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Status Replies posted by Frustration

  1. What has four letters. occasionally has twelve letters, sometimes has nine letters, but never has five letters?

  2. I'm going to be inactive on the Shard for a week, so goodbye until then.

  3. I'm going to be inactive on the Shard for a week, so goodbye until then.

  4. when did you change your profile picture?

  5. when did you change your profile picture?

  6. So I'll probably be offline for a little while. I'll explain why eventually.

  7. 100 memes update 2 25 memes complete 1/4 of the way there

  8. 100 memes update 2 25 memes complete 1/4 of the way there

  9. It is time! Today marks 2 years on the shard for me and in that time I have met so many amazing people.at first I was hesitant, but now I know that the people on this website are some of the best people in the world. This beautiful haven has such a great community and I am truly blessed to be a part of it.

    I normally don’t name names in this type of thing because I don’t want to leave anyone out, but there's a few people I really need to mention.

    @AonEne you are an amazing person. From day one you were welcoming and supportive, even if we barely knew each other (because I was scared of you). I now know you are kind, funny, and astonishingly good at modding. 

    @Lunamor you might’ve been the very first person on here to really try to get to know me. I first met you on TLT of course and found you super funny. You are still the same person the overwhelmed little freshmen first latched on to and I love you for it.

    @Truthless of Shinovar what can I say about you? You can be @Frustration at times, but I a really weird way. You are fantastic and wonderful, but I will never forgive you for making me miss ookla season last year. ^_^

    @Shard of Reading @I Am A Fish @DramaQueen @hoiditthroughthegrapevine @Condensation and @Matrim's Dice have all been incredibly supportive as well with my mediocre art in my inktober thread (I’m cheating on today's, I want it to be beautiful) to my sometimes annoyed posts in CCRB you all are fantastic.

    It really blows my mind that people like what I have to say and offer here. At school I’ve never been a popular kid. I’ve always been the awkward one in the corner who gets rebuffed when they try to join conversations. Many of you have been there too, and I think that's why we have such a supportive community. We know what other go through, because we've been through it. Not everyone was the awkward kid, but those kool kidz are just as amazing. It's astonishing to me the fact that I was top of the week for like 3 days in a row. I thank you all for that.

    I know I’ve missed people, but just know that everyone is appreciated, loved, and thanked by me. (Especially those who deal with me when I get grumpy in roast battles). It's probably been the best two years of my life and I hope to see many more.

    From the bottom of my heart, thank you all so much.

  10. That awkward moment when you realize that your Shardiversary is also your date.


    I wouldn't have it any other way.




  11. Lol did you see what I was viewing and go there too

  12. "I regret to announce — this is The End. I am going now. I bid you all a very fond farewell. Goodbye."

  13. "I regret to announce — this is The End. I am going now. I bid you all a very fond farewell. Goodbye."

  14. "I regret to announce — this is The End. I am going now. I bid you all a very fond farewell. Goodbye."

  15. "I regret to announce — this is The End. I am going now. I bid you all a very fond farewell. Goodbye."

  16. To everyone waiting I am now done with 90 memes, the rest soon to follow, and then I have to divide them by book, and will post

  17. BIG NEWS! Well, not really... anyway I’m changing my name into The One Ring. After a few month spent on the Shard wandering around, poking here and there, I found that almost everyone has a general theme or something. And I think it could be fun to see Nightblood try to destroy me!

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