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Everything posted by Argent

  1. It's that time of week again! Tor has posted the latest Rhythm of War sample chapter, and you can find it here. After you've read this week's chapter, we invite you to join the latest discussion in the forums and on our Discord server! In case you haven't heard, Tor.com will be posting a chapter-by-chapter serialization of Brandon Sanderson's latest Stormlight Archive book, Rhythm of War. Check back every Tuesday at 9 AM EDT for the newest installment. This will continue until the book's release on November 17th. We will be picking these chapters apart together, and we hope you will join in on the discussion! If you missed previous chapters or discussion threads, you can find both linked in our Sample Chapter and Discussion Thread Index. If it's been a while since you cracked open a Stormlight Archive novel and you need a refresher, check out this series of Stormlight Archive recaps! If you want something more in-depth and a full reread is too tall an order, you can also find chapter summaries of the published books on the Coppermind wiki. Speaking of Coppermind, we would love to have your help preparing the wiki for Rhythm of War's release. Please note that RoW spoilers are not permitted on the wiki until the book is out. However, we are working together in our Coppermind Discord server to make the update as seamless as possible. If these sample chapters leave you with a lot of excitement, we invite you to join us and channel that energy! No experience or expertise is necessary! Follow us on Facebook and Twitter so that you don't miss the latest updates!
  2. Here's a discussion thread on RoW Chapter 12 You can read it here: https://www.tor.com/2020/09/22/read-rhythm-of-war-by-brandon-sanderson-chapter-twelve/ A new chapter will go live every Tuesday at 9am Eastern.
  3. It's that time of week again! Tor has posted the latest Rhythm of War sample chapter, and you can find it here. After you've read this week's chapter, we invite you to join the latest discussion in the forums and on our Discord server! In case you haven't heard, Tor.com will be posting a chapter-by-chapter serialization of Brandon Sanderson's latest Stormlight Archive book, Rhythm of War. Check back every Tuesday at 9 AM EDT for the newest installment. This will continue until the book's release on November 17th. We will be picking these chapters apart together, and we hope you will join in on the discussion! If you missed previous chapters or discussion threads, you can find both linked in our Sample Chapter and Discussion Thread Index. If it's been a while since you cracked open a Stormlight Archive novel and you need a refresher, check out this series of Stormlight Archive recaps! If you want something more in-depth and a full reread is too tall an order, you can also find chapter summaries of the published books on the Coppermind wiki. Speaking of Coppermind, we would love to have your help preparing the wiki for Rhythm of War's release. Please note that RoW spoilers are not permitted on the wiki until the book is out. However, we are working together in our Coppermind Discord server to make the update as seamless as possible. If these sample chapters leave you with a lot of excitement, we invite you to join us and channel that energy! No experience or expertise is necessary! Follow us on Facebook and Twitter so that you don't miss the latest updates!
  4. Argent

    Paalm the Tree

    Oh no, this pun is too strong!
  5. All of these look amazing, even if they are a little hard to see
  6. Ah, the italics is what was throwing me off. Not many women's script... scripts... out there, so the wiki one is a safe bet.
  7. Oh, very nice, the version of the script you are using looks really good, and the etching (engraving? burning? cutting?) has turned out very clear.
  8. Right, on the subject of crediting memes and avoiding posting duplicates - while also not expecting people to reading 170+ pages before sharing a thing, I will say (mostly unofficially; this is coming from me, I don't know how many of the other mods or admins agree): If you made it, you can post it If you found it, at least link to where you found it. You don't need to go on a reverse image search quest, but a lot of the images you find on Google will come from either Reddit, or this thread; either way, it's easy to credit the creator (and a real one)
  9. I've merged the offending posts, but this is excellent advice for the future.
  10. I mean, I've always thought this is just the standard poetic nonsense, but I find it amusing how well it works in the context of Dysians. Looking forward to book 7 or whatever, when we find out!
