria chuckled lightly, but when she spoke her voice was devoid of mirth. “What do you need?”
  8. Aria nods. "Let's check it out. Most people wouldn't expect us to be in such seemingly treacherous territory."
  9. “I think we also need a ‘home base’ of sorts. Somewhere we can park our ships and rest. It’s not sustainable to be in the air for the whole competition. Any thoughts of where we might have an advantageous landing area that qualifies?”
  10. Aria nodded. “Agreed, but we still need to find a sustainable method of getting food and water. Thoughts of where we head next?”
  11. “Wait, can we go find the trees? There has to be both food and running water there.”
  12. Aria followed in suit, matching the movements as best she could in the bulky Largo. “Is there a certain place you’re heading? Also, this is a good place to get supplies.”
  13. “…I was… talking about making him do hand signs… You’re the one who broke his hand?” Aria shook her head. “We can talk about that later. For now, where do you want to head first?”
  14. Aria laughed. “A bit sadistic, don’t you think? But I suppose Jock will be able to sign using his… other hand.” Her voice softened. “Tell him I send my best wishes.” @SmilingPanda19
  15. @Lotus Blossom Aria's voice crackled through the headset. "You up for exploring a tad before we do anything serious?"
  16. Aria shrugged. "No threats on this side. I think we'll be fine. Unless the others team up, we'll be able to deal with them. As for Sharp'i... why don't we try to avoid him for now? At least until we come up with a strategy; he'll probably be fairly difficult to kill." She paused. "Also... did something happen to Jock's hand?"
  17. “Well what do you know? I figured if anyone could get a ship it would be you,” Aria said with a smirk. “By the way, how’s Jock doing?”
  18. Aria immediately turns the ship on and lifts off into the air, her eyes alight with mirth. She’s… probably not taking this quite as seriously as she should be. But then her eyes darken and for a second, and it seems as though she has never seen it as a game. Not at all. She fires at the second ship, intending to ruin any potential flight and attack capabilities. @SmilingPanda19
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