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Everything posted by Argent

  1. Those of you with an eye for patterns may have guessed the subject of today's reveal - Ham is the next core crewmember if we follow the alphabet. We first took note of Esther, better known as Egilde.Art, over a year ago with these gorgeous Siri and Shallan illustrations - a little before she went and, impressively, completed all of 2021's Cosmere Inktober challenge; not to mention that her Sazed and Marsh illustration made it into the Spanish illustrated edition of Mistborn. So this is definitely not the last time we work together, more just a taste of things to come.
  2. I would say that you have nothing to worry about, I suspect that worse case scenario is that you might end up spending a little extra time during Registration (which is when you arrive to the location and go to pick up your physical badge/wristband/whatever the con does). I don't know how exactly things will work, but I would expect that you and your Mom will need to go to wherever Registration takes place (I imagine there will be signs for all that all over the place), pull up your badges' QR codes on a smartphone (paper should work too, and worse case I would expect someone to be available to look you up by name), scan them, and get some physical versions of your badges - often times those are laminated pieces of cardstock, but they can be anything: stickers, wristbands, whatever; the purpose of these is for you to be able to quick prove that you are an attendee when you move around. I also expect Dragonsteel will send out an email at some point detailing all of this.
  3. No series of commission of Kelsier's crew would be complete without its most important member - the man, the myth, the legend himself, Dockson! Artist SiarexKH caught our attention a while back with her excellent designs for both Kelsier and Dox (for example) and a truly brilliant AU idea in which Dockson forms a Nahel bond with Kelsier's Cognitive Shadow, so we knew that we had to save a commission of one of these two just for her. So when the crew won its poll, we knew we were leaving Dox in good hands.
  4. Thank you for your report, it's... intriguing.
  5. We have a both but we haven't decided what, if anything, we'll do on that booth. Might just hang out with people.
  6. Eric is definitely likely to get trolled, and I am afraid I've reached similar levels of "I know you so I am going to have fun" I don't want to ask you to dig for my personal theories (and Brandon frowns on that anyway), but I tend to think that worldbuilding question suggestions are innocent enough and potentially interesting to other people too, so I've got a couple you can pick from, all Era 2 in honor of the upcoming release: How did Wax earn the moniker Dawnshot? Sliverism is one of the major religions in Era 2, but we know close to nothing about it (except that Steris finds it "horrid" and that they revere Ironeyes, Marsh). It would be interesting to learn some things about their tenets, about what they actually believe in.
  7. Incoherent crying sounds are what most people say, so you are fine there
  8. Following the Breeze reveal, we've got another core crewmember for you today - the team's Smoker, Clubs! The grumpy old man is not exactly the heart of the crew, but he is certainly... iconic. Those of you familiar with his art style might recognize the artist we picked for this piece - Ydunn Lopez. The aggressive lines and sharp shadows are something prominent in a lot of his art, and it ended up a nice match for Clubs's wrinkled gruff face. Plus, we had been looking for an excuse to work with Ydunn ever since we saw his recent Shardplate explorations, so this commission came at a good time.
  9. It's possible that even with the lower quality, you are hitting the file limits. Maybe your file size is fine, but your dimensions are too large?
  10. It's been some time since our patrons voted to see Kelsier's crew get updated portraits, but between scheduling nonsense and some crewmembers being a little tricky, it took us a bit longer than anticipated to get all of these done. But the good news is, now that they are done, we can dump a whole lot of art on you, and with very little downtime! So let's start things off with the core crew, and more specifically - Breeze! We picked Marie, better known as mushimallo (Instagram, Tumblr) for this scoundrel, and she did a great job. The bar behind him turned out extra cool, with a small Easter egg hiding (?) in plain sight... can you spot it?
  11. Well, 2000 general admission and 200 VIP badges opened up just now, so @karaokeang or @Herowannabe still need one, there's plenty.
  12. I heard that Dragonsteel emailed people, informing them that they'll open up more badges, but I didn't get that email so I don't know what it actually says. The least you can do is check the website periodically, in case someone random returns a badge.
  13. These poses look really fun, but I have to ask - have you considered doing the Cosmere-version of Inktober instead?
  14. I am incredibly excited to see all these portraits. I've been a fan of Audrey's work for years, and she always knocks it out of the park - but especially so with Jasnah here. I saw that cosmere.es had an image with some of Isaac's art direction, have you considered revealing those for the rest of the characters as well?
