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Truthwatcher Artifabrian

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Everything posted by Truthwatcher Artifabrian

  1. Maybe you could do something like, the more realistic the growth, the easier it is to do. Healing is the easiest because it is natural for living flesh to grow. Growing organic materials like food is next because it has once been alive. But growing stone is very difficult because stone doesn’t naturally grow at all. As a side note, I’d love to hear about the other elements if you’re willing to share.
  2. This is of the top of my head and might be wrong. Weren’t the trappers using small boats to get between islands? That means they can’t be that far apart. Also, if Patji is in the middle, I would guess the danger of the islands fades as you go outward. The islands are different sizes. Patji has steep cliffs all around. Maybe. At least that’s what I remember. Hope this helps!
  3. I love seeing Julia interact with the Stormlight characters. And I’m excited to see exactly what her markstone can do! Thanks for the awesome story!
  4. Sounds cool! I just had to mention this... I happened to read your post exactly 16 hours after it was posted.
  5. How many spheres did you have to pay on copperminds!? That would be useless to me, as I would barely remember any of them.
  6. List the Stormlight character you 1) would like to be friends with most Navani. I would love something along the lines of weekly 1 on 1 fabrial lessons. 2) feel is most believable in terms of motivation Lift. It is very natural to be afraid of change. Especially the change of growing up. 3) enjoy reading about most Shallan. Her relationships with her personas are so fascinating. 4) find most confusing/intriguing Renarin. What is going on with the corrupted bond? 5) find makes you laugh the most Wit. I don’t feel the need for reasoning. 6) would like to punch in the face Moash. Still no reasoning required. 7) personally relate to most Renarin again. Totally feel the whole socially awkward thing. 8) feel is emotionally most realistic Elhokar. Switching between positive and negative feelings of his skill as a king. Also the paranoia due to seeing spren. 9) shamelessly crush on the hardest Not really any of them. If you’re allowing characters outside the Stormlight Archive, Vin. 10) is most like someone you know IRL Jasnah. Specifically, the political moves she made after becoming queen.
  7. In the past, Fused could still return to Roshar so long as no Herald has died yet. Don’t know how that fits into all this.
  8. So, I realized that allomancy means metal magic. Allo is too close to alloy to be a coincidence, and mancy is known to mean magic (think necromancy, meaning death magic). So I thought about the others. Feruchemy probably means something science because chemy is very close to chemistry. Hemalurgy means blood something. Can anyone help me finish off feruchemy and hemalurgy?
  9. Lightweavers and Elsecallers are confirmed what was said above. Here seems to be the general consensus: Skybreakers: either Luckspren or groundspren Dustbringers: either flamespren or decayspren Edgedancers: lifespren Truthwatchers: either lifespren or concentrationspren Willshapers: there was something most people agreed on, but I can’t remember it. Stonewards: Also can’t remember Bondsmiths are practically confirmed to be gloryspren.
  10. Or when any other metal is being used, since the power is coming from Harmony.
  11. Not to mention the difficulties of using forgery off world. But those difficulties also apply to Aon Shao.
  12. Normally the cognitive realm is two dimensional because people think of the world as maps show, rather than three dimensional as it is. Therefore, in this society, the cognitive realm could actually make height matter.
  13. Although a Regal + Radiant is essentially a Fused level of power.
  14. I think luckspren are a better choice for skybreakers. Maybe there’s a form that comes from that?
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