  11. I actually don't have much of an issue with making reversers obsolete. If they've discovered new technology that makes this very specific thing irrelevant, that's just the nature of progress. Plus, you can still have reversers for basic applications. Like... the aluminum trick in the ship is a Swiss army knife, but sometimes you don't need a Swiss army knife, you need just a screwdriver.
  12. I don't know if Azure's thing is exactly the same, but I concede that I hadn't thought of it.
  13. We didn't know you could use aluminum to mess with conjoined rubies until today, so I am gonna go with a no on this one
  14. This is more or less the conclusion I've arrived at as well; it's the only explanation that I find is consistent with all the data (as well as some data we pretend exists but is not actually in the text, but adding it doesn't actually contradict anything; it's just an omission, probably due to Brandon not having thought the entire thing through at the beginning).
  15. This one is just a bonus short episode
  16. I think that this is a terrifying prospect that I would love to see come to light
  17. Lots of news in the past hour, so let's cover them on the quick! First, Tor.com has published the Prologue & Chapter 1: Calluses of Rhythm of War! You can go read them on their website, and also bookmark the Rhythm of War index, because new chapters will be dropping every Tuesday at 9 AM Eastern. You can discuss this set of chapters in our Prologue and Chapter 1 discussion thread. Normally, this would be news enough, but today we also have a SDCC video of Brandon reading from Chapters 7 & 8 from the new Stormlight doorstopper (also embedded below, for your convenience). Note that the second half of the video is a brief Q&A that's full of spoilers. All of the questions were selected from this Reddit thread from about a month ago, if you want to go read some of the discussion around them. In less explosive news, Brandon sat down with Alison Flood of The Guardian and did an interview. Dawnshard, the new Stormlight novella taking place between Oathbringer and Rhythm of War has jumped to 20% in just about 3 days, so that seems to be going well. And finally, Isaac posted a new Kickstarter update a couple of days ago, it includes some of Ben McSweeney's sticker illustrations and some actual photos of the leatherbound.
  18. I don't know if this can still be navigated to from the website, but different versions of Warbreaker (including early drafts) can be found on the Warbreaker Rights & Downloads page.
  19. Hey guys! Brandon did another signing livestream yesterday (#12, more Warbreaker signature pages), so here's a quick recap of what we learned or got confirmations about. Also, the stream was literally too hot to handle! Dawnshard news The novella formerly known as Wandersail and now known as Dawnshard will follow Rysn as she travels to Aimia, and will actually teach us some stuff about the Dawnshards! Also, Lopen might be showing up as a secondary POV, though it is unclear whether he will actually join her on the trip. Brandon plans to start writing that this coming Monday, and "will feel bad" if the ebook is not out before Rhythm of War even though the novella itself "is not super integrated with the book." The book itself will probably be available as a hardcover later on, but for now the only way to get your hands on a physical copy is through the Kickstarter. If Arcanum Unbounded II ever becomes a thing, Dawnshard will likely be the backbone of it, so those on a tight budget might want to just grab the ebook for now. An audiobook of the novella (and anything else that goes into AU2) is also likely. Rhythm of War news Speaking of Rysn, she also gets an interlude in the next Stormlight installment, Rhythm of War. Brandon calls it a "very different sort of interlude," and apparently it doesn't spoil the novella somehow, though readers of the novella will appreciate said interlude more. My money, personally, is on the interlude being some kind of retelling of the Aimia adventure, and for whatever reason Rysn can't tell us everything about. How do you think this will work out? Leave us a comment below and also ring the bell to be notified of any future videos, wait, no, sorry, this YouTube stuff is getting to my head. Future plans None of this is super new, but here's a mixed bag of news and announcements: Alcatraz 6 is "done, being illustrated as we speak," should happen sometime in 2021. Brandon still needs to fix the ending of Apocalypse Guard. He thinks he has a pretty good idea about how to do that, just needs to find 2-3 weeks of free time "in the coming months." Brandon is doing a revision on Songs of the Dead (the story formerly known as Death by Pizza). Horneater, the Rock novella that takes place between Stormlight #4 and #5 is still planned for the future. Picture books of Hoid's stories might also happen in the future, though