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Status Replies posted by Frustration

  1. you know about insect centaurs as you are one. Is your race small? My friend doubts me.

  2. I'm curious.


    What was the lore behind your legos during your childhood? Or any toys for that matter (for me it was legos).

  3. Mangrove trees are one of the worst things ever added to Minecraft

  4. can we talk about inflation for a second


    we all know the bit

    old people being like "back in my day, you could buy a cheeseburger for a nickel" or whatever

    but like

    do you realize how fast its increasing

    i feel like people don't mention specific numbers enough

    you can see drastic, DRASTIC changes in prices in our own lifetimes

    inflation is up TWENTY FIVE PERCENT since 2016


    if you bought something for 100$ in 2016, it would cost 125$ now. 

    less than SEVEN. YEARS.

    I bought MANY things in 2016. I can REMEMBER these lower prices

    we are the old people now.

    go back a bit further and its even more extreme. since 2004, the year of my birth, prices have gone up SIXTY PERCENT. 



    i am never gonna be able to afford anything ever

  5. is secret project #2 cosmere?

    i've been avoiding all SP spoilers so far

    but it comes out this weekend so i want to know how hyped i'm supposed to be

  6. guys I have access to Google's weird AI called "Bard"

    gimme some stuff to talk about with it

  7. guys I have access to Google's weird AI called "Bard"

    gimme some stuff to talk about with it

  8. wanna know some fun math that makes me terrified of everything 

    imagine taking every single atom in your body, and expanding that atom into a clone of yourself. the new total number of atoms is about the same as the total number of atoms in the planet earth.

    now do it again. take every single atom in the planet earth, and expand it into a copy of the whole.

    that’s roughly how many atoms are in the observable universe. 

    in other words

    You^2^2 = Universe. 

  9. I've been really low the past few days, and while I'm still on the Star Wars high from Clone Wars I opted to boost my mood a little by watching the most mediocre movies ever made: The Prequels.

    As an Original Trilogy purist I figured I should probably re-immerse myself in them in order to formulate a more educated opinion. Not that this rewatch was scientific by any means - I spent an awful lot of the Anakin x Padme scenes on reddit - but I gathered some good intel and reeducated opinions from them.

    Without further ado, here we are:

    1) The Phantom Menace

    I have good memories associated with this movie. Ages ago it was showing in a local cinema for some reason, and my dad took me to go see it. We were watching it in 3D (with the cardboard glasses), and at my age I honestly just had a blast. Podracing, lightsaber duels, big explosions - heck yeah!

    A lot of people regard it as the worst Star Wars (or did, anyways, before the Sequels came into being), but I always thought it was a solid standalone at the very least. Something about Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jinn as the main characters doing their own thing really just gives it this solid vibe for me. Almost like it isn't supposed to be a part of a bigger story, and just that it's an origin for how Obi-Wan came to apprentice Anakin with a bunch of sick action packed in between.

    And upon rewatch? It kinda holds up. I'll be completely honest and admit that the Podracing and first half of the Darth Maul duel (truel? Is it a truel if two of them are on the same side?) weren't quite as incredible as I remembered, but that's probably because I've been absolutely saturated with S-tier anime action sequences for the past while. For the truel in particular it really picks up when it's just Obi-Wan versus Maul, even if only for about thirty seconds before he gets kicked into a pit.

    Far from my favorite Star Wars, but I really don't think it's as bad as people seem to believe.

    Though I guess anything with Jar Jar in it immediately gets negative poitns.

    2) Attack of the Clones

    I had seen this movie once before.

    Once, many moons ago, when my siblings and I were like "hey dad, we've never seen the other Star Wars movies; we should get on that" and he was like "mkay, your loss."

    This movie is such a drag. It is so incredibly boring and slow and uneven. Everything just felt so... inconsequential. Obi-Wan Kenobi seeing the massive clone army for the first time is supposed to be this realization of a sinister plot behind the scenes, but instead it's like "mhm. clones." Count Dooku just feels tossed in there haphazardly, and the duel (truel???) against him is far less than interesting for the most part. And don't even get me started on Anakin x Padme, and don't even start getting me started on C3PO.

    Running through the factory? Boring.

    Jedi leaping into action on Geonosis? Arbitrary.

    Clones coming to save everyone's hide? Inconsequential.

    But I'll give credit where it's due. I remembered thinking the Yoda vs Dooku fight was absolutely ridiculous as a kid, but it's really not quite as bad as I seemed to remember. The weird screams our lil' green friend made were a little out of place, but I recalled him leaping from wall to wall like a pinball instead of the otherwise decently-paced fight that the two of them had. And Obi-Wan, of course, was as wonderful as always.

    Politics were still as underwhelming as always.

