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Spren of Kindness

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Everything posted by Spren of Kindness

  1. I'm up to Proven Guilty in the Dresden Files. Seven down, ten or eleven to go. I do believe this is going to knock out Wheel of Time as the longest series I've read that isn't a middle grade series. (Wording chosen to remove Warrior Cats and Wings of Fire from the running) I also read Ashfall Prophecy, which was interesting, but I don't remember much about the first book. And I finished The Shadow Rising. I'm currently reading In the Shadow of Lightning by Brian McClellan, and next up are The Fires of Heaven and Dresden eight.
  2. Overdramatic pretty words. I don't think that's actually it, but I have no idea what it actually is. What's your favorite obscure word?
  3. I have in the past. It honestly kinda sucked. And still does. TPBM makes jewelry.
  4. I've never been. I figure it might be fun once or twice. Do you have a themed calendar?
  5. I have obtained a cloak. It's dark green, wool blend, ruana style. I'm so excited for it to get cold/rainy enough for me to wear it!
  6. Unfortunately, as I've been expecting, I'm not a huge fan. I'd say I'm somewhere between a 3 and 4 out of 10. Highlight reel of my thoughts from the first two episodes below. (if you don't want to read about costumes, beware.) @dannnnnnex, you said you would be interested in hearing my thoughts, so here's some of them.
  7. We have a tumultuous relationship and I most likely will never have one. But cats can be named anything. You could name a cat Jello Cup or Lord Reginald the Sixth, Earl of the Windowsill, and both are equally valid. Have you ever built a ship in a bottle?
  8. So, I watched The Rings of Power, and in the middle of Episode Two, the power went out, and it was already late and uncomfortably warm without fans running, so we didn't finish, and then yesterday I went to see Top Gun: Maverick again, so it's not until today that I finished the two episodes out so far.

    Not really spoilers below, but I don't want my thoughts to color what other people might think going in if they haven't seen it.


    I dunno, folks.  I walked away from my interrupted viewing feeling middle-of-the-road, but now I've started documenting my thoughts in a Google Doc, and I apparently have a lot of negatives.  I also have three pages of thoughts, from two episodes, and I'm not done with writing about episode two. 

    Will anyone ever see those notes?  Probably not, since I'm not going to do a status update for every episode, and most likely no one wants a ten to twenty page dossier from a pretentious bird.  But I'll have them.

    Anyway.  There were some things I liked.  There were some things I didn't like.  I wrote the words 'bootleg Aegnor and Andreth' which I really never thought was a phrase that would come about.  Many explanations were given to family members who lovingly tolerated the excessive amounts of lore I delivered.  To be fair, they did actually ask.  


    1. danex



      if you do choose to share your notes, i'd read them  =P
      i like reading opinions that differ from my own, lets me look at things from a different perspective
      and i've thoroughly enjoyed RoP so far


  9. Read, or fool around with writing. It's not my favorite way, but I don't know what my favorite would be. What are your thoughts on fried okra?
  10. Approximately twenty-five hours ago, I was driving down a pretty normal town street.  Two lanes, one for each direction.  There's cars behind me, there's a car approaching in the other lane.  And behind that car, lo and behold, what do I see but a motorized skateboard and the helmeted rider upon it, coming down the road.  And he was doing the speed limit too, which seems quite fast compared to other skateboards I've seen.

    That was weird.  I looked it up and it was legal 'n everything, but you really don't see that most days around here.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. 2EmLee2
    3. SymphonianBookworm


      ... How does one go on the speed limit on a skateboard and not fall off?

    4. Morningtide


      That's the best. Yes, how does one accomplish this feat @SymphonianBookworm

  11. Not yet, but tomorrow may be another story... TPBM likes doing yardwork.
  12. My siblings, dad, and I went to go see Rogue One in IMax, since it was rereleased for promotion of Andor. Good golly, this remains my favorite Star Wars film and I'm so glad I got to see it in theaters again!
  13. Making a long-sleeved jumpsuit of a reasonable color into a flightsuit is probably feasible if you have access to a sewing machine or Heat-N-Bond. Or, if it's an option, making a jumpsuit from scratch would probably work too, since it allows for more customization.
  14. I don't think I'm a 'z' kind of person, I'm more (melo) dramatic. TPBM often wears boots.
  15. Didn't really have any, luckily. TPBM got up early.
  16. I still keep up with the releases, though I gave away my copies a few years back. I recollect that I used to have (what I thought was) a rock solid theory on the parentage debate, though for the life of me I can't remember what that theory was. I think I thought it was Grady.
  17. I am really partial to navy blue, but blue is the best color so I can't pick just one favorite shade. What is the oldest thing you own?
  18. Yes, several people in my family including myself bake, cook, grill etc. Have you ever said 'yeehaw' unironically?
  19. Edelweiss, I think it was. NHIE started making one thing and ended with something completely different.
  20. The last one I finished was Master of Iron, the sequel to Blade of Secrets. It's about a magical bladesmith with social anxiety who makes a magic sword that causes many problems. It was fun, did slap me in the face with a raw sardine a couple times though. Have you ever seen a meteor shower?
  21. An Edwardian Hobbit with Elven aspirations meets a pseudo-military construction worker. Do you have a 3-D printer?
  22. For other people? None. For many reasons, it's just easier to keep it on silent. Do you know how to dance?
  23. Finished Howl's Moving Castle. It was pretty good, though not one of my immediate all-time favorites. Also finished Dresden Five, Death Masks. Next up, Master of Iron and continuing The Shadow Rising.
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