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Everything posted by Argent

  1. I don't think this made it to the forums officially, but we've taken a stance against AI art and other forms of generated content, and generally don't allow it. I don't consider this thread to be in violation of the rules, but I'll be locking it.
  2. A couple of pieces of news for you today, loyal fans. First, a few of the extremely limited signed & numbered editions of Yumi and the Nightmare Painter and The Frugal Wizard's Handbook for Surviving Medieval England are now available. You have a couple of ways to snag a copy, but the deadline for this batch is Friday, August 11, 11:55 PM US Mountain Time, so you are going to have to act quickly! There are 3 copies of each up for grabs this round (out of a total of 50), so there will be more opportunities in the future. Also, Brotherwise Games (the game company behind Call to Adventure: The Stormlight Archive and the upcoming Stormlight RPG) will be working on a deckbuilding game, also planned for 2024. So, let's start with the time-sensitive news - signed & numbered editions of Yumi and Frugal Wizard. Yumi numbers #3 and #4, and Frugal Wizard numbers #5 and #6 are available right now on the GalaBid online auctioning website (and Yumi #3 is already up to $2,000). The bids will close on August 11, 11:55 PM US Mountain Time, and proceeds will go towards The Lightweaver Foundation. Your second option at the moment is signing up for Brandon's newsletter. The deadline is the same - around midnight US Mountain Time on August 11 - and a couple of random lucky winners will get themselves Yumi #6 and Frugal Wizard #9. And finally, in other news, Brotherwise Games was at GenCon this weekend, and they teased a deckbuilding game planned for 2024 (Brandon-related, though we don't even know if it will be a Cosmere one). We don't know anything else, but you can pass the time by (re)watching Johnny from Brotherwise tease some character sheet and systems details on TikTok. Here's Brandon's video on the signed & numbered copies:
  3. This is unique to the Arnist Method of capturing a spren and creating a fabrial. Notably, Dalinar doesn't go through any of that when he captures Nergaoul inside the King's Drop. I would expect that what Melishi did was very similar.
  4. You can include the missing bit, it likely got overlooked because it's not in an epigraph. (good job on having the chasm line in your Aon!)
  5. Ooh, fun, a new spelling, people usually go for cosmerenaut (since, you know, cosmonaut). Cosmerenaught makes it sound like a dreadnaught though, and I think that's rad
  6. Uploading the full pages is gonna be a no-go (except for maybe the map; we can talk about that one). That said, we do have Isaac's permission to upload partial images where appropriate. So, for example, cropping the Elisian clock, Dayside clock, and coinage table from the Timekeeping page - for the purpose of including them on the Elis (or maybe Darkside) and Lossand (or maybe Dayside) pages - that seems fine to me. At least for the first few images I urge you to check in with me directly (I prefer Discord, but this forum is fine too) so we can make sure our ducks are all in a super neat row - and then can move forward with more.
  7. I wouldn't expect him to work on this until he needs it in, presumably, Era 3
  8. It's been a couple of weeks since we showed off some art for you all, so why don't we get back to it? We still have a couple of queer characters left, and today we are sharing MeLaan. Who might not be traditionally queer, but the kandra's relationship with sex and gender is certainly fluid enough to warrant including her in here. For this piece we worked with fan-favorite fanartist pekgna whose Cosmere fanart is as numerous as it is excellent (for example). We think they did a stellar job conveying the idea that all three versions of MeLaan in this illustration are still versions of her - not different people, but different visages MeLaan can assume. So you know the drill - give them the follows, and the likes, and the shares!
  9. Looks good overall, just a few minor notes: the book parameter is for standalone books (or sometimes when the image depicts a specific scene from a specific book... haven't quite gotten the use case ironed out) generally we try to be more specific with the series parameter, and not say "Cosmere" the line where it says |type={{cat tag|Character images|Art}} is meant for you to pick the category (or categories) to file this under; in the case of character art, it would be just |type={{cat tag|Character images}} try to include a short description of what's on the image, preferably with links to relevant pages, so people can use the What links here feature to find images of a certain thing the unofficial file naming convention is <subject> by <artist>, so MeLaan by Shuravf.jpg, for example. If you need additional qualifiers, you can add them to the subject, e.g. MeLaan Card by... or MeLaan Portrait by... I am going to fix these two uploads, so you have a template to look at.