  15. Hey everyone! We've seen a few questions regarding in-person meetups for this year's Dragonsteel convention, and a few declarations of interest for splitting room costs with another fan, so we wanted to create a space we can direct people to when they ask about these things. Note that we are not overseeing anything here (beyond the normal forums rules), so if you choose to share a room with someone and that someone bails (or you bail! how dare you?), that's between the two of you. Notably absent from all this are badge sales/transfers. Neither we nor Dragonsteel want to deal with facilitating things like that directly, but if you are someone who has a badge they no longer need, and you know there's someone looking for a badge, you can set something up where, at a prearranged time, the "seller" returns it to the Tabletop website, and the "buyer" goes and grabs it. It's not sale in the traditional sense, so you can still use this thread to help facilitate this kind of thing. Refer to the website's help page on transferring badges for details.
  16. Unfortunately, there isn't a good place on the forums to discuss multiple non-Cosmere series, so I am going to move this the Skyward subforum and ask you to spoiler-tag Reckoners spoilers. Apologies for the inconvenience.
  17. Yeah, doesn't sound like my speed but I'll give it a shot. If the rogue-like mode is solid enough it might be something I do for a little bit here and there, between other things.
  18. Welcome to the forums, Johnny! I can say with full honesty that the work Brotherwise does for and with Dragonsteel are some of my favorite collaborations - the attention to detail, respect for the canon, and just the actual quality of the products are all top shelf (and I've seen some not-top shelves...), and I am always excited to see you abandon all other projects and become a Cosmere company come up with more Cosmere stuff.
  19. Gamescom 2022, the annual multi-day video game trade show event, started their online reveals and announcements today, and - to the surprise of everyone - we saw a familiar face in one of those announcements! Brandon himself introduced Unknown Worlds' (the creators of the Subnautica games) new turn-based sci-fi digital tabletop strategy game. With minis you can paint? It's called Moonbreaker, and Brandon confirmed on Reddit that this is the project we've seen as Soulburner in a couple of his State of the Sanderson annual blog posts. Let's start by taking a look at the video, and we'll come back to talking about what we know! We first heard about Soulburner back in 2015 when Brandon described then as "a kind of space-opera-fantasy-hybrid like Dune or Star Wars." We didn't learn much more about it in the following years - but Moonbreaker is finally here to give us some details. The sci-fi setting is unmistakable, and the official announcement blog tells us our setting will be The Reaches, "a solar system of moons held in orbit by a scarce resource called Cinder." The lore of this universe will be conveyed to us through "fully-produced and voice-acted audio dramas," so Brandon has probably written a few novellas worth of worldbuilding for this; it'll be interesting to find out. The Steam page reveals a few additional things about the game, including: Early access available on September 29! Fans of Subnautica might be familiar with how long those games spent in Early Access, and how valuable those periods were for the overall (smashing) success of the games, so it's no surprise that we see Unknown Worlds follow suit here In addition to the Early Access, Unknown Worlds will be hosting Preview Weekends on Steam, where everyone will have a chance to check the game out. PvE, PvP, and a rogue-like Cargo Run game modes The big selling feature of the game seems to be the fantasy of playing with miniatures (or minis), much like you would in a real tabletop game. Collectors of actual physical game minis often enjoy painting them themselves, and Moonbreaker looks like it's going to offer a similar experience. If all of this looks interesting to you, there's a bit more information and details in the following places: Official website - https://www.moonbreaker.com/ Steam page - https://store.steampowered.com/app/845890/Moonbreaker/ Socials - Facebook | Twitter | YouTube | Instagram | Twitch | Discord | Reddit
  20. Unfortunately there aren't many ways to portrait a ribbon-like Breath leaving one person's mouth and entering another's without invoking certain imagery, especially if the recipient doesn't want it. I blame Brandon here. I can assure you rapey vibes never entered the conversion. It's a neither thing, actually, most of the artists we work with don't hang out on the forums, and they certainly don't hold AMAs on our Patreon. Your best way of reaching out to them is through their socials and (occasionally, rarely) our Discord server where some of them hang out. I encourage all of them to post these commissions themselves, so you can always leave a comment there.
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