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The Awakened Salad

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Everything posted by The Awakened Salad

  1. Could I also be added to the Secret Santa and Story PMs too? I can make an advent PM as well, if anyone’s interested.
  2. Avren needed to leave the city. It hurt to leave the past three years behind, but he couldn’t take any chances. Unfortunately, there was a group standing at the mouth of the alley. It wouldn’t be long before they all left, and Avren would be free to go. But then, a strange desire overwhelmed him. He wanted to join them, of all things. They could be travellers, he rationalised. They could offer protection, and he’d be able to leave the city without much issue. Steeling his nerves, he approached the group. “Excuse me,” he began. “Are you all travellers? Do you have room for one more?” @anyone in the group
  3. I can help with the advent calendar! I may or may not have already started thinking of prompts
  4. Alas, Nameless was thwarted by not using italics.
  5. The Silver Merchant was quiet tonight. Dariya had let Avren retire early, the old innkeeper claiming “It’s bad for your health, so many late nights.” Despite that, this was the first night off he’d had in years. He could go out, see the street performers, visit the night market, but the streets were dangerous, and it wasn’t like he had any— The jingling of keys came from the other side of the door. Some muttered cursing, and then a sharp click. The door swung open, revealing a burly man Avren had never seen before, and Dariya, her face wrought with scorn. “Wha—” The man strode into the room and pinned Avren’s hands behind his back. Panic flared in his stomach. How did she... No, she couldn’t have found out. He had been careful, he had done everything right. But if that was true... Then this wouldn’t be happening. The man looked to Dariya, who remained in the hall outside. She nodded, and the man began to force Avren out of the room. As they passed her in the hall, Avren struggling weakly, Dariya leaned in and whispered to him. “You filthy liar,” she hissed. “Consider this a mercy. I should have your head for this.” At those words, the fight drained out of him, the knowledge of betrayal seeping into his skin, down to his bones. It was inevitable, he’d known that. And Dariya was right. He would’ve, should’ve, been killed. Even still, it was hard to feel thankful as he was pitched onto the street, his few belongings thrown out after him. He could feel the stares of people passing by, wondering at what this odd boy did to get thrown out. He wanted to disappear, to melt into the shadows and never be seen again. His face burned as he picked up his things and slung his pack over his shoulder, as he began to trudge down the street, head down. He knew an alley by the academy that was usually empty. He could sleep there tonight, and tomorrow— No. He pushed all those thoughts away. He had to focus on tonight. Tears spilled down his cheeks, no matter how hard he fought to contain them. By the time he reached the alley, he was shaking. The packed dirt hardly looked appealing, but it was all he had.
  6. I love your Ookla name and pfp! Abra’s awesome

    1. Rebecca


      Thanks! :D I’m not a huge Pokémon fan, but Abra is what first popped into my head when I thought of doing telekinetic, and it sounded fun so I went with it. And I like yours too, your picture’s really cool!

    2. Aspiring Writer
    3. The Awakened Salad

      The Awakened Salad

      Thanks! :D I’m not a huge Pokémon fan, but Abra is what first popped into my head when I thought of doing telekinetic, and it sounded fun so I went with it. And I like yours too, your picture’s really cool!

      Aw, thanks! I spent ages looking for one, so I’m glad you think it’s cool!


      Hi salad.

      Who is this Salad you speak of? There is only Ookla. 

  7. If you had to be a hybrid of two animals, what animals would you choose? Do you smile with your mouth open or closed? How are you? What colour do you think best represents you?
  8. Could you awaken a food wrap with the command “Rap”?
  9. My phone has memorised a bunch of Cosmere and Shard related words, so let’s see how this turns out. What I wrote is in bold. Jasnah is a meme thread that I don’t have. Szeth of the time I am Salad Day and the salad was dipped in green beans. Brandon Sanderson you know what to do with the school bus was in storage at the Shard. And then I did myself because why not The Awakened Salad transformed the cake into a large spoon of the butter and butter in it with the butter and green tea and the butter and butter. So what I have learned is that apparently we have a school bus stored somewhere around here, and my phone thinks about salad too much and it’s completely my fault.
  10. Happy birthday to Marianne! She’s one of my favourite characters too
  11. Ahhhhhhh these are two of my favourite characters! And they look fantastic!
  12. It’s one of the most followed threads on the Shard, so conversations tend to give people a lot of unwanted notifications. Additionally, most times the conversations aren’t meme related, hence why they’re asked to be moved.
  13. Happy trans awareness week! *sprinkles confetti* (also you might be interested in this thread, we’re partying there as well )
  14. Wooo happy trans awareness week!!! Sending all my love and support to you guys
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