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Everything posted by Little_Dagger

  1. I believe the chain is made out of dragonsteel, so we will probably see it again
  2. Wow, this is awesome! Thanks for sharing!
  3. I had a lot of fun thinking about the following: if a famous fantasy (let's say Lord of The Rings) was written and actively read on Roshar, would we have Frodo, Gandalf and etc. spren appear? We know that spren, according to Jasnah, are "the ideas of collective human experience - somehow come alive". Considering that millions of people have read and imagined the details of the book, would it be enough for them to manifest as spren? Just imagine reading your favorite book and having a corresponding spren appear in front of you, drawn by your thoughts and emotions! Could be quite a reading experience! P.S. I would certainly love it if Cosmere characters spren appeared in my room while I am reading
  4. Dalinar quote from Oathbringer: "We can't just assume that because something is old it is right" always touches something in me. So many if us live by habit or tradition, without asking is the actions makes sense. So many gender and racial stereotypes persist only because people forget to stop and think whether what was is what should be.
  5. I think it would be cool if Dalinar turned out to hold the Dawnshard, but it seems highly unlikely. In all other examples of people holding a Dawnshard, they do so knowingly. Unless Dawnshard is like COVID - can be unsymptomatic for some people - the POV characters make poor Dawnshard candidates.
  6. When you start thinking who you would heal when you come home from vacation and are greeted with: "Hey, you finally returned!".
  7. Welcome to the Shard! Time to get Invested!
  8. Good point, thanks for the clarification
  9. Well, perhaps, Hoid predicted the appearance and the future threat of Trell (even though we know little of him so far), and wanted to make sure that Shards on Scadrial would be able to oppose him? I doubt Ati would have tried to save the planet in case of an attack and Leras was dying by the time. If Trell turns out to be a Cosmere-wide problem, it would make sense for Hoid to make sure that various systems are stable, ready to defend themselves, and - importantly - their Shards are willing to listen to him when he reaches out to them in SA. In this case, Hoid may not have cared much about TLR at all. He might have referred to Kelsier temporarily taking up the Preservation's power and then giving it up to Vin who was a better vessel ("doing what he needed him to" to arrive at Sazed as a more reliable vessel for the Shard).
  10. I think the game would only be interesting if we excluded kandra, the lightweaverrs, and the returned from participation. Too easy for them. Watching people trying to find Wayne, for example, could be fun though!
  11. It would be very cool if Ba-Ado-Mishram turned out to be a child of all three shards of Roshar. Maybe we will get a trio of singing of humans (Honor), singers (Cultivation), and the fused (Odium) to create her light?
  12. Maybe it is aviar version of hemalurgy? Kill another aviar and gain its abilities?
  13. It slipped my mind that Alalan was named in the book, and you are right, it does sound like a lighteye's name. Even if he will turn out to be a one-book character, I am still happy he was included in the story: it was nice to see a boy looking up to his father for a change, considering how tense other son-father relationships in RoW are (i.e. Kaladin-Lirin or Adolin-Dalinar).
  14. I think her knowledge of the Rhythms was mostly founded on math and music theory. However, she does press gemstone infused with Stormlight into her arm to help her hear the Honor's rhythm. So, technically, she could hear a Rhythm with the help of the infused gemstones vibrating against her skin. Could a non-Rosharan do that? I think the question would be very relevant in the Cosmere future. Is anyone could manipulate light (i.e. moving it from gemstone to gemstone or creating it) like we see Raboniel and Navani do, the lights will be much easier to use and transport off-world.
  15. In RoW, Adin seems to suspect that his father had attracted a spren. Do you think it is an unfounded teenage hope or there is some validity to it? Since Adin's father was awake during the occupation, he can't be of the first three ideals. Could he be a squire? Or perhaps, like Kaladin, he was close to the fourth one? On my first read, I though it unlikely that we have an unknown radiant in the tower, but now that I reread RoW, it seems interesting that the father is shown to be in the thick of resistance several times. I keep thinking that, perhaps, Adin's chapters are not about Adin, after all
  16. I do not think Renarin is likely to hold a Dawnshard for several reasons: 1) Evi is from Rira, which, I believe, is a distinct nation from the Iriali. 2) Renarin's "blood sickness" disappears when he becomes the Knight Radiant. I do not think the consequences of holding a Dawnshard can be eliminated this way since we have a precedent of Hoid still not being able to eat meat or kill others after becoming a Lightweaver. 3) Wouldn't he know about it and share it if not with other characters, then with the readers in his POV chapters? That being said, I am very curious if Renarin's disease has a supernatural origin
  17. Haha, I would like to see Sibling's reaction at being converted to a spaceship! They barely approve of the oathgate and soulcaster spren serving people willingly. Leaving the planet and moving people off-world does not sound like a change that would go easy for them.
  18. Good point about Rock probably having resources to not die as a bridgeman if he truly held one of the Dawnshards. If his refusal to wield a weapon is not related to Dawnshards, I wonder what it is. Somehow I think it is more than his personal convictions, potentially something related to the perpendicularity in the Horneater peaks.
  19. During the Spolier Stream #4 Brandon mentioned that we know someone other than Rysn who is a currently a Dawnshard. I believe it is Rock, even though we have seen him kill Amaram. I think his Torment may simply not have been too bad at that point or he may have been able to trick it by aiming somewhere else. Thoughts?
  20. Sounds interesting to me. I would like to see it happen!
  21. 1) I think it is safe to assume that they do until proven otherwise since other bonds with spren of the same type work the same way. 2) I like the light manipulation idea but the problem with voidlight is that it is not easily accessible, i.e. you can't leave the spheres in an Everstorm and get them infused. So not sure if manipulating voidlight would be a strong advantage for people who seek to ship investiture off-planet in bulk. I believe a singer can create light by singing a proper rhythm but it is unclear if the same is possible for humans (Navani does learn to sing Honor's rhythm, so I would not discard the possibility entirely). Not sure about Warlight (looking forward to finding out if Renarin or Rlain can use it). 3) Progression is, of course, very useful to have in a group. However, I would expect Mraize to desire more self-centric abilities than healing others. Ghostbloods have a pact to not kill each other, but I think it maybe as far as their sense of camaraderie goes. The type of people who would be attracted by the organization's methods are unlikley to be a team-player type.
  22. Hmm... I wonder how much Ghostbloods know about the voidbinding. Khriss seems to know that there are ten levels of it and its relation to the Old Magic, but maybe Ghostbloods have more information (or if not, considering it to be quite important to have)?
  23. I am not sure if the Ghostbloods have enough resources to capture the tower. As Adolin teaches Kaladin, a few individuals - even if they are shardbearers or fused - cannot hold a city by themselves. They would need an army for that. However, I like the idea of operating the oathgates: sneaking people through them without the need to travel all the way to perpendicularity sounds very valuable for an organization of worldhoppers
  24. I like the implications of the idea since it would be a great way to make a successor for a vessel. For example, if a vessel wishes to transfer their power to someone else (not sure why they would, but immortality can be tiring), they can create a spren who aligns perfectly with his/her values and then bestow the Shard to them. It is way easier than looking for a suitable human as Shards can't see into the hearts of men.
  25. I don't think a Nahel bond would prevent him from leaving Roshar:
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