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  1. Yeah about the Nimi thing being an overlap in a pretty specific linguist idiosyncrasy is highly suggest in my mind. Of what? No clue other than there's some connection within the movement of people's or linguistics due to travel across the cosmere.
  2. Had a volleyball team I played on once upon a time that was called the Globonaughts and the team crest was of like a really badly dinosaur playing volleyball. It was fun lol.
  3. Ah, yeah my apologies. I'm sure there is a rule set somewhere that I should probably go read. Duly noted and the mistake shant be replicated. Yes! Literally a few comments up talking to Cinnamon I referenced one of my favorite color based experiences in nature which of course is the sunset! The blending of all those wonderful colors always remind me of pastels or water color painting. I love it. In regards to your comments concerning the intentionality of nature by way of the creator; for me the verdict is not in, and probably never will be. I like the tenants of all sorts of ideologies! I have always been attracted to the ideas of Panentheism and stuff like that. But my main obstacle with categorically stating definitively in one direction or the other is the unknowable ineffable mysteries aforementioned. I would never seek to state if one group of people's ideologies are more cohesive than another in reality. Rather the study of various ideas within this realm have led me to believe that at it's core; humanity has a deep yearning to be good therefore with practical application, religion is a tool for good. Actually Brandons faith was a big part in helping remold a few ideas I held. Seeing the way he talks about his faith really forced me to interface with some deep seated, less than favorable notions I developed as a younger person concerning religion. Hope none of that came off as negative or dismissive. I really am quite happy with this conversation and my experience in the forum so far due to exchanges like this.
  4. I've got to correct myself a little bit. I misrepresented an opinion held by Hoid. Or rather I did a poor job at articulation of the whole. There is that belief which I mentioned about intentionality within artistry. But there exists several more quotes later in Yumi referencing art being meaningless without those to admire it. Furthermore Hoid expounds about how art is a collaborative effort between artists and observer. All that to say sorry, the bit about Hoids take on art was half assed and I was just flowing in the moment without thinking fully.
  5. Hey hey! TruthArchivist, what a great name! And I'm happy to have the outlet. I've been missing writing as a component to my creative experience for a bit now, so glad to be back at it. Yeah I'm current on everything Cosmere with the exception of one or two stand alone stories that appear in Secret History so no worries! I am so bad at giving definitive answers so I'll continue to cop out and take a two fold approach. Classic and modern! I feel like between my two answers you'll get a pretty good synthesis of my philosophy concerning existence. Classic: Larstaism! This ancient ideology tracks pretty closely with values I have concerning arts, artistry, expression, and creation. I personally view art as the crowning collective achievements of man. In terms of universal language and connectivity across all barriers and divides that exist within us expression is the purest form of communication. Further the beauty of art, music, or even stone stacking is simultaneously recognizable yet equal parts subjective. And to further support the tenants of Larstaism, I would argue that nature produces some of the most beautiful and sophisticated artistry that can be witnessed. Now hoid may push back on that a little bit or maybe painter because they tend to define art as requiring intention. But I reject the rigidity of that idea and would argue that art is as much about the interpretation of the beholder as it is the expression of the artist. Further something very attractive about the simplicity of the execution of the ideology. I do find it entertaining to speculate about the ineffable mysteries of existence, I ultimately view it as a purely intellectual and hypothetical pursuit as the greater mysteries are impossible to fully define. And finally my wife and I basically got married the same way Vin and Ellend did. No pomp or ceremony just a declaration of love and a swearing of vows. Some legalese paperwork as well but it was in essence as simple as can be. Modern: I have to agree with you concerning modern religion. The path by far and away is the most appealing. Those tenants most accurately reflects how I seek to live my life. Further there's something very attractive about meditation equaling communion with god. And I have no problem with earrings I already have pretty decent size gauges so if those could be used for positive existential interaction with divinity I'd be all about it. Investment in community for the benefits of the whole are core to my philosophy, so this is a natural fit. Great question!
  6. Happy to be here! thanks for going out of your way to say hello! Hello!
  7. Boot me if I'm off base on this but I think I have something to join in on the fun with. Mind you I'm not very versed in the logical arguments and structures of classic philosophy so I'll do my best to represent myself usefully. First: how do we define a sandwich? What are the necessary components / structure to satisfy the minimum definition of sandwich? Is a Sandwich even the broadest useful definition we should be using? The question ultimately boils down to where do we draw the line? Obviously a turkey & Swiss on rye is A-ok. But does a taco being of basically the same elements not satisfy the requisite components? Or what about a Calzone? For that matter, why is pizza not a sandwich? Finally, if every taco is a sandwich, does that mean that every sandwich is a taco? Thoughts?
  8. Wonderful! Ooh good choices. Sazed would almost certainly bring an interesting balance to the equation. Plus you can't beat him for pure academic experience. Nice talking with you Cinnamon! Thanks for providing such a lovely introduction to the community! Sorry if things got formatted weird. New with this and mobile was giving me some issue.
  9. Actually both excellent questions in my opinion. Finding out new friends favorite colors is actually one of my favorite icebreakers particularly at festivals or gatherings of big groups of people. I find it particularly effective at putting people in a comfortable headspace while not being over the top concerning engagement. So with that in mind I've given this some thought and I always find myself landing torn between magenta and purple. Like a rich velvety purple. I'll do you one better and say one of my favorite color-based experiences is definitely the sunset where you've got just the infinity blending of all the most pretty pastel colors golden hues, and blues, and purples, and pinks, and white. How about yourself? And your second question is a fantastic one! And one I have to think about a little bit. The fact is style and general sense of good taste concerning clothing has never been something I've been good at. So my thought here would be to go with somebody I could learn from somebody who had experience developing style but also a practiced wisdom. I'm going to cop out here a little bit and pick two people but I think you will understand where I'm coming from. Adolin & Shallon together I think would be the most interesting, wholesome, well-rounded clothing based learning and dressing experience. That actually sounds like a ton of fun! This one right back at you too!?
  10. What's happening y'all? Feels silly that I just realized this site existed as a sort of shared media space and not just a place to over analyze the mighty Words of Brandon. Better late than never though! Hello everybody! So I'll get out ahead of some of the questions I seen posed in other intro threads; favorite and least favorite! Favorite; uuuuuugh what a difficult question. Like all time? Maybe probably Hoid, or Dalinar, or probably Shallon depending on the day you catch me. Today though currently riding the Yumi - Painter high so I'll give credit to Yumi. Hard not to spoil anything here so just wow she was so interesting and well written. Least favorite; also a tough call, and like I feel like Moash is the right or obvious answer here but the fact is I LOVE to hate him. The Sorceress comes to mind just for sheer meanness and lacking many redeeming qualities. Before RoW I would of said Venli but I feel confident saying her character has been thoroughly explored, her choices understood, and her complexity expressed to a nicety. Anyway happy to be among friends! Just came here initially to peep any new WoB but glad I stumbled upon this social aspect but of the 17th Shard. Thanks be to all the good folks putting this on! -Baylor of the Broken Spear
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