  10. If her page says we can upload anything, have fun. If you haven't uploaded images before, the art template has a couple of magical options, maybe start with a handful of files and have someone review them just in case?
  11. Once you are done uploading, just let a Keeper know, and we'll give her a heads up
  12. @king of nowhere, I've edited your message to hide the - pretty significant - Cosmere spoilers. Please be more careful in the future.
  13. I think the RP forum is a better place for this, as it is now. If it grows into something else we can revisit the idea of a guild.
  14. The Push/Pull symbolism was immediately obvious to me, even before reading your post I think it's a very clever idea, and very well executed too.
  15. We interrupt your regularly scheduled gay programming to deliver you a-- hmm, there sure are a lot of rainbows in this piece too... but that can't be right, this is coming from May, not June... Well, Endowment works in mysterious ways, so we'll work with what we've got. Did you know that Vasher turns blond when he transforms into Warbreaker the Peaceful?? Absolutely wild. Unnatural. Vasher is meant to be gruff, unshaven, and dark-haired, not... a hot blonde. But that's apparently a good disguise if you are trying to make sure no one finds who you are. So, as you've already likely realized, this is the moment from near the end of Warbreaker, where Vasher reveals himself to Susebron (another detail you may have missed, he has to strip, and they give him a towel to cover himself; we are not making these things up, blame - or thank - Brandon!), and shares with him the secret of Kalad's phantoms. Also present, though not as central as the two Returned, are Siri and Vivenna, looking respectively at these gods. Your artist for this month was Geryss whose excellent work spans more than just the Cosmere, so feel free to check them and out and give them a follow (unless social media has fully collapsed by the time this post goes live, which is a non-zero possibility these days...). Shardcast watchers might remember the thumbnail of our Trell episode - that's our first Geryss commission, and we were so pleased with it, we know we had to come back for more!
  16. The intent is to allow brief mentions from other series, where appropriate, behind spoiler tags. Such much of this topic's subject relies in knowledge of what happens in Yumi, it is better suited for the Yumi & Cosmere spoiler board.
  17. Well, we've run out of Pride (the month) but not out of pride (for the wonderful artists in this fandom), so let's see what Santa has in store for us this time, shall we? (but first, a quick informative copy-paste from an earlier post) Those of you who follow us on Twitter may have seen that we put out a tweet looking for queer fanartists to take a stab at this round of Pride commissions, so first of all, if you are looking for some more artists to follow and support, there's several in that tweet's replies, go take a look! (There's also a considerable number of fake accounts who steal other people's art, so if blocking or reporting accounts is something that sounds like fun to you, there's some of that too!) And with all the fluff out of the way, we give you Renarin Kholin and his not-yet-boyfriend Rlain! Plus an entire gaggle of Windrunners rooting for them while engaging in some light tomfoolery. Your artist for the evening is once again lazifyre whose work you might remember or recognize from the Spook piece they did for us a few months ago, and we were excited to have them back for a larger, more complex piece. So sit back, relax, and enjoy a fun cutesy art piece while we cook some more for you...
  18. Reporting the posts is sufficient - one reported post easily leads us to the problematic account, and banning them deletes all their posts. Sometimes it just takes a little bit of time to see the reports, especially in the middle of the US workday...
  19. I edited your post to include spoiler tags. This thread is in the Mistborn forum, all other books must be tagged.
  20. The request to rename this thread was a valid one. We've long had a policy of avoiding overt spoilers in topic names, especially for brand new books. In this case, someone who hasn't read the book doesn't know if Virtuosity's Splintering is a background detail dropped on the readers with no relevance, or a key plot element of the book. I've renamed the thread to soften it, though I am not 100% happy with its current name either.
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