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Spren of Kindness

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Everything posted by Spren of Kindness

  1. Finally caught up on The Dresden Files! Good golly. Finished Frankenstein as well, and Shantaram, an absolutely massive door stopper of a book that took me three days, and I quite enjoyed. Next up, Light Years From Home, Hamlet, and some other stuff.
  2. I did, and that's all I read of the series. TPBM writes poetry.
  3. This is a complaint against spellcheck, which seems to think I need to pick a side on British and American English.  I'll use 'grey' and 'demeanour' followed immediately by 'honor' and 'labor' all I want, thanks.  

    I don't even know when I started mixing them, though.  That's something I'll wonder about for a while.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Robin Sedai

      Robin Sedai

      I have the same problem. So irritating <_<

    3. Morningtide


      yeah. I like grey better but can't stand the look of colour or honour and the like

    4. DramaQueen


      I'm the opposite, I like gray better but love the look of colour and favourite and honour and flavour and all those our words. Oh and behaviour. 

  4. I've never thought too much about them, to be honest. TPBM has a specific library they want to visit.
  5. I quite enjoy long movies, in general, when they're good. And I have no problem with sweeping landscape shots. So I enjoyed Lawrence of Arabia. That was a good movie. I then watched Little Women, the 1985 version, right after, which is a pretty steep pacing jump, but I enjoyed that as well. Not sure on the historical accuracy of some of the costumes, but they were quite pretty, and I liked the adaption overall.
  6. So, episode nine... My dad gave the best quote - 'Syril's cheese is sliding off the cracker'. '
  7. Oh dear.

    I went to calculate how much the fabric for the dress I want to make would cost...

    Just shy of $180, USD.

    That's what I get for expensive taste, I suppose.

    Why do I feel like I'm going to do this anyway...  Gah, sewing is such an expensive hobby

  8. Rich Mullins, The Jesus Record. This is one of my favorite albums, I really need to download it one of these days.
  9. Sometimes both, sometimes neither. If I'm with friends, I can stay up late. But I have a really bad habit of waking up early, and doing fairly okay. It fully depends on who I'm with and the circumstances. Do you like windy days?
  10. Finished A Crown of Swords, Skin Game, and Peace Talks. So I'm almost caught up with The Dresden Files, and I'm on the downhill slope for my Wheel of Time reread. Next up: Frankenstein, Post Captain from the Aubrey-Maturin novels, Battle Ground, and The Path of Daggers. Oh, and Thorn, a goose girl retelling.
  11. Because that's what woodchucks do. Sweaters or flannels?
  12. I have, with Mistborn Era Two, and thus, I likely will again soon... TPBM wants to go to a symphony.
  13. No, probably not. TPBM is baffled how their house plant has survived as long as it has.
  14. Tacos for sure. I've had some really good street tacos in my time. Do you like peppermint?
  15. In small amounts. TPBM has a collection of seashells.
  16. Probably not, I don't have the time. Do you have a cool set of bookends?
  17. Not particularly - I also don't use them very much. TPBM is glad for the recent weather around them.
  18. I can't say I do, at least, not visible ones. What's your favorite umbrella color?
  19. I just finished Lord of Chaos and I'm up to Cold Days in Dresden. I've also started reading the Foreigner series by C.J. Cherryh, and The Count of Monte Cristo is up next.
  20. I mean, they're a pretty strong prescription, but that's it. TPBM likes autumn.
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