    3) Revenge of the Sith

    In my stark hatred for the prequels during my youth, I always purposefully despised this one out of nothing but spite. So many people I knew insisted that it was the best Star Wars ever made, and I just couldn't put up with the fact that a prequel could be given such a title.

    When people say the prequels are good, they mean Revenge of the Sith is good.

    And it is.

    Maybe I was just happy to come off the absolute drag that was Attack of the Clones, but blimey does this movie hit the spot. Starting off right into several minutes of high-octane space combat, just to leap into a remarkable set of lightsaber action and setting up Palpatine's intentions and Anakin's weaknesses. Anakin and Obi-Wan actually feel like old friends, the battles actually feel like something is happening, and somehow they managed to do with General Grievous in half a movie what they couldn't with Count Dooku in two.

    And Padme is somewhat bearable, too!

    I'll stick to some of my old opinions though. Anakin going from trying to save Palpatine to killing younglings in five minutes feels as rushed and choppy as always, the Order 66 montage does not feel nearly as consequential as it should, and I feel like the movie would be a hell of a lot better if they could just cut out the Yoda vs Sideous fight altogether.

    Some stuff that definitely changed was my opinion of the writing and dialogue as a whole. Like I said, there were weak spots (mostly Anakin x Padme), but honestly a lot of the dialogue seemed a lot better than I seemed to remember. The scene where Palpatine reveals himself to Anakin as the sith lord was actually pretty dang great, I think; and don't even mention literally every word to come out of Kenobi's mouth. And overall the pacing was a heck of a lot better than -

    oh I dunno

    - Attack of the Clones.

    And Anakin vs Obi-Wan, man...

    It just...


    I'm still team Original Trilogy but damn this movie slaps.

    - Overall -

    The prequels aren't great, but they're Star Wars to the bone and always will be. That's how I've seen them ever since I finished Rise of Skywalker: maybe they aren't good, but at least they aren't insulting to the franchise. This is bona fide Star Wars. This is the real deal - the good and the bad.

    Yeah, the progression of the plot is less than great in most cases. I agree that Palpatine is the GOAT because he fabricated a war to create an army to turn on the greatest power in the galaxy to conquer it all and rule for dozens of years - and in light of that I honestly wish that that they had more of of the politics. Not more scenes, necessarily, but more of the intricacies and nuances going into it. All we ever saw were the tail ends of his major plays, but there had to have been hundreds or even thousands of other actions and decisions he'd had made along the way to get there. All we saw was the senate cheering and applauding his acceptance of emergency powers and formation of the empire, but what bribes and laws and influences had to go into effect first?

    And honestly... that Anakin x Padme?  b l e c h. You don't need me to tell you that. How in the world did George Lucas think that two people who'd known each other for a couple days at most meeting up after ten bloody years would wind up making out after just hours and then married less than a week after that? And make that seem at all like a healthy relationship?

    That scene in Clone Wars Season 7? The one where Rex guards the door from Kenobi while Anakin talks with Padme over hologram? That one scene developed their relationship a thousand times better than all of Attack of the Clones.

    Just... git gud, writers.

    I've been spoiled by Andor, is what I've come to realize.


    I'm still Team Original, but really that's only because of the significance to Anakin Skywalker's story that these movies add. The Tragedy of Darth Vader the Great: that's what these six movies are about. George Lucas said he wrote all of the original trilogy as one script, starting with Darth Vader entering the starship and ending with him throwing Sideous down the reactor shaft. When we say we're done with the Skywalkers we mean we're done with the Skywalkers: there is nothing more to add to their story. Anakin was and is the Chosen One, bringing balance to the force by destroying the sith.

    So maybe I'm not Team Original? Maybe I'm just Team Frick The Sequels like everyone else with a brain.

    I actually liked The Force Awakens but that's a discussion for another time


    That's all I got.

    B y e 

  10. If you're a player on the luxurious dannex.minehut.gg server, drop ur discords here, ima make us a GC for server announcements and stuff

  11. Turns out Time Dilation is a wildly exponential function

    After several failed attempts at creating a backwards compatibility equation for it, I eventually brute-forced some numbers to determine that in order to watch The Lord of the Rings: Extended Editions in a moving vessel in the same amount of time as a stationary person watches The Lord of the Rings: Theatrical Editions, you would have to be moving 99.999999666% the speed of light. That is 299792457.99929 m/s.

    That, my friends, is nigh impossible.




    Adding it to my bucket list anyways.

  12. made the funniest image of all time no contest




  13. best childrens tv show, premise/lore/worldbuilding-wise, go.

    my instinctual answer is ben 10

    slugterra is also up there

    avatar is another good answer, but tbh i sometimes find the plot/worldbuilding lacking. avatar really shines with it's character work more than this imo.