no concrete plans. Snapshot got "really close to being greenlit as a movie" but the option fell through last year. Without it to drive a non-cosmere story collection, Brandon and his team kind of slacked off on putting one together; it's still probably going to happen, they have all the art commissioned for it, and will include a couple of short stories Brandon has been sending to magazines under a false name, to see if he can get them to pick them up. There are "some cool new talks around Snapshot" apparently too, so we'll see. Guest appearance by Karen & Peter Finally, the stream ended with about an hour of Karen and Peter Ahlstrom (Brandon's continuity editor and primary editor) answering some question and doing a bit of show & tell. Recapping all of it doesn't do it justice, but you can watch the segment starting at the 1:02:21 mark. What you can expect there is a preview of the much-coveted Karen-maintained Dragonsteel Wiki (you can see a couple of screenshots below), as well as several examples of the kinds of things Peter works on (he gave examples of his edits to The Way of Kings, in preparation for the anniversary edition). Oh, and I guess we got a small preview of a document called Master Cosmere Timeline.xlsx, not sure that was about, probably unimportant, don't worry about it. Minor non-plot spoilers for all published Stormlight books.
  20. I think I am pretty much 100% on board with this. Maybe the details will end up being slightly off, but I think the core of it is sound and dead on the money.
  21. Brandon "I can buy a gaming PC" Sanderson That entire story was so much fun.
  22. Are you upset Dragonsteel isn't making as much money out of numbered copies as they could be? I've always liked the fact that Brandon doesn't bump the price just because a given book has a number written on it, that's always seemed like an artificial way to create scarcity and drive people to buy stuff at a higher price, when said stuff doesn't actually cost more to produce.
  23. I also feel like there is a difference between relating subjects in Brandon's works to historical events vs. contemporary ones. It's much harder to make both an informed and objective claim about something that's currently going on, or has happened in recent history, which makes it easier for tensions to flare up.
  24. Ah, it hasn't been quite 10 years for me because I didn't immediately jump ship from TWG. If memory serves, I didn't make the transition to 17S until TWG announced that it would shut down (or maybe that the Brandon section will shut down? or will move here? I don't remember the ancient days very well), but I am sitting pretty at just over 9 years on the Shard - even I wasn't super active during the early ones, and even if I am not super active right now (though I mostly make up for it a little bit with Discord and Shardcast!). I feel like my favorite memories tend to revolve less around this community and more about my interactions with Brandon at signings - and then around my interactions with the community. I think I started gathering steam... a little before the Steelheart release? It established a tradition of me workshopping the questions I would bring to the signing, something I keep up with (mostly) to this day. Oh, and I participated in the Steelhunt - does anyone remember that? It was great community fun. But yeah, that's around that time I started getting more engaged in theory work, contributing, poking holes, coming up with my own, and asking questions. It helped that I got a lot of Brandon time during some of his earlier Chicago signings; didn't quite have him all for myself, but I feel like some of those signings had fewer than 200 people. Oh, how nice those were... I think I remained active until around the time Oathbringer came out, at which point it kind of felt like the fandom had gotten too big for me to keep up with (and I was also working, so that ate into my forum time). At some point I moved to Discord, in part because of the more casual nature of it. I could more easily accept that I won't keep up with all the talk. Oh, and I became a mod around that time, I guess. By that time I had somehow become known as the WoB guy, and had some reasonable theories under my belt, and I've been riding that fame since. Oh, JordanCon 2018 was also a big fandom moment for me. It was that first JordanCon (or any con) I had gone to, I met with a bunch of wonderful people - many of which were Sharders - got randomly recognized by some people for my Shardcast appearance (which was pretty neat, you guys; if you have the opportunity to become a celebrity for a small group of people, I recommend doing that, feels nice), got trolled by both Brandon and Peter, hung out with Isaac and Kara, and got to shoot a bunch of questions at Brandon on/for my birthday. All in all, a very productive couple of days
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