    1. Frustration


      Ninjago was pretty good, but I agree they should have ended after they killed the Overlord, the first time.

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  14. what I should be doing at 5 AM: literally anything but this

    what I'm doing at 5 AM: 



    who's your favorite?

    1. Frustration



      It's cute I guess, but there are cuter mons.

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  16. Well, this morning up till now has been kinda awful.

    (CW for medical stuff, vomit mention, and very mild, non-intentional sh)



    I've got a really weird, painful pain in my lower back, and at one point I literally could not move. I was whimpering and crying and sobbing and the tears were streaming into my ears because I was laying down and couldn't sit up. I started stimming (which I already only do when either really not doing well or have way way way too much energy), and this was stimming where I was slamming my legs together to the point where it kinda hurt. My stomach hurt, and the most I was able to eat was four tiny bites of toast, which I soon felt like I was going to throw back up. My brother came over to help me, which was very nice of him. I took a COVID test, which was negative, and honestly I would've preferred it to be positive, because then at least I would know what's going on.

    Neither my brother nor I have insurance cards, so we can't go to the Instacare, but my parents are up here for my cousin's mission farewell. I'm currently feeling quite a bit better, so they're going to go to the farewell, I'm gonna stay home and get some rest, and if things get worse again I'll text them and one of them will come take me to Instacare. If it doesn't get worse, it can wait till after the farewell.


    Like I said, I'm feeling quite a bit better, but I'd still greatly appreciate it if all of you could keep me in your thoughts and send me good vibes to figure out what's going on and get it taken care of.


    who's your favorite?

    1. Frustration


      Blastoise, Rayquaisa, honestly all of the Weather trio particularly the primal and mega forms, and the Tao trio. And Deoxys. And the Creation trio. And Keldeo.

      Chinchou is also a favorite, and Aegislash.

      I have a lot if you can't tell

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  18. Guys I reached a 380 day streak Duolingoooo

    *tired screaming*


    I've also got an irl commission that I've gotta make for a friend - and I'm gonna get payed whooo

    *more tired screaming*

    Have a wonderful day/morning/afternoon/evening humans!

    1. Frustration


      Telrao, is the duolingo bird holding you or your family hostage?

      Blink twice if the answer is yes.

    2. (See 28 other replies to this status update)

  19. a few things

    1. selling plasma is the most dystopian thing ever, its disgusting

    2. i sold some plasma today

    3. shoutout to the guy working there who got me all signed up and noticed my mistborn hoodie and pronounced 'feruchemical' right

    4. i fainted after walking home from the plasma donation center, never fainted before in my life so that was weird

    5. i am now 100$ richer

    1. Frustration


      See this is why antagonizing Russia was, and remains a bad idea.

      China has been declaring that we're in a second cold war for years now.

      I don't think Putin believes the first one ever ended.

      And no one cares, the stinking warmongers in Congress are going on and on about regime changes in Russia, making our proxy war in Ukraine last forever, we probably committed an act of terrorism bombing Nordstrom 2.

      And that's not to mention that Putin has been making a suspicious number of visits to Cancer specialists, and may be dying and thus more desperate to get things done.


      All in all we are on a freight train headed to WW3 and our politicians are desperate to cut the breaks off!


      Sorry, I got a little worked up there.

    2. (See 24 other replies to this status update)

  20. *drags hands down face and groans*

    So... I kinda knew it was coming. But it's still weird. 

    My parents are starting to look at other churches we could try out and see what we like. I think I would have struggled more a few weeks ago, but right now, I think I'm okay, except that I basically get a panic attack whenever I think about the fact that we're really leaving the lds church and going somewhere else. I mean... my whole life has been basically centered around being lds. 

    BUT. I trust my parents enough to follow them, especially after the things we've talked about. Don't ask me what they are, because I'm not really supposed to talk about the reasons we're leaving. Just think about like this: You start researching washing your hands, because you're curious about it. And suddenly you learn that it doesn't do what everyone says it does. It washes off the dirt and grime but doesn't kill any germs. Or maybe you learn that it doesn't do anything at all!

    Bad analogy, but it was the only one I could think of. Or maybe  you find out one day that the sky was never blue and it's always been orange. 

    Anyway, I should probably shut my mouth. 

    Also, I'm exhausted of life. I'm not suicidal (though I've had thoughts), I'm just... really, really burnt out. Twelve weeks left till summer break. Eighty-four days. I can do this.

    I just wish there was a way I could stop the clock to breathe.

  21. why is arkansas pronounced arkansas but just kansas isnt pronounced kansas

  22. why is arkansas pronounced arkansas but just kansas isnt pronounced kansas

    1. Frustration


      @Elf it doesn't matter where you live there are dumb names.

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

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